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Posts posted by conistonslim

  1. Most people involved in wars are involved in them for a good portion, not sure how relevant that is.  The fact remains that TPF is using past wars, wars that were fought before a good portion of the nations around today existed, to prove that they are not cowards. In the same distant history, TPF has also shied away from war when it was apparent they were not going to achieve victory. Hell, mhawk had to split for TPF to even think of defending NPO in Karma.

    You should step back and take a deep breath son, you're trying way too hard.

  2. I understand your position comrade,  I doubt that TOP considered themselves the treacherous ones coming into this.  Sometimes you have to be able to step back and see both sides before you can find solutions.

    Nice to see you posting here trying to calm the waters instead of fanning the flames. I wish you would have started this trend years ago. Polar is much better off for it.
  3. Seeing as during the length of the grudge there were numerous times they could of hopped on board a Polar beat down and settled the grudge it actually does have some relevance. Conistonslim knows more about being allied to NpO than you and most of the Sith so no need to try and tell him about what Polar does to its allies. On your oA point, I dont think he was mocking them for having to latch on to someone like NG. Just that they should probably stop acting like they are the ones that Polar should be afraid of.  NSO looks like a chihuahua barking at a pitbull. If that doesnt look bad to you then ok.

    Yeah pretty much this.

  4. Or it could be that NpO has dicked them over as well. Has a history of dicking allies over.... over and over and over again. Could be that.... just sayin.

    It could be they got dicked over by NpO three or four years ago, could be a lot of folks think NSO look ridiculous to be foaming at the mouth about that now, and it could be a lot of folks laugh at NSO whenever they talk tough, you know legion flashbacks etc. So yeah, they should stfu and oA in on a beatdown like the brave badasses they are. They wouldn't look so stupid. 

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