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Everything posted by Z3000

  1. you should join the Keepers of the Covenat. We have few members but we're all very active on the forums. We can also provide you tech deals and just a generally awesome community. http://z8.invisionfree.com/KoTC_High_Chari...dex.php?act=idx we also allow tech raids of inactive nations and a possible spot in the government.
  2. join the Keepers odf the Covenant. We can't give you immediate startup-aid but we can provide tech deals to make you almost as much. Any type you want. We also have an awesome community http://z8.invisionfree.com/KoTC_High_Chari...dex.php?act=idx
  3. the Keepers of the Covenant. Our community is the friendliest around and we can provide tech deals for all players. http://z8.invisionfree.com/KoTC_High_Chari...dex.php?act=idx or #kotc on coldfront
  4. those are really things you want to get done before you make the alliance YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS!! I figured out how to make things italicized. I AM A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. hmmmmmmmm... I personally recomend staying in your own alliance for a while and getting a governmet position there so you'll have expierience first. Also it'd be nice if you had the idea on here.
  6. looked at your forums. do you have a protecterate or a charter. Because without the former you'll be raider food for a while and without the latter no one will konw what your alliance is all about
  7. join the Keepers of the Covenant. We won't make you change color and we have an awesome close-knit communtiy and a protecterate with LoSS. Also we have the cookies of love. forums: http://z8.invisionfree.com/KoTC_High_Chari...dex.php?act=idx irc: #kotc on coldfront
  8. yep Mogar's gone and his appeal was denied
  9. If they surrender, make one of the terms that Keno can't post utterly stupid things for at least a couple rounds
  10. Z3000

    3/100 3x3

    Nation Ruler: Z3000 Nation Name: the nation I own Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=309120 Buyer or Seller: seller When slots available: Now Alliance: Keepers of the Covenant
  11. we're so awesome we don't need to sign it I personally agreee with this. If I was the one writing this I wouldn't announce it. I have done treaties before and I never announced them.
  12. Yes this is something 30 people care about. The 17 of us and the 13 of the GFSN with two people who actually read the forums
  13. I wouldn't be to sure she has a habit of disguising it as apple juice and force feeding it to you. Are you unconscious at the moment?
  14. why are me and Kenai the only ones who bump this. Oh well Bump
  15. I can help set you up. I won't join the alliance but I can help set you up and get you a good recruitment message if you give me the general idea of the alliance.
  16. Hello! I need a trade circle containing gems/silver. If you have one that needs those resources please reply Thanks B)
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