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A Pacifican Salute

Bob Janova


This week, one year on from a time at which the Karma war was still raging on at least some fronts, the last act of that war was played out, as the surrender terms placed on the NPO finally expired with their last reparation payments.

At around ten months, that makes those terms some of the longest in history (though the GPA had to put up with indefinite terms and were released after a similar period), and as was well publicised, the reparations were the largest ever. Pacifica managed to avoid some of the least popular of the terms it laid down to others during its time at the top – viceroys, economic improvement and wonder decommision, forced changes of government – but it did have to send out very large amounts of tech and under the same limitation of who could send it as the Polar Order before them. It is good to see the Bipolar terms no longer using that restriction.

It was widely expected that the NPO would suffer large membership losses, as so many alliances in war and surrender did – and indeed, during the war itself, around 200 nations decided it wasn't worth it, but they were replaced with new recruits. Through the peace terms, though, they have held together well, planned their exit strategy and now, as we see them execute remilitarisation and a re-entry into the political arena, even we here in Seria – frequently opposed to the NPO and its actions – must congratulate them and say: 'Welcome back, NPO; enjoy your day in the sun'.

It seems that certain groups all around the political world are trying to push the treaty web back into its old 'Karma vs Hegemony' mould, a task which is made easier by the NPO's friendships – carried over from the old Hegemony as might be expected, with the exception of NSO – and by the loss during the war of the two semi-independent power centres (Citadel and Frostbite). It is to be hoped that those all around the web don't just fall back into the same old ways. Let NPO and other alliances of all sides find their feet and interact with them for who they are, not who they treaty themselves with.

[OOC: Bet you never expected a pro-NPO post from me :P]


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The above gentlemen have summed up my initial thoughts reasonably well.

But yes, it is good to see them back. We need more villains in this game. And unfortunately Nordreich keeps making friends, so....

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But yes, it is good to see them back. We need more villains in this game. And unfortunately Nordreich keeps making friends, so....

I have to admit, your periodic commi crushings are easily one of my favourite series of wars. It's too bad you made up, it was a great rivalry :(

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As good as it sounds to say to interact with them for who they are and not who they treaty with, I will bet that many will try to force things and say "same ole NPO" whenever they get a chance. I bet many will also eventually say and actually some have already said that NPO didn't pay enough etc.

I wasn't here for when NPO was dominant in the game. They never hurt me. So I will give them and anyone a chance until they prove otherwise.

But I still say no matter how good NPO behaves, there will be some that have that need to roll them again.

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Of course people in the victorious group are trying to push the world back into the old mould. They won the war in the old mould.

It's the losers in wars that want to see things change. Not the winners.

Not all of the 200 were replaced with recruits. Some NPO members rerolled during the war as well.

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As good as it sounds to say to interact with them for who they are and not who they treaty with, I will bet that many will try to force things and say "same ole NPO" whenever they get a chance. I bet many will also eventually say and actually some have already said that NPO didn't pay enough etc.

I wasn't here for when NPO was dominant in the game. They never hurt me. So I will give them and anyone a chance until they prove otherwise.

But I still say no matter how good NPO behaves, there will be some that have that need to roll them again.

Probably people who were here when NPO was dominant in the game.

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As long as things don't go back to, "you're either tied in some way into the power structure, or you're defenseless" rut we had at one point, go crazy. Two distinguishable sides are always nice.

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