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Everything posted by Buller

  1. With the GWx system you could at least chronically count your way up to which war it was. And at that point TOP was quite frankly fed up with the trolling and planning to destroy us from NpO. And then there was the obligatory treaty factor.
  2. Im not sure i remember that war gonna have to look it up Theres too many wars in CN with meaningless names.
  3. Just how many wars are you the architect or co-architect of?
  4. Anyone who didnt surrender the first day TOP attacked deserves a medal.
  5. How holy are you on a scale running from Too Cool For School to Holier Than Thou?
  6. Just how hard is it to make an unbiased CN history?
  7. Buller

    Bye bye

    You were pretty cool Ocho
  8. We aren't hypocrites, we don't want to be a part of the terms the other alliances are offering, we never forced any alliance to be part of the terms we have offered in the past.
  9. We do not mimic knights, we are knights. Knights of The Order of the Paradox. But hey, keep on spamming the thread.
  10. Buller

    An Idea

    TOP gets the nordic countries, we have a claim and right to them!
  11. The people who have carried TOP this far are still here and we will do just fine. People will always want what they don't have : S
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