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Everything posted by Beauty

  1. I don't know. Shes dead now so you'll have to just think about it from now on.
  2. Theres a whole thread discussing it that most seem to have ignored. Its called military stats discussion.
  3. It's difficult to communicate quickly instead of deleting messages for inbox space all the time. Plus it's been like 3 months now. Can we get a vote or something to just unban me from the channel. Jesus... When my IP changes im in there anyway and have regular convos until banned by a GM (Which yes I acknowledge is their job) Anyways discuss and vote and stuff please.
  4. No idea what you're talking about. Anyways time to turn the page and deal with the important crew.
  5. In the pink thread. Also payce, see ya later.
  6. .... .... What are you talking about?
  7. I'm sure they think the same about you and your massive alliance. Congrats on peace Conerad. Hope your terms are light!
  8. So will TOP be voting for that pink NATO senator until you guys gain intelligence by NATO government standards?
  9. Oh i almost forgot! 6) Peacocking Bonus! This was an act that Rotavele fellow mentioned before did a lot as well as many others. Peacocking is the act of acting as if you're a god like figure and can destroy anything in your path. Not only is this annoying for everyone involved, it really doesn't sit well with anyone who wants to be associated with you. No one but yourself sees you as a great god like figure. Others see it as a challenge or a threat, both are horrible for your future well being (See Mogar vs Rebel). Saying things such as "Ill take down any alliance!" doesn't provide you any positives unless your goal is to provoke a fight or disagreement with everyone who reads your comment. People with even larger egos than yours become enraged at the sight of a peacock with it's feathers much larger than theirs. They typically extend their feathers more and began pecking beaks at each other until one rips off the others feathers completely. This process can even take years.
  10. Yeah and I am lucky you didn't see what was there pre-editting as it was much more defensive.
  11. Then feel free to not read it or reply, however it's an alternative to the typical topics of conversation. Edit: that aren't treaty announcements, francoism, or micro drama* for clarification
  12. "I don't believe they'll ever be fixed in our great community, but just wanted to list it out and hopefully get other people's perspective on it." The fact you take myself serious enough to think I'd be able to influence others actions is laughable, Auctor.
  13. Ok so here's 5 things I've noticed over the contents of History of Planet Bob that aren't called out like they need to/should be. So naturally I'll go ahead and do it. I'm going to try to keep this semi-professional and not call people out unless they're gone so it doesn't start any arguments, even though it most likely will anyway. Ok after writing this I had to use examples to prove my points. My bad. 1) I don't care for my Infrastructure! This is one sentence I can't stand. People who use this sentence typically use a complete oxymoron and typically claim to be the best fighters. If you truly didn't care for your infra, you wouldn't be in a trade circle, you wouldn't be completing tech deals within the hour they expire, you wouldn't be online to defend your nation at midnight during a war, you wouldn't try to be the best, and etc. That list could go on for hours. This phrase is used exclusively by MK when they were here, and now other alliances use it today. The fact you log in daily or back collect to get the maximum amount of cash you can, shows you do care. 2) Ankle Biters This is one thing I personally come in conflict with on the daily. From my arguments with people or people who've "heard stuff".These individuals will view an argument between their target and whoever their target is arguing with. They will then jump in and start lodging insults or saying things to discredit and their target based solely on what they heard (Typically exaggerated or out-right wrong). These people ALWAYS are afraid to start an argument with their target and hope their target doesn't say things to them. I have these people on the daily, and as soon as you turn their focus on them, they run away with their tail between their legs. Yet when their feelings are hurt from trying to side line you, they will always remember the "mean things" you said to them in your defense. Examples include people like: [Removed]. These people typically only take a muttering of the word "Boo" and they leave to go elsewhere. These players are not so much of a threat, but rather an annoyance and deeply coincide with my next point. I've never had an ankle biter come at me on their own and exclusively wait until I am arguing or fighting with someone else and can't focus 100% on them. It's cowardly. As an odd analogy to convey my point, when I encounter these I feel like a shark with a shrimp punching my fin or something. Lol. I turn to look at them, and they run for their life. 2.5-3) Team Jump A Hoe and The Bandwagon This is another extremely annoying practice that typically involves #2 but not exclusively. As seen lately with that Rotavele person's death, Rotavele had made a comment that had nothing to do with half of the community. The half of the community that jumped on is an example of Band-wagoners. However the distinguishing of Ankle Biters and band-wagoners are that bandwagoners can take the heat. They're ready to move to the front of the line from past grievances and take advantage of their target already being surrounded. These include people like Mogar and ReyTheGreat. They use other's pain and rustled jimmies to move their own agenda forward. These people show that they're too afraid to take on an alliance and accomplish their agenda without support and would rather wait until the target is vulnerable and walking around to jump them without punishment. This can be respected more than ankle biters (at least in my eyes) because they can actually take the heat. (No Offense RTG and Mogar, just keeping it real.) 4) I love to war! We all know the pink alliance I'm talking about when I say this one. However how many nations have you seen from 2006 that fight half of the global wars exceed 200k Strength? Ok now that is out of the way, there's other alliance's with huge egos claiming they love to war, raid, etc. However I don't see them constantly at war? It would be sad to see anyone take this statement seriously when hearing it. For example, Alliance X acts aggressively and claims to love war. They want to take advantage of other alliance's who prefer warring at certain times, but not always. They use this as an intimidation tactic. Otherwise we'd see alliances who claim this to raid and such without fear of being curb stomped. "But they don't want to lose!" well if you say that, then they don't prefer to war, they prefer to be a bully. That's also pretty cowardly. Otherwise we would see them constantly at war or raiding much more. 5) Dishing it out and cant take it. There's two alliances I can name that could put this line as their motto. These alliances or people consist of trolls, and etc who will frequently mess with people or raid them. They will gladly troll you, but when they're messed with "consequences will never b the same!". This is frequent. Most "Lulzy" alliances constantly mess with their enemies, but if their enemies ever did it to them, we hear it all over the OWF. The End Those are some practices that personally I see as coming from deep down Human Nature as most of them were practiced in the stone ages as well. I don't believe they'll ever be fixed in our great community, but just wanted to list it out and hopefully get other people's perspective on it.
  14. # That moment when you're trying to look tough, but you don't know what to say, so you resort to lines most likely developed in the early 1800s.
  15. The Pink team needs new leadership? Or are we on the right track of isolating ourselves? My reporting on the current crisis have resulting my sanction as well. These events were more than expected albeit. Then feel more than welcome to post elsewhere. Good luck with that.
  16. "Hey I wanted to let you know NPO gave reps to X in 2007. Then they gave Y reps a week later when Y peaced out of the Great War. Should of just used the same thread. U r so dumbs." Theres a reason that two different incidents use two different threads. For the record, when people like you call me stupid, I take it as a compliment by the way. Take one, pass it down, and try to contribute to the topic in the future rather than post for people to see your name and see you insult someone who's already hated by the community. Weak af.
  17. Speaking out against the Pink team leadership will result in a termination of your gym membership, as well as a termination of any dealings with Gym Members and Employees. You've been warned. Then use a different tone. Listen to Hart, Burburs
  18. Most are already aware of the R&R-DBDC deal and they've followed through with no longer rolling your nations, however you could just keep quiet. You don't have to post support but can rather not comment. Hi, This thread is for people who can read. Nevertheless, I'll read it for you because chances are you still won't be able to understand it. Tl;dr asking what's going on.
  19. Esscuse me boo is this the brown civil war topic? Noe. But now im interested, what is going on in the brown team? And is it anything like the pink boys?
  20. Boo, This is all old news. Myself and most people have already moved onto other threads. Also I'm pretty sure "Being unpopular" isn't a death sentence.
  21. We have word that you were also sanctioned on the pink team, Xavier. Can you clarify on why you was sanctioned and what you did for us? This team done gone crazy. An insiders perspective could be great into this investigation boo.
  22. So while I was doing my works out to become a big strong lil' pinkie pie, I noticed there is some drama happenin's on the pink team and I'd like to know what this is about. First, we have Caladin of NPO being sanctioned for getting aid from a pink nation or somethin? This is cray. However I is not tha senator so that ain't up to me, daheehee. Ok so I don't know whys we is running like a Juche or something on my pink team, I just came here to do my work outs. Apparently we is also taking TOP down from being able to vote for their senators? What this is? Anyways this your girl, little B.U.T. with the pink team news and wondering what is going ons in our team. We gone let you know as soon as the situation develops unless we find it out on here. We is supposed to be united on a team not divided. Also shout out to my boo Brandon whos up there in the middle doing the pink team's trademark leg exercises. I don't know him or nothing, but he sounds like a pretty good senator. Got my vote! ;)
  23. Just as an FYI you said earlier about spying which that's fine, and Tongzhi won't care icly. Destroying radar will be a different ball game. Also to role play it you're going to need their help or a google search for how these things work :P
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