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Posts posted by MercyFallout

  1. OOC: Very well, Solar. Makes sense.

    But by god, do not use any WMDs... Use it, and they won't be recognized :P

    OOC: Very convenient hmm? You recognize my WMD's while I'm not using them and then automatically stop recognizing them if I use them? Very convenient.

    OOC: mmmkay, well they're in Porbandar now...

    Also, SC... I recognize your nuclear claims.

    OOC: @ RA, thats what he said.

    @merger, thank you.

  2. OOC: Just a question. Where does everybody get their maps? I've been looking just for a physical map of my nation so I can make the little states and cities but I can never find a suitable one. Is there some website everyone uses or do you guys just have more luck?

    OOC: Most of the time Wikipedia has a good map.

  3. OOC: With Zero Tech? Niiice!

    I wonder what I can do with my Tech then...

    Also, Subt:

    Key Word: WAS. I am playing for the here and now, mate.

    OOC: Unfortunately for you, older RP members do not.

    Think RL, ANY nation in the world can have a nuke if someone else gives it to them. For example, imagine the UK being completely ravaged, infrastructure gone, and nearly sent back a hundred years in time. But, the UK is known for moving its nukes to Canada and other parts of the Commonwealth (at least it did, not so sure anymore). If the Commonwealth nations who are holding the nuke get through perfectly fine, they can always ship the nuke back to the UK and the UK would have no RL infra or the technology. But they would still have one. Same concept.

  4. OOC: You're telling me a nation of your size, has the capability of shipping/airing these Nukes to Rebel Army? Well, unless Fishing Boats take you across the bone-chilling Ocean, go for it.

    OOC: Tahoe, Proxia, and a few other nations gave me stuff. And Dalnim XIII's are ICBMs (which you can see I sent also to Proxia). I can fire them from almost any point on the globe and hit wherever I want.

  5. OOC: Then can I have the 60 planes I had in my old nation, too? I secretly stashed them away in Neo Japan :awesome:

    OOC: You didn't RP them being stashed away did you? I can even bring up the post where I sent a part of my nuclear arsenal to King Penchuk.

  6. OOC: How did you get them down from where your old nation was then?

    OOC: If you read my RP, one of my old nation generals hijacked my entire Imperial Home Defense Fleet along with a number of other military divisions and nuclear missiles with him when I announced the Shilla-Triyunica merger. He took the fleet and other units to Tahoe and Proxia where they stayed for a time. Plus, Proxia always had about a tenth of my nuclear arsenal.

    OOC: Solar, bro, no... You cannot announce that you have Two Nuclear Warheads while your in-game nation is MONTHS away from it, and since no one complained, then voila, you get it.

    Come on, man...

    OOC: Read man, READ! I am not using nukes that I bought. I am using that my old RP nation built and then stashed away in another country before falling down.

  7. OOC: I have serious issues with this. There's no way you can have nukes. I refuse to recognize any launches from your nation.

    OOC: This is the "complain when convenient" card. Absolutely no one contested my possession of nuclear warheads as I am the successor state of my old RP nation that, in fact had nukes (in game and in character). If someone had contested them when I announced almost a week ago, then that would have been a different story but no one did.

    Also, your fleets would be somewhere South of RL Persia in the Indian Ocean.

  8. ***Classified***

    *In RA Central Command*

    "Sir! Our spy satellites have picked up the Asian's movements! Their... Their.." Yelled out a sat watcher, while heavily breathing.



    "Get Lavo on the line, it's time for war." Replied the general.

    In a matter of minutes, all over the RA, alarms were going off and a draft was called. Momentarily, the RA would have a force of nearly 900000 soldiers ready, 11575 tanks, and a ton of artillery, mechs, and other armoured and support vehicles ready. Soon, the myrids of the RA's AI-controlled mech army would be tested for the first time... The entire fleet was mobilized, missiles were armed with nuclear, hafnium, chemical, biological and EMP payloads, bombers were readied with a variety of bombs and explosives, space weapon command was fully operational, and fighters were in the air. Hell would soon be unleashed.


    Emperor Kim Kee Hyuk has given Shillan Nuclear Missile Command temporarily over to the Rebel Army Strategic Missile Command. Our warheads are primed to be launched when given the order.

    OOC: YES I DO HAVE NUKES. No one contested me bringing two with me from my old nation when I started and so I've got them.

    OOC: U know franz, considering ur Ns and tech levels, why the hell arnt you fighting?

    OOC: Because Martens and Uberstein squashed him.

    OOC: I mobilized those troops some days ago, which is why they've already arrived.

    OOC: Not contesting yours. Yours makes sense.

  9. OOC: Good point here. In any way you look at it Saboria's going to get their troops in before you can do anything. I'd say it'll probably take what, a week? Unless you do what I do and have my navy deployed around the world but with that you can't have the full force of your navy come into play. How long would it take for troops to travel across all of Asia or by plane from North America? Probably a couple of days both ways to get troops fully deployed right?

    OOC: Five days from North America to Britain so I'd say six days tops and Saboria's troops will be deploying in Europe. It takes a maximum time of sixteen hours to fly across the Atlantic but most flights can be made in around fourteen to fifteen. From Asia to Europe by ship will take a bit of time if the Suez is closed (probably between 11 to 20 days).

  10. ooc: the navy began moving five days ago with the mobilization of the rest of the army towards Uberstein and whatnot. The plan was originally to move the entire army via sea from the port of Porbandar within the nation of NorseTurks. When I was able to get access via a different route, they continued to move towards Uberstein around Africa.

    If that's not enough time, then I'll remove the RP... apologies

    OOC: You're off by a few days, if I am not mistaken. The first day would be spent mostly chugging out of your own port and assembling the fleet. To go around the Horn of Africa, you would need at least another ten days (unless you redlined your engines which is pretty stupid since I'm pretty sure you want your fleet back).

  11. The Imperial navy ceased raids of the coastal areas of Uberstein, and began to head in behind the Saborian navy.

    Missile launches soon followed. The ships targeted the transports, and destroyed several before being confronted by the rest of the navy. Dogfights commenced, and the Imperial navy attempted to get into formation to surround the Saborian navy.

    The ships moved discreetly. Battleships and destroyers began to encircle the Saborian navy during combat. In the meantime, dogfights in the air kept much of the two nations' air forces busy.

    As the battle ensued, the Imperial fleet had encircled the Saborian navy, and continued to shoot missile after missile after them.

    The Imperial navy, however, was not invulnerable. Much damage was taken from the Saborian Navy. Several transports, escorted by other ships, broke through parts of the circle and were able to continue on to the city of Kingstongrav.

    OOC: where the heck is your fleet coming from? If it is coming from the Far East, then its nearly impossible for them to have gotten across the globe (regardless of how you travel) within the past two days. For one, you would not be able to use the Suez Canal since RA shut it off so you would have to either go through the Arctic Ocean (which means it would take a long time and the risk of losing ships) or travel around the Horn of Africa. Your aircraft could easily engage Saboria's units but everything? Not a chance.

  12. OOC: then your saying his technology is actually below that of which he currently has. I felt i was doing him an honor by acknowledging how far his nation was, but if you say so. In that case that makes things much easier

    Edits shall be made

    IC: finding a lack of any form of advanced communications or defense grids, computer efforts will be placed on Prussia instead

    OOC: Your computers are currently fighting a massive Polish attack. They are rather obviously in no condition to be launching any attacks. Why? Because X'ian can hold off the Polish computers with his 50% spy success possibility but he cannot overwhelm them or do anything to really stop them. All he can do is fix your computers as fast as Reimer is shutting them down. Plus, all of your computers are reformatting. Once you start doing that, you really can't stop.

  13. OOC: srsly gaiz, this is a joint operation by me and Xi'an. Also, uberstein has to have some computerized form of communication at some level, or else his military would be even less effective

    OOC: Not really. If his guys are really that good at punch carding, then it wouldn't hinder him all that much.

  14. A military aide rushed up to the Emperor who was meeting with Shimon of Rebel Army.

    "Sir! Neo Japan has begun an offensive against Prussia and Uberstein!"

    "Very well. Activate Code 665055. Override Access Permit 12. Security Code 001019."

    "Aye aye sir!"


    General Code 665055

    Override Access Permit 12

    Security Code 001019

    All Systems Green

    Knightmare Squadrons 1-5 (OOC: I have ten) en route to Kaya. Imperial Home Defense Fleet deploying from South Indian Ocean. Dalnim XIII-V and XIII-VII on launching decks.

    Awaiting further orders.

  15. Shimon looks over it quickly. "Mmhm... Standard MoADP. I like. Now, where do I sign?"

    Kee Hyuk smiled and pulled a pen out from his breast pocket. Handing Shimon the pen, the Emperor pointed to the line with a giant X on it. "As the old saying goes, X marks the spot."

  16. Shimon burst out laughing after hearing the second sentence. "Of course he has."

    Kee Hyuk chuckled a bit. It was funny, however serious it was. Turning around slightly, the Emperor beckoned one of his aides to come froward. The aid produced a briefcase bearing the proposed military treaty between the Rebel Army and the New Shillan Empire. Pulling it out of the briefcase, Kee Hyuk handed the papers to Shimon.

  17. The New Shillan Empire would like to open up Solari Airport (formerly known as Ashgabat Airport) in Shillan Kaya (formerly Turkmenistan) as an alternative stopping airport for the Afrikaanse Lugdiens en route to and from the Far East.

  18. *whispers* I think a lightsaber would provide for a good deterrent... *gives lightsaber hilt*

    OOC: Danke! *uses lightsaber instead of stick*

    IC: Honestly guys, do you all need colonies in Antarctica? It won't be productive for a good number of years since you have to drill through four kilometers (At least) of ice to get to anything.

  19. Just because Antarctica is now on the map doesn’t mean everyone and their mother grandmother and dog needs to start claiming a piece of it. :angry:

    Honestly. You guys need to back off. *beats back with a stick*

  20. "...You know, that's just going to make it even more tempting to give them alcohol. Ether way, we'll be sure to help them find their cousins if they wish, they're more then welcome to enlist." He says with a grin on his face.

    "Only if you want to see the cities of your secret enemies to be wiped off the map. Then again, that's not too bad. Ah yes, did Lavo brief you on our treaty talks?"

  21. "It is not a problem. Hrmm... I hope those penguins are the kind that are fans of warmer weather. If so, they'll be sent to Ecuador (a suitable temperature for them) for further training and possible deployment. An interesting yet rather useful gift if I do say so myself."

    "Ecuador eh? I hear some of them have distant cousins (fourth cousins, five times removed) over there. They'll have plenty of fun. Oh, whatever you do. Do not give them alcohol. Last time that happened they almost launched a nuke."

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