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Posts posted by Dawny

  1. I was a member of Novus Orbus, who apparently were protected by NoR. That was until of course we complained of racist material on the forums and then were unceremoniously dumped and watched as NoR tried to destroy us for accusing them to be what they later admitted. So yeah happy times.... um not. Good riddance.

  2. Love in the air, eh??

    COngrats to Invicta on the power transition.

    I'd say so. I tagged him as mine some time back and did it in permanent marker :)

    Many of you won't know Jorost so well. Historically he's always been more active internally than externally. So while he's a major pain in the bum character to Invicta members he's pretty much a new face to bob. I can tell you he's a very enthusiastic guy and i have every belief that with his leadership Invicta will be moving into a new phase in her history. As founder its quite exciting for me!

    All hail Invicta and those who love her!

  3. Congrats GR, thanks for making me a successful prophet :P

    Lol, chickenzilla, keep on truckin.

    Groups come and they go, we are not the type of alliance to try and destroy those that want to try their own thing. That makes us a particularly good place for spawning successful offshoots. If you consider that a weakness of NATO, so be it. But we keep our friends because we actually want to see them succeed on their own. You know what those are, right? Friends?

    Well said Anu. I have every faith in Buffy and his friends to create an awesome alliance, and they will have NATO to thank for such a good grounding.

    Looking forward to seeing both Olympus and NATO on this thread together :)

    Also yay for purple

  4. I tried to join an alliance but goofed up the process so spent the first month alone and not doing very well. Then i joined a really small alliance and before long found myself part of the government and having to save up for days in order to pay the 20k we used to offer new members (so i never grew).

    One day i heard about this new fad call tech raiding and how people were making money. So i went to give it a go but misread the american date system and accidentally attacked someone only 3 days inactive as opposed to 15 which was what i thought. Of course he came back and destroyed me.

    I'd like to say i made only mistakes as a noob, but i still do them occasionally. Like forgetting to buy the labour camps BEFORE paying bills. Also i delayed for stupidly long in starting back collecting, and i started after it was not as good for you. I never sold tech and donated to my nation when it was young. Basically if there is a mistake i made it.

    This thread makes me lol cos its nice to know i'm not alone.

  5. Commence the cheesy lines:

    Check out those BAPS!

    Invicta's got awesome BAPS!

    I do love some good BAPS.

    At Invicta we've been feeling the BAPS, and we love em!

    The BAPS are out to play and Invicta is invited!

    Yeah that'll do. I could have gone on but i suspect it would do nothing for my image. Anywho, its all good and o/ to everyone in BAPS, Invicta and all of you reading this thread!

  6. No offense in this next line Dawny, But you haven't been very active in the past 2 months. Again, no offense there. That may have played a part as to why Polaris was unable to talk to you(or you to them). That and not to mention they were trying to stay alive. Look how well that turned out.

    And as for the friend thing...i seem to be losing a lot of those these days. It's true, i can't replace them. But i can make new ones with the people who are fighting for the same things i am.

    I never said it was polaris' fault did i? It's not anyone's fault. This is a case of a hundred minor things happening all leading to one conclusion. I hold no ill will towards polaris. In fact there are only a handful of people i hold ill will towards, and those people are honoured to be so disliked they remain in my memory.

  7. ... and the attacks were launched before the DoW.

    Poor form. I thought Invicta was better than that.

    I suppose we're all on the same level at the end of the day. The only difference is which direction we're moving in, up or down.

    The day Invicta takes instruction on good form from zzptm is the day hell freezes over. This from a man who lies to his own allies. People in glass houses and all...

    So I suppose our backs hold the knives in your kitchen? :3

    Invicta never once lied to polaris. A higher treaty called us into action. I personally take no pleasure on wars like this.

    Honor? In Invicta? That is news to me.

    I will give you this...you did not bandwagon into this war and i guess that gives you some room to talk. But really...don't talk about Honor when there are people around that know what Invicta has done in the past. This is fear more then anything.

    I love how Invicta says they'll do something in 72 hours...and turn into a Month and a half and then are surprised when a war breaks out. Nice way of weaseling out of things. (The Invicta gov will understand what i'm saying there)

    Go read the announcement where i cancelled the polaris treaty. I never said it would be back up in 72 hours. The treaty was not suspended, it was voided. After it was voided i stated i would reconsider putting it back in place, but not until i had chance to properly talk to the new polaris government. That did not happen, and a higher treaty was activated.

    Samo, as someone who always used to come to me for advice and tell me things like you respected my opinion i am somewhat surprised at your own turn around. But i guess we aren't talking about you are we? Or your personal agendas? As an ex UPNer i would have forever held respect for you, but your comments in this thread disgust me and it strikes me as bitter backlashing. You had a friend in me samo.... no longer.

    On a personal note, this war isn't mine, nor is it Invicta's. It's not even our standard policy to DoW in cases like this, but we made an oath to UPN and NATO that if there was war we'd be by their side. If some of you dislike that, then i make no apologies.

  8. Your skin gets all wrinkly, your hair goes white and/or grey, you start going on and on about the good ol' days, spend your time yelling at young wippersnappers, you start waiting for your Social Security checks and your Medicare perscriptions to arrive, AND you vote Republican.

    Is it too late to take this back? <_<

  9. Dawny, you were quite simply one of the best leaders Planet Bob has ever been graced with and it's with a heavy heart that I read this.

    We've been through so much, both good and bad, that this feels like the end of an era. But I'm proud to say that whatever has happened we and therefore Invicta and UPN have been through it all together through thick and thin.

    However I know you'll still be around so we can still be the best, the very best of friends and Invicta and UPN are still here and in fact prospering. In Atlashill, Invicta are in good hands :)

    You are too kind my good friend. I've never known an ally like you. I have no doubt that every single member of Invicta would lay down their lives to help UPN. May our bonds of friendship last forever!

    Now who knows how i apply for that bus pass?

  10. t127505294.png

    Dawny Retires

    Firstly this announcement has nothing to do with any abbreviations (be they DoS, DoW or WTF!!).

    With effect from today, i am officially retiring my presidency from Invicta. I've been planning this for a while, and its typical that war breaks out on the day it was going to happen, but that's CN for you. I'm not leaving CN, nor am i leaving Invicta.

    On May 28th i (along with a friend) created Invicta. We had lofty dreams of creating an alliance based on honesty and integrity, that might stand the test of time. If i'm completely honest with you, i didn't think we stood any chance. It was two of us against the world. But we gained friends quickly, and i talk to you today knowing Invicta has well over 200 members and 3 million total NS. It was never my plan to rule Invicta forever, and every good thing has to come to an end. I have completely enjoyed leading such a fantastic alliance of great people. I can honestly say i have met some truly fine people through Invicta, and i served them proudly.

    The reason? Well there are too many to mention. For one, planet bob is not the same place it was when i first came to power, and i struggle to keep up. Secondly, i genuinely look forward to retiring and pottering about the Invicta halls on a small project just keeping myself busy and letting the youngsters deal with the major issues. I began CN as a recruiter, and i fancy dusting off the cobwebs and having another go.

    So with immediate effect i step down. Due to the way i wrote the charter, i will always carry Founder status at Invicta, so you will still see me poking my old nose into government business from time to time and keeping the Invicta halls clean and tidy with my admin mop.

    I name my successor as Atlashill of Kansouri. He is a truely loyal and hard working member of Invicta, and he has been my number 2 for a long time. May he carry the Invicta name forward into a new age!


  11. So if you canceled just because OCC excuse thing that happened yesterday why you have wait OoO being canceled to do that? All alliances who wish cancel because OCC excuse had all day yesterday after it happened to do that, but they are just canceling now after cancelation of OoO, shame really shame. Oh if you will say to me "We are thinking about it that's because took so long" please don't waste your fingers typing it. Oh and I'm not trolling it's just my opinion, I think people still has the right to state their opinions right?
    Sometimes I surpass myself :blush:

    And for me "We are thinking about it that's because took so long" isn't a answer, just an excuse ;)

    I'd be one of the very few people who know the truth regarding this matter. So i am in a position to put this issue to rest.

    Both Altheus became aware of the OOC issue yesterday. He and i discussed the issue, and we were both very unhappy about it. We decided there could be no legitimate excuses, and so informed Polaris of our decision to cancel. Our friend in Polaris stated sponge himself had not been online all day, they accepted our reasoning but asked us to delay announceing just one day so they would have time to get the message to sponge. Polaris promised to get back to us, but it didn't happen, so as planned we made the announcement (or rather UPN did... i was meant to be a joint one <_< ). Yeah we were aware the OoO was likely to be cancelled, and had accepted that fact, but up until this OOC disclosure both UPN and Invicta were prepared to honour our treaties.

    In terms of 'thinking time' or whatever you want to call it, Altheus and i made up our minds pretty quickly. But out of respect for the rest of polaris we held off. If you find that makes us a legitimate subject for trolling, then carry on, but really you just sound mis-informed to my ears.

    As for Blacky's comment above. When an alliance leader does a good job, the membership enjoy peace and prosperity. When an alliance leader does a bad job, the membership suffer the results. Those are the terms you live under by affiliating yourself with an alliance. That said, we recognise this is an issue with ES, not Polaris. We hold no ill will toward ES.

    Now if you wish to continue trolling either myself or Altheus, i suggest you pick something factually correct. And if you are struggling to see what that is (i accept there is a lot of reading involved), then you are welcome to seek clarification from myself. If you see me on IRC, i will always reply to you.

  12. I'm in support of UPN on this. Altheus and i discussed this at long length last night. Invicta wont be making any new announcements on forum, we feel there are enough already, but you can find our official position stated on our forums.

  13. Polaris Has just as many allies and Pacifica, If they fight everyone loses and we'd hate to see Both of our MADP Partners Fighting because we'd be baffled and heart broken.

    But Vahalla of course you would like to see nothing more than the Orders fighting one another to Polaris is destroyed. You have no Honour. BnT and Vahalla, are the cowards here. Pacifica you stated you will crush any entity who would try to come between you and Polaris. I believe Vahalla is that Entity.

    As for you BnT, Tyga and STA Comes in defense of peace and you dare accuse them of being cowards?

    He had the courage to come fourth and do what a crapload of other alliances were afraid to do.

    Tyga You've earned my respect and I commend you for doing this...

    May the Orders find peace


    I know you are trying to defend the orders here, but insulting Valhalla wont help. Valhalla are not cowards, they are quite the opposite in fact. Yes they have chosen a side in this matter, but they are not the only alliance to do that. And i don't see them attacking Polaris, do you?

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