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Posts posted by ochocinco

  1. Could you elaborate? (that's not a veiled threat of some sort, I'm just interested)


    I don't have a URL, but I think most people who have been around the block have seen the pictures of KM with his RL comrades who performing "Heil" gestures towards him.

    Not funny. Never will be.

  2. Now that you're free, maybe you can take some more "joke" pictures of your disgusting shenanigans.

    Some jokes are unforgivable - CN has no place for people who bring that crap to the game or anywhere near it.

    Oh, and KM, I always had the utmost respect for you as you sat peacefully in Nueva Vida watching your alliance burn for your crimes.

    Any alliance that would have Kaiser Martens (or even CONSIDER admitting him) should be ashamed.


  3. Oops, I didn't realize that GGA actually FAILED to maintain their sanction despite lack of war.

    In fact, they are behind the GPA (who were released from peace terms about a week ago), and FOK! (who just had a spin-off alliance take about 1m NS away from them).



    People say this game is boring - just pay more attention to the GGA. It's good for a laugh every time.

  4. Ok, guys, let's lay off. We all know that GGA is a big joke and that they are more easily blown by the wind than your typical sock. Sure, they may have no fire power to speak of or anything particularly useful about them but some badges and their treaties, but that gives us no reason to mock them!

    For shame, every one. Respect the history that comes along with the only alliance that can barely maintain a sanction without being involved in a war. After all, they once tried to tell Gremlins that they weren't allowed to have a Green team senator. I suppose it's easy to boss someone around when you know they can't attack you since all your nations are too small to be within their range.

    o/ the mighty GGA! I can hardly sleep at night, thinking of the dire consequences of your wrath. If you were to declare on my alliance, I might have to attempt to understand what degenerate108 means despite his complete lack of ability to form English sentences.

    EDIT: Oh, oops - drunk post. I probably could've expressed my point of view more coherently otherwise...

  5. Sorry, we are not in highschool any more; some of us don't feel compelled to get what all the "cool" kids got... ;)

    It's not the "cool kids" group that's analogous to those alliances that buy WRCs, it's the "passing grades" group.

  6. Someone tried to coup TPF but they failed and formed an alliance, which TGE is protecting now?

    No, you fool. He said the "exact opposite."

    No one didn't try to not coup anti-TGE, and no one succeeded and disbanded an individual, which anti-TPF is now destroying.

  7. In that case, it is a shame that an amicable agreement could not have been reached. In all my dealings with TGE (they are excellent tech sellers :D) I've always found them to be very friendly and easy to work with. I've also never found them to be particularly abrasive to anyone on the CN forums. Things must be different behind the scenes of this relationship, it seems.

    Still, it's surely sad to see one-time friends go separate ways.

  8. fokumbyx6.png

    It is my great privilege to present the latest diplomatic stylings of FOK! and Umbrella.

    Without further ado,

    Get the FOK! under my Umbrella


    This document hereby attests to the strong relations between FOK and Umbrella, as well as the commitments taken by each signatory to respect and communicate with one another. It is proof that each alliance holds the other in high regard and has the best intentions towards maintaining a fruitful, close and constructive bond with the other.

    I. Sovereignty:

    Both alliances will remain independent and free to make their own decisions on internal matters.

    II. Conduct:

    Both alliances agree to be respectful to one another in public and private areas, and resolve any disputes through private diplomatic channels. Regular contact is to be maintained through IRC and forums.

    III. Peace:

    The signatories pledge to not engage in aggressive action against one another under any circumstance so long as this treaty is in effect. Individual violations will be dealt with on a case by case basis through dialogue between the signatories.

    IV. Intelligence:

    Any information gathered or happened upon by one of the signatories of this treaty that has any potential impact on the security and well-being of the other shall be promptly and privately forwarded to party in question. Sensitive intelligence will be dealt with the utmost care and responsibility, and both parties agree to maintain open lines of communication in this regard.

    V. Mutual Assistance:

    a. An attack on one signatory is an attack on both. The signatories of this treaty are obligated to defend each other militarily and help each other through financial and diplomatic means if requested.

    b. If a signatory is attacked as a result of their participation in a war through other treaty obligations, 5a does not apply. Assistance in such a situation would be completely optional.

    c. The signatories may participate in aggressive endeavors together, but neither is required to grant requests for such assistance.

    VI. Cancellation:

    If either alliance decides to cancel these accords, it must give the other party 72 hours notice prior to the official cancellation, during which all above articles will continue to be upheld.

    Signed for Umbrella:

    mrcalkin, Triumvir

    Sceptor, Triumvir

    Zerileous, Triumvir

    Xavi, Acting Triumvir

    guus87, The Flying Dutchman

    Roquentin, Envoy

    ochocinco, Minister of Bling

    Signed for FOK!:

    AvengerNL, President

    Mortale, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Timmehhh, Minister of Defense

    Denniswerf, Minister of Economic Affairs

    Outlander, Minister of Internal Affairs



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