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Byron Orpheus

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Everything posted by Byron Orpheus

  1. The only part of your long-winded statement that is of any consequence. Please come back when you have something to say.
  2. I think taking necessary actions to protect oneself from the threat of spying is entirely acceptable. Spying, however, and any sort of aid or assistance provided to spies, is unacceptable.
  3. Inefficient and cumbersome compared to the rest of the world, which is decidedly fascist.
  4. So you would say that there is no difference between espionage and counter-espionage?
  5. I believe he did have an obligation, since spying is one of the few taboos of our world.
  6. Insightful and intriguing are beyond my scope. My purpose is only to educate, and I have made no claim otherwise.
  7. An interesting read, although I think perhaps it should be printed on pulp and handed out by a bearded man in burlap.
  8. I am sure we will all get over it. All this tension will be forgotten when your movement is a footnote on Pacifica's victory list.
  9. Really all I am doing is calling the extremists' bluff. They need this binary relationship with the NPO to fuel their relevancy; there will never be true action because then they would have nothing to focus all their rhetoric on and the community at large would realize just how pathetic the whole bunch is.
  10. To clarify further: Read: When we all work together it is friendship, when you do it we call it being a bully. Read: We enjoy our basements because we can say whatever we want and then, whenever asked what strength we actually have to accomplish our goals, can say "Hegemony! Hegemony!". It was not a tough guy do something about it defense so much as do not mistake being more agile than the leviathan as equating to being stronger.
  11. I suggest some lessons in critical reading, then, since that is not at all what I said; although I suppose to be fair to you I wish we hadn't trampled so many alliances so that one at least could remain to position itself as a worthy adversary rather than the futile, underground, juvenile antics of the espionage-challenged that wring their hands in despair until they can convince others to do the dirty work that they lack the resolve and the power to perform under the power of their own sails-- the efforts (opposition is too good of a word to waste on such futility) we see in the present are, in the words of a quote that I am sure Sponge would appreciate given his recent Tattler article, "all sound and fury, signifying nothing". You extremists speak of honor and whatever over-idealized misguided Platonics you have in your heads from a source that for lack of a better option I will have to assume is "Beginner's Guide to Moral Philosophy", yet you connive and whisper in dark places of the deeds that you dare not perform. When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the entire court can watch him die. Until you and your misguided ilk are able to find the fortitude to perform man's work instead of trading juicy pieces of gossip around the women's sewing circle, I suggest that you save your time and ours and take up a diary as a better way to vent your frustrations at being, at best, mediocre.
  12. Or settle for the sub-par antics of our current enemies. How I wish sometimes that I had been around for "the old days", as I expect Pacifica and co. had much more worthwhile adversaries than the ones I see pathetically posturing around here these days.
  13. Something that I have learned over the years is that far more people process what you have said than reply. The greater fault would be the person who misidentifies the lack of 20 pages as a lack of comprehension or a lack of appreciation.
  14. I say Pole-ahr-is for NpO N-A-A-C would be how I would say NAAC. Also, Zenith for me is Zeh-nith
  15. Laser: light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation Radar: radio detection and ranging scuba: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus Pro-tip: Don't throw Pro-tips around unless you aren't prone to fail.
  16. Gee-Gee-A I also pronounce VE as "vee-ee", NPO as "en-pee-oh", and Vox Populi with a "v". RIA is ar-aye-a, FAN is pronounced like the object (a fan), and GATO is pronounced like NATO and not like the spanish word for cat.
  17. I think there are medals floating around for fighting a winning war against FAN, too.
  18. I am not suggesting it would be the end of the world, but it would far surpass the present time spent dealing with such issues (which is negligible). Since this has been mentioned a number of times, I will assume that my comments about the more uncivilized parts of our planet are the only portions of my original statement that anyone has anything concrete to argue against-- I will concede that rogues will not consume the world, but I do believe that the levels of alliance strength we witness these days will not maintain and that practices such as raiding and aggressive sphere battles will increase in frequency and magnitude.
  19. More inane name-calling and accusations of Orwellian government by the violent extremists. I was referring to the micro-alliance/rogue problem that could occur as a result of a massive weakening of all major alliances (for I hope you do realize that, especially if Pacifica for some reason loses a war, any coming war will certainly be devestating). Ah, such imagery! It is much more useful for your cause to attempt to put images of pseudo-fascist statism into the minds of the uninformed instead of relying upon the truth of the matter-- that Pacifica, far from representing a dystopian military state, is a beacon of civilization and structure, order and discipline, within the chaotic goings-on of Bob. As a side note, I'm afraid I can't be Mátyás Rákosi-- I've never been very fond of salami.
  20. So the fault you find in Pacifica is that they exert political pressure the same as every other alliance on Bob? As far as destroying your infrastructure, I would guess that was a result of actual war against Pacifica and not random playground bullying.
  21. Dominate every aspect? Does NPO swoop down everytime you make a post such as this? Whenever you buy infrastructure does NPO swiftly remove it? Are you prevented from signing treaties with willing partners?
  22. I will welcome the chance to show you that there is action behind my words.
  23. I predict there won't be anyone left to challenge it.
  24. There is a difference between "dislike" and between actively attempting to usurp a beneficial regime. I am quite sure Pacifica does not expect uniform gratitude toward their existence, but I am equally as sure that NPO is not a mustache-twirling villain with no more motive than wanting to see your metaphorical best-girl splattered across the train tracks of our planet. I possess no telepathic techniques that allow me to know the inner workings of the extremist mind; my conclusions are based on logic and deduced from the facts at hand, and they are certainly nothing that a person of average intelligence could not readily replicate.
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