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Snake Solidus

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Everything posted by Snake Solidus

  1. I always love when you post, because you always hurt your cause. You could make 2 + 2 = 5 simply by saying it equaled 4.
  2. I don't think Vox necessarily wants to win. It only desires for NPO to lose. And if what you say is true and NPO cannot lose, then why should anyone even play the game? Should no other alliance ever strive to be better than them?
  3. Yeah, getting your enemy to aid you is useless.
  4. Theres plenty of threads on the board where we may publicly debate the merits of Vox ideology.
  5. If you show the tact in posting you show now I doubt any alliance will have a problem with you.
  6. We will never agree on this point so I shall drop it. That being said I doubt the OP was a Vox spy, they don't seem like the type to be ashamed of their members. And I hope you accept my offer to debate the Vox Populi ideological essays with me.
  7. and to what scrutiny is this? I have seen no such scrutiny in the threads which they are posted. but if you wish to discuss them and debate their finer points I'll gladly do so with you in the threads which they are posted. My point is that Vox does have an ideology which does appeal to alot of people. I happen to just like arguing.
  8. Vox pumps out more ideological essays than any other alliance so I don't see how you can claim they don't have ideology.
  9. Have you read the Vox posts on their ideals?
  10. People hate losers all the time, for example, I hate you.
  11. Hes not a native english speaker.
  12. If your unaligned and wish to not be attacked then accept the NPO's gracious gift and go red. Otherwise your on your own.
  13. Yeah, I also base my strength and courage on who can be my meat shield.
  14. Please explain the situation and how they typically stand against it. Is it weaker nations taking advantage of stupid more powerful nations? This embodies what they stand for. Strength doesn't make a nation right or better than any other nation.
  15. Don't read the OP. It will set your understanding of the English language back 15 years.
  16. Yeah taking things out of context is fun. I never said your claim of admin being god was wrong. I merely introduced this new aspect into your theory which you already detailed to point out how absurd your logic is. This is a game. The goal is not to grow your nation. Therefore hurting or helping your nation is neither wrong nor right. It is merely a game. But because you believe in admin, I'll quote his words to you, therefore forcing you into accepting me truth for you infallible God has said it. http://www.cybernations.net/about.asp Well, admin has stated that you can do whatever the hell you want with your nation. And because you have defined him as a God here: Being omniscient (that means all knowing, I decided to tell you so you don't have to consult another online dictionary) his words must be true. Therefore there is no right or wrong way to play the game. Therefore going against the NPO is not wrong because the goal in this game is not to grow your pixels.
  17. I never said you were wrong, I mere followed your logic. Admin is god, and to serve him you must follow NPO. That is this thread and your oh so brilliant text wall in a nutshell. So, like I said, you've turned kissing NPO $@! into a religion. Your argument is absurd.
  18. Don't raid alliances. Alliances tend to like to protect their members.
  19. Are you intentionally being foolish Count? Your arguement is insane, as I will explain. Your counterpoint to Azaghul, who claims your point is false because it is not his job is protect his precious pixels and they are merely a tool for his ends, is that they are not his, they are admins. In addition to appeal to a higher power as justification for your actions your also claiming that to follow your way is to be right. Ergo not following it is wrong. Congratulations, you've turned kissing NPO's $@! into a religion. For those of you who didn't follow my logic here it is again. He claims that admin is all powerful and refers to him as holy. This sets him up a god. According to him your nations are not your own, but this gods. And the task your 'god' admin has charged you with is to grow your pixels. He then asserts the only way to follow gods will, which once more is to grow your pixels, is to obey the will of the NPO. For it is his belief that only by aligning yourself with the NPO is to be right, beneficial for your nation, and to be against them is wrong or detrimental to your nation.
  20. Of course, because if someone disagrees with you, their opinion is invalid.
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