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Posts posted by ochocinco

  1. Except extorting Valhallan allies is not only pretty low, but a ZIable offense. Your childish threats to release government information from your previous alliance (which holds a MDoAP with your current alliance) is a pretty clear cut case. Honestly, why would you go through and start stockpiling screenshots on your way out if you didn't plan to use them and/or hang them over someone's head?

    You were pretty much blacklisted when I let you come to RoK and my reward for gving you a chance is treachery. You're a traitor, a liar, and now a twice over coward ... you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Oh man, I like this new Van Hoo.

    EDIT: My opinions regarding the OP are complex and varied.

  2. It's cuter watching you play mind reader ocho. What other tricks do you do? sit? heel? mebbe roll over? :awesome:

    My best trick is identifying people with bad senses of humor.

    Ok, I'll tell you how I do it: they advertise that they actually find "On a Boat" amusing.

    Back to the point: the post I quoted and snipped implied that Continuum would still be together in thirty days, and therefore the treaty between TPF and Valhalla was not necessary. In CN, thirty days is basically equatable to forever.

  3. I'm wondering if you ever heard the story about the little boy who cried wolf.

    This little boy doesn't cry wolf, he "rolls hard sixes." I was always confused by that, so I finally looked it up (I'm not up on my gambler slang).

    1. Roll The Hard Six

    A high risk / high reward operation. The phrase originates from craps where a hard six is achieved by rolling threes on a pair of six-sided dice (3+3). Rolling a hard six has a probability of about 3% whereas rolling six by any other combination has about a 14% chance. A hard six pays 7 to 1 whereas a regular six pays only 7 to 6.

    I find this ironic coming from the leader of an alliance that has never taken an action that is even remotely risky, and most likely never will.

  4. Is it that time of the month for another UJP remembrance thread? There's only one more annoying time of the month than this one.

    In case you haven't noticed, it seems to be the time of the month for a billion everything remembrance threads. Not saying that this thread isn't a waste of space, but so is your post. There's only one ex-Genmay person who makes a big deal about being from Genmay: the OP, and no one even seems to know who he was in Genmay.

    Also your comedic gift seems to be about on par with your nation building skills.

  5. "eat !@#$ and die" doesn't seem like a good conversation.

    But, maybe there's more to it? I dunno. Either way I think (in all honesty) that your outline was a solid piece of work both by Planet Bob standards and (OOC) real life standards. The work you've put into is rather impressive.

    Hell, I dare say there's some stuff in there that every alliance might need a bit of help in.

    If someone game me a (OOC) real life presentation of that quality, I would likely be unhappy. Font size is inconsistent throughout. :P That said, Jeoh and I put the whole thing together pretty quickly... (I wrote, he googledoc'd)

  6. I will comment on this more adequately later as my time is limited as of this moment.

    But, wait, calling someone a slut is okay?

    "Oh, but it was IC, I called her NATION a slut"



    I'll address these concerns in place of Bilrow:

    That Bilrow is evil I hate him. (See, I even neglected grammar, just like him!)

    Now what is your favorite color? (HOW AM I SO GOOD AT THIS?)

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