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Everything posted by Z3000

  1. but I thought you roasted the bodies of your children and ate them? Here in the nation I own we eat our own legs raw
  2. congrats to both alliances who I didn't know until now:D
  3. links are the number one cause of strokes. in the world today and also he might not have seen it
  4. they disbanded in case you didn't konw
  5. have you guys been bumping without me ): bump:)
  6. OOC: What is the point of the topic IC: I thought it was a cupcake
  7. here at KoTC we can give you tech deals and government positions in either two minutes or two months (depending on what you want) forums we also can provide an awesome community and protection (via protectorate)
  8. Two alliances merging into us in one month.
  9. you didn't tell him our name Lenahan. Anyways we are one of the most fun and awesome alliances. We can also provide tech deals trade circles and the like. We also have expierienced members. Oh yeah and we're the Keepers of the Covenants edit: Now I forget to say our name
  10. wow and you didn't even say anything about that being the 1,000th post
  11. congrats on the starting up of your alliance on OOC: CN standard
  12. good luck in your new alliance. I like the small alliance scene also
  13. also some alliances offer start up aid and tech deals (which make about the same amount of money by the way) and some don't because there aren't any nations with huge warchests. I know Johnwaker ( our techâ„¢ minster) can set you up with deals that make you almost 3mil$$$$$$$$.
  14. to add to the charter thing the charter tells you the government, elections, forums, raiding policy (raiding is a way for people to get free tech from unaligned nations), organization and much more.
  15. Oh boy lame, dull, and boring (reads rest of senetence) oh I guess I'll stay in my own alliance
  16. I think NPO was the only alliance to actually take complete control of a color sphere. Each alliance does not take over a color sphere. Most alliances are democratic or if they are dictatorship either take suggestions or get couped. But still most alliances are democratic I know mine is edit: Me grammer good good
  17. yeah A lot of alliances have diffrent styles as the ODN dude said and as for the "lot of alliances out there" that's a real understatement. There are tons of them. From almost seven hundred members down to five friends who like to hang out. Larger alliances typically can let you have more power and a less tight-knit community while alliances with lower member counts aren't very powerful but has more tighty-knit communities. And in case this is a help wanted advertisement you should totally join the Keepers of the Covenant if you would like the smaller community feel and a higher chance of getting into the government. We are also protected by LoSS. . Oh and also about the color guilds most of them have a primary color. In KoTC it is recommended that you switch to purple but we also have quite a few blue and aqua members.
  18. congrats to TOP for taking the top spot in the rankings. Also, is it just me or did the NPO lose 11 members since last update
  19. what! A one man alliance. Good luck with that. But do you really think anyone cares?
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