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Everything posted by Demag

  1. Congratulations TSC & Ravyns to a long and propserous future! o/ TSC o/ The Ravyns
  2. 'Grats to GLOP Nice promotion you got there Guardian.
  3. o/ RDD Congrats on two million. You be seeing NOVA in the future, expect a call from a man in uniform with only his eyes showing.
  4. o/ GLOP o/ Invicta Nice to see GLOP get active on the foreign affairs side.
  5. We know, NOVAs know them since SOAP and has been allied since. To be fair to LOUD, I wrote the treaty which is the why this treaty lacks a LOUD pun.
  6. * Friends Thanks Omniscient2for1
  7. \o/ I'm hailing the treaty because I wrote it Srsly, I'm glad this treaty has come about and glad to see that the fraternity between NOVA & LOUD formalised in this document. Edit: Hai TCO!
  8. Isn't his your 9th alliance? First it was Knights of Aragon, then your own alliance Troy, back to Knights of Aragon and then that mess that evolved into NOON then Dave123s alliance Sons of Chaos then I think it was the Mostly Harmless Alliance, then League of Small Superpowers, Halo 2.0 now the Macedonian Empire. Pretty certain there's another two alliances Kobi's been in as well.
  9. Hail and all that jazz. I'm upset with LOUD for not MDPing sooner and adding to the MDP web. )): LOUD )): You have my commiserations and cupcakes RIA.
  10. o/ LOUD o/ FUCN Nice ODP, I don't remeber any trolling in #LOUD, I'm pretty certain I would remember the smell of cheap perfume and booze in there.
  11. And they say the MDP web was less complicated back then Speaking as a noob when I was in the Legion. I don't remember any anti-GATO sentiment but I do remember the calls for impeachment but it does explain stuff.
  12. Confusing wording is confusing. But yeah, I rescind my comment about Legion not breaking the Treaty.
  13. They didn't break it considering a Declaration of War is what I would consider overt military action. Lord Swampy didn't say it wasn't he said it was semantics and that the Legion should of fought with the NPO. As a member of the Legion at the time this fascinating especially due to the way the The Legion-NPO Barfight happened and wondering what was happening. Edit: Not sure if I'm reading the treaty right... Is the counter-signed alliance in this case be the NPO in regards to the Barfight?
  14. ^ This... Congratulations TUF and TSC!
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