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Posts posted by MercyFallout

  1. Tourists? Commercial airlines. Rostovi Airlines is already planning a special route to Osea International Airport. For the "wealthier" tourists, we are thinking of an Indian Ocean cruise (of course this is way off in the future).

    The New Shillan Empire does not recognize the Osean Federation joining Siberia. As such, the Emperor has ordered the complete closing of Imperial Airspace over Shillan Kaya (Turkmenistan) for all planes--commercial and otherwise.

  2. We do not wish to see war, but this aggressive move cannot be let to slide. In any case, in the words of LeVentNoir "This is not war, this is pest control!" (OOC:Kudos for the reference!)

    This small nation has 'decreed' that it can place established Imperial Possession under its own cloak of protection. Until this statement is reversed, we shall have no talks.

    OOC: Doctor Who?

  3. For the third time, the land labeled 'PAC Occupied Arenellia' should be changed to 'Zahra'.

    Sorry. I missed that. I'll fix it soon.

    Honestly though, can I get a color change to a medium tone gray? It's ok if not, it's just no one tells me yes or no.

    I'll see what I can do.

  4. Alright. So this is what I've edited in:

    *Changed name of Solar Confederacy to the New Shillan Empire.

    *Changed name of Norse Turks to Norse Republic.

    *Removed France, Dun Carrig, Osean Federation, and Yankee's Empire.

    *Added in new Welsh, Prussian, and SAUS Territories.

    *Added in Cainian Empire (WELCOME!)

    Link to regular map: http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/460/reg...worldmappm2.png

    Due to the territory dispute over a large spread of Pacific islands between Sumeragi and Imperial Wellington along with the territory dispute over the former Osean Federation, I have edited the world map to also reflect this. The Regular Map does not show these disputes.


  5. So, I'm online nao.

    Has it been decided if merger and Frost already sent troops into the UE? Either way, 400,000 men and 4,000 tanks as well as 3 carrier battle groups are nearby former St. Petersburg (can't remember its IC name), although they're on standby for now. I'm in the war as soon as Ubey is attacked directly, and depending on where we start off again (if we do that at all), I may or may not be involved.

    Man, my status is complicated. <.<

    If I'm not mistaken, both did a while ago. Either way, Frost tried to hack Uberstein's unhackable computer system.

  6. .Additionally The Kingdom of Solamnia shall not recognize The Empire of the Sun as a sovereign nation.

    OOC: Who are you not recognizing? There is no Empire of the Sun in the RP.

  7. Put this in:


    Taoiseach Seán Ó Déaghaidh, Tahoe Republic

    King Penchuk, Proxian Empire

    Emperor Kim Kee Hyuk, New Shilla Empire

    King Cristf Kozyar, Rossiyskayan Empire

    Prime Minister John, Novus Niciae (in memorium)

    Emperor Triyun II, Neo Triyunican Empire (in memorium)

    Emperor Kim Kee Hyuk, Emperor of Shilla (in memorium)

    Emperor Nguyen Van Linh, Empire of Vietnam (in memorium)

  8. Rebel Army (Lavo_2) is at war with Xi'an Empire and Neo Japan (both of which declared war on Prussia/Uberstein).

    The New Shillan Empire is technically neutral but we have already committed our forces to defending (or at least trying to) RA if needed.

  9. OOC: Damn, I'm gone for one hour and Lavo pulls out a superweapon that annihilates a navy? FREAKING AWESOME :awesome:

    Anyway, did anyone declare war on the Polskiego Imperium? That's the only real reason I'm involved in this. Also (to Martens and Uberstein) do I have permission to move troops through your airspace and waters to get them to the Imperium?

    OOC: I believe Xi'an and Neo Japan both did.

  10. It's easier to wait for the fleet to move out of proximity of the city, which, given the fact they were heading across the globe, shouldn't have been too long a wait.

    OOC: Much harder to hit a moving target with a giant space gun than a stationary one.

  11. OOC: So, wait, a large rod hitting water at incredible speeds with incredible force is supposed to not hit a city probably a mile away? Wouldn't there be like, you know, giant waves?

    OOC: If he hits the port, then not really. There would be waves from the water in the port but the rest of it would be sent outwards while everything else blows up.

  12. OOC: If you hate it so much, just get your air force to destroy the superweapon, it has been done before (with rail guns and all.)....too many times to count.

    OOC: It is in space. You would need ICBM's at least to blow it up.

    And at this point, people are just whining because Lavo is advanced in technology and they aren't. The leading space faring nations of the world (RL USA and Russia) can build those things now and probably were able to ten years ago. With technology rapidly advancing, and advancing faster and faster every year, it is perfectly acceptable to have an accurate rail gun in space 12 years from now.

    Want another RL example? Nukes were first introduced in 1945. People though then they'd always be weapons that blew up huge targets and left radiation for years to come. By the 60's the USA (and I bet the USSR too) had tactical nuclear weapons that would destroy the target with a much smaller nuclear blast. That is about 15 years with much more outdated technology. Lavo, is far more modern with technology and science that simply didn't exist then. Even if he built a railgun in space in his country's version of 2008 technology, by his current ~2020 levels, he would at least be able to fire it accurately.

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