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Everything posted by NuclearShawn

  1. To be honest, the knowledge isn't very hard to come by. Cybernations economics aren't overly complicated or anything, and even one experienced player sympathetic to a cause could easily provide them with such documents. Though without external aid I tend to agree with you that they would simply be mowed down by the better backed forces of virtually any sanctioned alliance.
  2. I did some looking real quick on this, noted that quite a few of them built immediately to 51 infra and are at 187 NS, identical. A quick search for "jarheads cybernations" got me this link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlzJPy9pn3A It seems Nightmare is trying to mass recruit through youtube. (Believe that they mentioned they'd be trying to recruit "6000 nations" in some logs? Apologies for not giving credit.) I'm sure this will work perfectly for them
  3. Seems as if the large number of improvements will give nations more ways to build creatively at lower levels, and the 50% collections aren't going to be detrimental really. Shorter game means faster growth is nice.
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