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Posts posted by Hymenbreach

  1. I'll putting it in simpler language. If this fails, I'll try grunting and gestures.

    I'm saying you had a part in Legion's current reputation (not problems). I'm saying you did what you did out of cowardice. I'm saying you have lost the right to criticise the Legion.

    We couldn't do anything about you at the time because: 1) we were consolidating after your actions 2)You actions lead to the vice-royship and a loss of FA dcision making and 3) we were in no state to take on the STA.

    Don't hide and tell us we are the cowards for not seeking you out.

  2. If Legion has a problem, it is that it is happily self contained. This did it no favours when the NPO propaganda machine went for it (and most of the present oppobrium stems from that work, johnny-come-lately bandwagonners notwithstanding). This self-containment is it's greatest strength and greatest weakness.

    The renewal of the Legion, post Purplegate, should have been a fresh start, but bad luck (the world turning against the NPO) on the world political stage saw it turn into distaste on all sides of the treaty web.

    It's probably too late to do anything about it now, though, unless they get a PR genius in.

    This is probably the time to go for some self imposed silence. You should have talked more when you stayed silent and now you should talk less and stay silent.

  3. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1284310305' post='2451061']
    Three years after I attempted to do the Legion a favor, I'm the MoFA of a highly respected, well regarded, successful alliance. I've contributed in very real ways to that success. Most folks who dislike STA are still able to say that they respect us.

    Three years later, Legion is still a joke. Your alliance has the respect of few people. No one hates Legion because no one cares enough about them to feel that strongly. People feel sorry for your alliance because it's a shining example of what not to do. Legion is like the mentally challenged kid who lives down the street. You let him play because he's so pathetic that it's cruel not to.

    The evidence against your claims that I am a coward and a weakling is mountainous. If being a disgrace to the Legion means being the opposite of your alliance, then the evidence in favor of that position is plentiful. Damn right, I'm a disgrace to the Legion. Thank God.

    As you are one of the architects of Legion's reputation, I have to say any of your present achievements are covered in the black oil of your past behaviour. Not only did you stab your then alliance in the heart out of personal dread and lack of intestinal fortitude, you refused to take any kind of redemptive punishment for it.

    Anyone else on Planet Bob can say what they like about the Legion. You, however, really shouldn't.

  4. Oh noes Legion! All the cool teens hate/think little of you. No one will want to go to the prom with you. Have a tissue.

    To critics: the hating/dismissive tactic has certainly worked at getting rid of Legion for the last four years. Keep it up.

    To Legion: Good grief. One step forward, four steps backward. Learn, for heaven's sake, learn some PR.

    To Peztar: Since you performed the biggest act of cowardice in this or any other world, I'd really keep on the silent side.

  5. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1282723473' post='2430627']
    [color="#0000FF"]The only person who considers you reasonable is yourself. Everyone else sees you for the self-deluded psuedo-intellectual that you are.

    You sunk my battleship.[/color]

    Who else would delude me? Anyway, better to be a psuedo intellectual than a no intellectual, hey? Or a not particular skilled demogogue.

  6. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1282722886' post='2430623']
    [color="#0000FF"]And yet again I am amazed at Hymenbreach's remarkable ability to talk down to his superiors. Truly he does have a knack for it. As for this being hostile, not really. A few vocal disagreements over how events actually unfolded, which is understandable, but from what I can see everyone is more or less satisfied with the results.

    You sunk my battleship.[/color]

    I've always found it easy to talk down to you RV, from my evil position of reasonableness.

    I sunk your battleship.

  7. Congrats on making the peace more interesting, vitriolic and aggressive than the actual war.

    Pity both sides couldn't lose, which increasingly seems to be my general CN position. Still, I don't think anyone considers this war to be actually over, right?

  8. Dear Posters,

    This is already the dullest war in CN history. No. Really. Most of you are not helping.

    Make propaganda that is easy on the eye (I'm looking at you Bones Malone), has a short pithy message and leaves without comment. Most of these have more text than my boring friends holiday emails.

    Please stop my head from banging against the table, I'm finding it hard to concentrate.

    Yours, faithfully


    Ps; explaining lame prop does not suddenly make it funny or worthwile.

  9. TOLWYN'S DEMANDS were quite amusing.

    Wow, I really have a short memory. Oh, wait no. I was in the Legion for three years. Not much fun for most of that. Exciting though.

    Oh wait, when the Cabinet of Legion decided to scrap the 'League of Nations' Law Book, not replacing it with anything thus making my underground coup movement not illegal. That was pretty funny. As was most of the conversations in the 'Anglo-German (Coup) Club'.

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