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Blog Comments posted by Zangmonkey

  1. Yes MPK let’s be honest here. You are telling me that you where discussing amending the ESA in mid April and yet you didn’t discuss it with your only true ally MHA? You talked to Umbrella but not MHA, you talked to FOK but not MHA, this seems a little odd to me and I would have to say not easy to swallow.

    I'm telling you that I, personally, floated the idea with Ram. I don't know if it was discussed at .gov levels with MHA and it would not be my place to do so.

    However, there has been discussion actively with MHA regarding the whole situation (which has, in my opinion, been consistently and deliberately obstructed by Scutterbug so I am reluctant to acknowledge any of his OWF posts)

  2. When FOK were informed of this, was Ram next on the attack list, or was he a way down that list? If he looked to be next on the list, that would suggest he was scared of being attacked. If lower on the list, it points to a genuineness on his part.

    There is no sense in your pursuing this line of logic.

    Do any of you really think that we all weren't prepared to fight over this?

    At all times we all expected to have wars declared on us by any of the many nations flying the IRON AA.

    You're kidding yourself if you think being attacked had anything to do with it. The possibility of all of us going to ZI has been discussed ad nauseum over this issue.

    To be quite honest, we discussed seeing who would be open to amending the ESA in mid April; I even personally chatted with Umbrella about arranging a proxy surrender.

    Of course, I wasn't .gov at this time so it was just ideas.

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