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Posts posted by MercyFallout

  1. Right, because manually adding Antarctica on my crappy dial-up isn't going to happen. Gimme an image to C&P, and then we'll talk.

    EDIT: spoke too soon.

  2. We are interested in what you want to do with these humongous amounts of ice-desert. The antarctic continent is, after all, even dryer than the hottest of Bob's deserts, because it's simply too cold for water to get into the air. And if you plan to drill below the ice, we wish you good luck in getting through the 2 to 4 kilometer thick ice-armor of the continent.

    We aren't quite sure yet. We'll figure something out.

    OOC: I absolutely agree. Even with 20,000 tech, not possible. And nobody here has that amount of tech.

    OOC: They were made under an older CN RP technological standard. When you combined the tech levels of the nations that made them (it was a joint power bloc project), it was understandable at the time to be able to make such mech units. Again, I won't be able to replace any or make new ones--in fact, I can barely maintain them (I might've made them but I can't make replacement parts for a long time yet and whatever stockpiles of parts I have left will run out before long).

    OOC: UnitedCorea! And it feels so good to have you in the STA too! :awesome: By the way, this is highbuzz, I rerolled too :P

    IC: The predecessor of Amerikanisches Reich, Republic of War, held great relations with Shilla and wishes to do so once they have settled.

    OOC: I was wondering who you were. :P

    OOC: Taoiseach :P

    IC: The Tahoan vessels spotted the Confederate ships approaching with their radar long before they were in visual range. Once the two flotillas converged, they hailed each other and began steaming south at full speed for Antarctica.

    OOC: I could never spell that. >.<


    Communique to Tahoe, Proxia, and the Amerikanisches Reich:

    His Imperial Highness, Emperor Kim Kee Hyuk of the Late Empire of Shilla, sends his greetings to everyone. Since this is not a completely secure line, he will not elaborate as to how he is still alive. He sends his gratitude for sheltering his former subjects and wishes to meet with the Taoiseach, the Emperor, and the Kaiser.

  3. OOC: I'd take a tank anytime over any amount of mechs.

    OOC: Some of us like our mechs. =\

    ...Personal Correspondence from the Governor-Plenipotentiary of Wighton...

    ...Sent to the Emperor of the Solar Confederacy...

    Given the Solar Confederacy's proximity to Wighton in the Antarctic, the Commonwealth would like to extend an invitation to their to join the leaders of Sasainn, Transvaal, and Wighton in talks, which are starting soon, regarding the security of the Southern Seas and the initiation of a possible friendship between all of these nations. The security of the Southern Seas are important to the economic welfare and security of all nations, given that it is the only safe body of water that grants access too all three major oceans.

    (OOC: No rush, we're waiting on King Esus to get back to us.)

    Communique from the SIS Days of Infamy to the Governor-Plenipotentiary of Wighton:

    Upon the settlement of our government (which should occur within the next day or so), we would be more than glad to meet to discuss the security of the Southern Seas.

    Communique from the SIS Days of Infamy to the nations of the World:


    We have compiled our current settlement's boundaries and the extent to which we wish to expand in the future.


    1057, SIS Days of Infamy, 0.1 KM off the coast of Antarctica.

    "Rise Admiral. I am not here to chastise you."

    Min Young kept his knees firmly planted to the deck of his ship.

    "Sire, I cannot. I failed to honor your orders."

    "Rise. The failure is mine. I trusted New Triyunica far too much."

    Min Young rose slowly but did not face his sovereign.

    "I congratulate you friend. You saw past my own mistake and managed to save even a fraction of what we had built. If I had any throne, I would have found someway to award you."

    "My liege, I swear that you shall have one once again."

    "If that is the will of the people, so be it. For now, please send messages to Alexander of Proxia and the Tasioreach (OOC: SP? D:) of Tahoe. We must meet again."

  4. OOC: its not so much your ability to maintain them (they were yours once anyway so youd be able to maintain them anyhow), its more of they are no longer a recognized form of rp. I.E they never existed. It was all decided in a thread just after you left CN as to whether or not mechs were allowed for rp. The decision there was "no". triyun was good enough to go along with it. :\ just saying, is all. You dont have to edit or nuthin, its just to let you know for future rping

    OOC: Oh well. I'm keeping mine. Am I going to build more? Probably not. But I'm keeping what I've got.

  5. OOC: just letting ya know, knightmares fall under the "things you cant have in CNRP" category. Triyun was good enough to go along with this when he was told ^_^. just pointing it out for future reference

    OOC: Its not like I can actually maintain them all that well mate. I had them when I left so I kept a few (just like I've kept a few other things).

  6. OOC: lol. Also, someone remind me to slap KingPenchuk when I get the chance.


    0912, SIS Days of Infamy, 0.1 KM off the coast of Antarctica.

    Even Admiral Min Young was a bit surprised as to how quickly the prefabricated buildings and other structures went up. Through the hard work and determination of the settlers and the soldiers that he had led down to this frozen continent, they were easily a day ahead of schedule. Most of the residency buildings, a church, and a number of storehouses had already gone up. A large pole in the center of the settlement bore the large waving banner of the Confederacy and a smaller banner of the Old Shillan Empire. Overhead, a flight of air superiority "Hwanin-III" Knightmare frames circled before heading for the deck of the smaller escort carrier, the SIS Hwarang. The Knightmare pilots knew very well how to get the most out of their machines without causing much damage and had finished placing senors all throughout the Solar Confederate claimed portion of Antarctica.

    "Sir! We have confirmed the location of the LT Polaris and LT Grainne Mhaol . They are some 1000 KM away from our position."

    "Very good. Dispatch the escort fleet to go greet our friends."

    Min Young didn't know what he would have done without the support of Tahoe and Proxia. Probably be sitting in some port up north getting drunk, he thought.

    "Admiral, an unmarked shuttle is requesting permission to land."

    "Do they seem to be armed?"

    "No sir."

    "Very well, permission granted. Dispatch Squadron Three's Knightmares as aerial cover."

    "Aye aye sir."

    Within two minutes, the twelve Knightmare frames all launched to meet this mystery shuttle. Though he was a bit suspicious, curiosity drove Min Young in almost all of his actions. Taking his leave from the bridge, he proceeded to the flight deck to meet this shuttle. As the craft skidded to a stop, Min Young recognized the markings. This is impossible! Those markings are... The main hatch of the shuttle hissed open. A voice spoke from inside the vessel.

    "Why am I not surprised that you decided to disobey my final edict?"

    Immediately, Min Young dropped to his knees in reverence as did everyone else on the deck. The Emperor had lived after all.

  7. OOC: *Shrugs* Yeah, it sucks, but that's how it's always been for me, except for when I visit friends or family members who have internet access, so it's not like I know much else.

    OOC: Do the guys at the library ever give you funny looks when you're on the computer all the time for days on end?

    Also, where the nasty is King Penchuk? >.>

  8. OOC: Welcome back :D


    The Phoenix Empire offers you everything from Financial Aid to Supplies for your people.

    OOC: Thanks.


    Communique from the SIS Days of Infamy to The Phoenix Empire.

    Any and all help would be much appreciated.

    OOC: Everyone here has aim or msn? Nein.

    IC: Promised Land officially recognizes the Solar Confederacy, and welcomes them back into the world.

    OOC: You should get one of them. :D


    Communique from the SIS Days of Infamy to the Promised Land.

    We are glad to be back.


    1743, SIS Days of Infamy, 0.1 KM off the coast of Antarctica.

    "Admiral, all aerial transports have landed."

    "Very good. Status of our Knightmares?"

    "All green sir."

    Min Young checked his watch quickly. They were hours ahead of schedule. To his left, he could see the transport aircraft unloading supplies and the first settlers of the Confederacy. Though most were of Korean descent, there were some Japanese, Chinese (mainly from Shanghai and Taiwan), and even a few Caucasians (Most being from the Melando Swedish Christian group that had been given a home in Shilla). They numbered but a few thousand but they were a determined bunch.

    A flight of Knightmare frames landed on Min Young's aircraft deck. Prior to Shilla's collapse, these giant mech frames made up the backbone of the Shillan military. Though they were not in full repair, they had been designed to be easily maintained and were still more than capable of holding their own in combat. Born through the combined technological prowess of six nations, they remained also as a reminder of Shilla's former glory.

    Min Young shook his head and began delivering orders. They had a time table to follow.

    "Launch all landing craft. We need to set up the settlement before night fall."

    "Aye aye sir."

    "All landing craft away, sir".

    Some fifty smaller landing craft carrying vital heating equipment and prefabricated housing (all provided by Tahoe and Proxia) sped away from the main fleet toward the mainland. A number of the larger frigates that had accompanied the fleet also turned toward the mainland. The smaller boats in the fleet were able to get closer to land without as much fear of running aground. These ships carried pre-fabricated dry docks that would allow for the larger craft to dock and eventually be turned into the basis of New Hansong--the proposed capital of the Confederacy.

    Ah what a good day it was. The dreams of all of these people were beginning to be realized. Indeed, a good day.

  9. OOC: Hmm, the one that left their land to New Triyunica and Neo Japan when they left RP...

    OOC: I didn't leave anything to Neo Japan when I left. I left it all to New Triyunica but I guess some stuff happened and he doesn't RP anymore either.

  10. Ah alright I see where you're coming from. Minus the part where he was a Vox member, he wasn't officially added to a ZI/PZI list for his involvement. We voted him on because of the revealing of logs indicating he was at least planning on recruiting Grand Global Alliance members out of our alliance (with the jury still out on whether or not he actually attempted). Continuum might have a different stance, as well as a different reasoning for what he described, but this is what led us personally to make this decision.

    Brookbank left before we started mass recruitment from GGA (if I remember correctly, of course).

    Sad to see you go Brookbank.

  11. OOC: Welcome back, UnitedCorea. :D

    That was a quite nice OP you got there. ^_^

    OOC: Why thank you. :D

    OOC: No problem--it's certainly realistic! Certainly glad to have you back!

    OOC: Glad to be back. :)

    When Admiral Pak Min Young informed the Tahoan Government it was time for him to leave with the intention of establishing the Shillan succesor state of the Solar Confederacy, they were promised full support. Now that you have arrived in your new home, it is time to act upon that offer. Anything the Confederacy needs will be provided. Tahoan engineers, architects and scientists aboard the naval vessels LT Polaris and LT Grainne Mhaol will arrive in a few days to help establish a base of operations in the Antarctic continent.

    Communique from the SIS Days of Infamy to Tahoe:

    The Confederacy sends her thanks and regards to the Tahoan Government. We promise that everything you have loaned or given to us shall be repaid in full as soon as we are possible.

    Hail Tahoe!

    The Imperium of America, being a relatively new state, has never had diplomatic relations with the Solar Confederacy. We view this as a loss, and would like to offer embassy trading, as well as the open hand of support.

    Communique from the SIS Days of Infamy to Imperium of America:

    As soon as we are able, we will be more than happy to open an embassy.

    OOC: Coreas back....oh boy

    OOC: Yes I am.

    The Commonwealth of Wighton watches this with great interest and recognizes this new state.

    (OOC: Welcome back.)

    OOC: Thank you!

    OOC: Trillian! *high five*

    OOC: Pidgin > Trillian.

    OOC: Welcome back. Now, what part of Antarctica do you want?

    OOC: Thanks. I'll have to get back to you on that (since I'd like to put my claims on the World Map and there is no Antartica on there. ;-;)

  12. solfalg.png

    0800, SIS Days of Infamy, Former Imperial Shillan Home Defense Fleet Busan Detachment, 150 KM off the coast of Antartica:

    Fleet Admiral Pak Min Young could not believe what he was doing. Even though he had received explicit orders from the late Shillan Emperor Kim Kee Hyuk to take his fleets and join the Neo Triyunican Navy, he could not. The day before the Neo Triyunican forces were to assume control of the Shillan Empire and her Armed Forces, Min Young took a group of loyalist officers along with whomever would go along with the plot and set to sea. He took with him a large portion of the Imperial Home Defense Fleets from Busan, Incheon, Nagasaki, and Kaohsiung. From there, he had led them to Tahoe and the Proxian Empire--Shilla's closest allies. Since then, the loyalist group had dwindled as many chose to pursue normal lives in Proxia and Tahoe while others died fighting in a number of different conflicts. Now, all that remained of the once massive Shillan fleet was two carriers, the SIS Days of Infamy (a full sized Shilllan assault carrier) and the SIS Hwarang (a much smaller escort carrier), and a handful of smaller vessels--a mere shadow of it's grandeur.

    Though the Proxians and Tahoens treated Min Young and his followers like one of their own, they knew very well that Proxia and Tahoe were not their homes. Since there was absolutely no way to return to what had been the Shillan Empire following the Fifth World War, another plan of action needed to be adopted. Gathering what few Shillans who they had managed to get in contact with, the Fleet Admiral set south toward Antarctica--the only unclaimed continent on the face of the planet.

    "Admiral Sir, we are closing in on the continent."

    "Very good lieutenant. Send a comm. line out to all ships. Continue bearing and send status reports."

    "Aye aye, sir."

    And so come in the reports. All of the ships were reporting that they had little to no issues and the fleet continued to steam ahead.

    "Status report from Storage Hold 27."

    "Storage Hold 27 reports that nothing has effected the package."

    "Very good then."

    In Storage Hold 27 lay the most precious part of the entire operation's supplies. Two fully armed nuclear warheads and Dalnim XIII ICBM's to go along with them.

    The clocked ticked 0900. Distance, 50 KM.

    "Sound general quarters. We are going to commence the take off of all dropships and their escorts."

    "Aye aye, sir."

    Within minutes, Min Young heard the roar of jet engines taking off toward the mainland of Antarctica. It would be a cold home, but it would be, nonetheless, the home of the Solar Confederacy.

    OOC: I know very well that my in game nation does not even come close to matching with what I am RPing. I am hoping that since I did RP for over a year and the like that I would be able to just save a sliver of what I did own. Now, I do not plan on using any of this in any real manner. For one, all of it is in somewhat bad repair. For two, I wouldn't be able to honestly maintain most of it for long so I will be converting most of my "fleet" into the beginnings of the Confederate settlement in Antarctica with the rest becoming supply boats and fishing boats.

    Also, my in game nation is still 0.00 NS because I'm going to reroll it for better resources.

  13. You're showing your age here. In the parts of the Polar war that mattered, all nations were 'large money making nations' and more importantly have bills of miles over $1.5m a day (the maximum that can be supported with aid). That means that each nation must be a fighting unit, and every nation in Grämlins and TOP (who took most of the top tier I think) was effectively equally strategically important.

    So while you're right in principle, that tip wouldn't have helped Polaris.

    OOC: Hey, its not bad for a guy who hasn't touched this game in months. :awesome:

  14. Now, I admit I am rather new to this game and my knowledge of military matters is quite rudimentary. From just a quick study though, it appears to me that when being attacked by overwhelming forces, your best chance at doing even some damage to your opponent is to counterattack the weakest force opposing you, namely the one with the least SDI's. As has been mentioned before by grub and others, when you are facing odds of 3 on 1 and higher, you are going to lose a conflict and lose it badly under every scenario. As long as your enemies are reasonably coordinated, you simply cannot do any noticeable amount of damage. With this in mind, though, if you choose to fight a defensive war you hand all the initiative to the enemy. Your nukes (precious assets when outnumbered) will be lost in huge numbers to spies and SDI's, and even the ones that do get through will be so few in number and spread across so many alliances that their affect will be diluted.

    So yes, I would argue in such a scenario, in contrast to what one would think at first the best response is indeed to counterattack even if it means opening up more fronts. Pick the alliance of the coalition with the least SDI's, have you members declare on them and save ever single nuke for that alliance. Get as many members as you possibly can into peace mode and when the original wars start to expire have them come out and declare again on the exact same targets. Now, you can argue back and forth whether undergoing such a strategy would achieve a positive political result: I would say in some situations it could. Regardless though, that is not the focus of my argument. All I am saying is that polar could have employed a strategy of offense rather then defense that would have done more numerical damage to the enemy they were facing.

    A few points:

    1. By launching offensive wars when being "curbstomped" of sorts is not a good idea by any means. You have 3 offensive and 3 defensive slots. Chances are in a curbstomp, all three of your defensive slots are filled. At this point in the game, you do not want to launch any more wars. Why? Because fighting more than three fronts is near suicide (trust me, I've done it). While playing the "defensive" by not launching offensive wars, you can still do a significant deal of damage to your opponents by focusing on fighting whatever is in front of you and by relieving the more weary nations of your alliance through whatever reserves you have (as in, have these reserves launch offensive wars only against nations who have already attacked members of your alliance). Using this tactic will allow you not only to defend most effectively but also to strain the resources of the enemy as they will be forced to use more in attacks against whatever reserve you used to attack their initial attack.

    2. Generally, 3 on 1 odds are not too bad. If you can coordinate your nations well enough, provide a strict plan of action, and ensure the safety of your banks until they are needed, it is possible to hold your opponents out to a draw in a three versus one.

    3. At that point in the game, you want to hold your nukes and use them to hit whatever banks and large money making nations you can along with other nations that have been a thorn in your rear end. Using nukes against a strategically unimportant nation when outnumbered is the biggest issue. If used properly for tactical and strategic strikes, a smaller nuclear arsenal can be potentially far more dangerous (in the short run at least) than a larger arsenal as the alliance hit with more strategic strikes will find itself having a harder time replenishing its nations on the front line with aid along with causing more nations to go into "fixing mode" rather than on the offensive.

    4. Aye, Polaris obviously could have caused more damage than it did. However, it would have done more over a longer period of time with a more concentrated enemy (which it has shown that it can do in the past). When fighting already 5/6 to 1 odds, increasing them is of no benefit. Sure, the Polar Horde could have easily smashed a good number of GGA nations but at what cost? It would overstretch the Polar armies and make them easy pickings after their initial strike has been completed (OOC: Think German Spring Offensive of 1918. Germany launched EVERYTHING into one massive strike against the weaker France in fear of the more powerful America's oncoming armies. Germany enjoyed a great deal of success initially but in the end lost their armies to the Allied counterattack as their offensive had stretch their lines so thin.).

    Just a few thoughts.

  15. /is enlightened

    I now see clearly now.

    Oh c'mon, my disguise isn't that good. :awesome:

    Ah, thank you, sir/madam. Oh, and btw, I'm a sir.

    With that said, it's an honor to meet you. :awesome:

    The honor is mine. And I am also a sir. :P

  16. Hizzy, of course I'm not.

    At some point you'll figure out that you lost the war before the first shots were fired. Whether MCXA is an ultimate war machine or merely good at piling on matters not one wit.

    Actions have consequences.

    I also find it incredibly amusing that someone from NpO would complain about "dog piling". For over a year, Polaris mastered the art then came onto these very forums to thump their chest about how superior they were because of it.

    I feel sorry individually for King Penchuk because he was a loyal company man. For Polaris? Don't make me laugh.

    Oh go back to your hole. You're just sore that \m/'s "mighty" war machine didn't win. For the early days of the UJW, sides were balanced. Polaris was jumped by six different alliances (that I remember) and we gained NS. You're going to say that all of our allies dog piled you? Good Lord. At worst, the UJW was outnumbered 2 to 1. Polaris and crew were outnumbered 7 to 1.

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