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Posts posted by Hymenbreach

  1. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1309961514' post='2750372']
    The proper thing to do isn't for Legion to cut ties with NPO. It is for Legion to find her OWN FA direction, and be a participant in the world based on her own merits and stats. The numbers and competence have ALWAYS been there. They're there now. The problem comes with the wholly insular nature of the community, which just doesn't allow for big moves or independence. It's fine to be wrapped up within your own community, paying little mind to the rest of the world if you are a neutral alliance. If you are not willing or able to make external moves, you cannot, and will not, be a respected alliance, and as such, you will continue to get the crap beaten out of you on a regular basis. NSO is a perfect example of this. A few months ago, EVERYONE hated them. Today, folks are coming around. Why? They're doing something on their own.

    Ome may preclude the other.

  2. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1309923854' post='2749992']
    This is absolutely hilarious. You don't owe your enemy anything simply because they didn't kill you.

    Quotes taken out of context are the [b][i]best[/i][/b] quotes.

  3. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1309918408' post='2749925']
    As always I will hold your advice in high regard, but in this instance I will not heed it.

    After HB's comment I did some more digging and found a reference to you as part of The Legion. It was my fault that I confined my search to Avelegio's archives and for not digging enough I apologize.

    As to your point. You, and many others, find us hypocritical when we criticize TOP for preemptively attacking C&G and then post war signing with the Mushroom Kingdom. Mainly because of the events of the Legion's disbandment crises and it's aftermath. The fact that NPO and Legion were once enemies and are now allies is very similar to that of the TOP/MK dynamic starting with Bi-Polar and continuing to today. However the similarities end there. The Legion having been betrayed from within and then threatened by an obviously stronger enemy succumbed in order to survive. Having made it through both disbandment and a viceroy we have endeavored to make our own way. Part of the way included signing a treaty with NPO, as well as coming to here defense not once but twice.

    TOP on the other hand was the aggressor in Bi-Polar, and was subsequently defeated. After reps were done you had no viceroy hanging over your head, you had no fateful choice to either succumb or die. You freely signed with MK when just months prior you attacked them. You, as we, are free to sign with whomever you chose. My problem with TOP is that you as an alliance can't be trusted. Either TOP made a huge mistake in assessing the C&G threat or you jumped to the side that you thought happened to be the strongest. If you aren't a flip-flopper than you're liable to attack anyone at any time, and have shown that you will use preemptive attacks to "defend" yourselves.

    I hope you will heed this advice. While defending yourself against one opponent, do not throw stones at a bystander in the crowd.

  4. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1309915492' post='2749881']
    If they had such a strong community, than they should have been able to survive a losing war. You didn't see FAN disband did you?

    FAN kept its Leadership and structure. After the Legion Leadership ran away and secured it's survival in other AA's Legion was left with mostly the smaller non-involved nations that, democratic actions aside, had no involvement or guilt in what happened to cause the Disbandment. It's hastily put together leadership couldn't have fought a war (against the Top Dog AA and pals) and kept the alliance together even with Cliff Notes and the Hand of God.

    Plus, I had no intention of letting many mid and micro nations get smashed into the ground while the really guilty drank metaphorical cocktails while wearing White Tiger Skin and what have you.

    Plus, FAN was in the right, which is a good glue to keep people together. Legion, via it's mad Pre-Disbandment government, was guilty as hell and leaking members by the hundred. So, in my verbose manner, I'm saying it would not have survived a losing war.

  5. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1309909868' post='2749802']
    Not only did Invicta not splinter from Legion, but you were never a member. You may have joined Avelegio, but you never took the entrance exam or even bothered to start any of the other entrance requirements. That makes you 0-2 in the Truth department there bub.

    I expect it was late when you posted this. Take a moment to reflect on your replies before you post. Silence is a useful, but under respected servant.

  6. [quote name='Chalaskan' timestamp='1309911624' post='2749826']
    I don't blame anyone for that. I think the Legion that existed before that war was a completely different after the war, but then again I didn't stick around to find out. I guess what I blame them for is doing sticking with NPO after, and continuosly making the same mistakes time and again.

    The leadership wasn't really any better after NPO's viceroy as before it imho.

    We're coming dangerously close to agreement. The monkeys will be confused. ;) I also think they stuck with the NPO too long and while the gov now seems superficially like the one before the Renaissance, it has had it's moments of quality (I like Totem personally), such as the first Single Leader Whose Name Escapes My Aged Memory. Other alliances make mistakes, but only Legion's are written across the sky and taught to children in school. (Admittedly, they take up a lot of room on the syllabus).

  7. [quote name='Chalaskan' timestamp='1309911116' post='2749819']

    You initiated what happened, but the alliance as a whole bowed and did it.

    Survival or death? They leapt at the only log in the river. Before i hear cries of Death before Dishonour and all that, this is the Legion that was practically one of the closest groupings that has ever existed. We didn't come to the main boards because we were so self contained. It was our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. We were not just alliance mates we were (hoary old cliche i know), actually a group of friends.

    I don't blame them at all.

  8. [quote name='FearUnited' timestamp='1309908386' post='2749770']
    [color="#FF0000"]Good Speech. Legion should listen to one of its eldest members. I advise them to listen to you and you should really say something to them. [/color]

    [color="#FF0000"]I also noticed you left.. Was this due to leadership?[/color]

    Partly hubris, partly stupidity, partly an itch for new paths. Or a path to a new itch.

    @Branimir. I actually like the NPO. I was there during the Viceroyship and I saw how NPO allowed us to decide on what form we took with the proviso that we didn't do the same old, same old - not a tricky codicil - and, although I am not blind to realpolitik, you stood us on our feet and broke the cycle of Demogoguecracy that led us from one disaster to another.

    I don't think I am even attacking the NPO, I'm just calling for a separation.

    Yes, I know you are one of the few alliances to associate with them, but while you do they always will be alone. People don't like the NPO and the ones who are too craven or politic to attack the NPO directly will kick at the whipping boy.

    Edited for late night pronoun confusion.

  9. For most of my political life on Planet Bob, since I took over my nation in a peaceful but surprisingly bloody coup, I was a member of Legion.

    A little history lesson.

    I was a nobody in the alliance for a good while. I was Communications Officer for about three years, some of which I managed to increase (for like a couple of seconds until The Curse Of Legion Leadership Struck) the public reputation of that Alliance. (Our reputation has always been low, since we let the NPO of old won the propaganda war through a foolish decision to ignore the wider world).

    As you know, Lord Swampy had his moment of madness and Pezstar had her moment of Intestinal Unfortitude and Legion Disbanded for about 20 minutes. I was voted in as one of the emergency Leadership and I am the one and only person responsible for contacting the NPO and thus I am the cause of the Viceroyship and I am the one who should be called a NPO lapdog. I was, and am, happy to have that monkey nougat thrown at me rather than the Alliance as a whole. Though it is too late for that.

    I was in government briefly after that, and was staggeringly bad for the most part. Mostly because I felt too strongly for the alliance that I thought I had saved and I struggled to separate myself from the organisation. Some of you will sympathise, some will not. I am also an ideas man rather than a worker. This is my excuse for idleness.

    I tell you this so that you know I have some right to advise the Legion.

    My advice is this: [b]Separate from the NPO at all costs[/b]. I was a fool. I thought we could be saved in a NPO run world, but that came to an end and then we should have cut our losses and did what the ODN did, only with a little more dignity and class.

    Yes, we owed the NPO much for not simply destroying us and giving us the mechanism of competent, if not entirely independent, government. But that was then and the ties of gratitude need not be barbed wire handcuffs.

    If you move away from the NPO ou will be alone and the wolves will surround you. Some will skulk, like they do now. Some will yelp for the amusement of other scavengers, like they do now and yes, some will bite you but they cannot kill you. Nothing can kill Legion, God knows enough have tried. What does not kill you makes you stronger, said a wise man once.

    Furthermore, attack the NSO. Even it goes badly, you look like you give a damn. There is a myth that Legion has always been terrible at war and this was true only twice in history. The far past and the immediate present. Between that, we were competent at least.

    The road to recovery will cost you dear, but you must take the first step yourself.

  10. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1309740152' post='2747966']
    NSO should offer Legion a 1 vs. 1

    I agree with this. They should. I've beenn persuaded.

    I don't think they will, but they should. The short term will be brutal, but it could work out.

  11. [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1309746603' post='2748046']
    It's always funny to see people act as though newer players actually studying their history is illegal or something...but you really [i]aren't [/i]doing Legion any favors with the holier-than-thou routine.

    Tbf, you just look like a pretentious prick.

    Edit: Assuming you were actually trying to defend Legion of course, instead of just trying to show how ~superior~ you think you are.

    I only seem superior because I am. ;)

    But I'd rather be a pretentious prick capable of making up my own mind that another monkey in the peanut gallery pulling the thong of the lead monkeys like RV and the like.

  12. [quote name='Sniper Joe' timestamp='1309643340' post='2747121']
    Because rerolls don't exist and it's impossible to learn history, right? Have fun being "above it all."

    P.S., the "Whoever's been around longest is right" argument is pretty terrible.

    [OOC:]It's similar to when older folks claim that their age means they know better, that you'll agree with them once you're their age, etc. It's just a really bad argument, so please, put it to rest.[/OOC]

    Recieved wisdom is the best wisdom, right?

  13. How things don't change.

    Legion Haters take an action (even one agreed as war strategy) and hammer them for it.

    Legion doesn't help itself. Shut up, or be funny. You can't persuade people out of something they weren't persuaded into.

    Nations with no history (started in March? Oh Ho) railing how terrible the Legion has always been.

    Valhalla being someone's Attack Dog, or the little guy hanging with the big guys hoping they can keep themselves safe from attack.

    ODN still doing its nerd kid dressing 'street' and playing with the big kids on the corner. Sanction, Sanction, uber Alles.

    NSO being NSO. 100 pound teenagers yapping to 100 pound teenagers.

    Planet Bob, never change.

  14. Not in the top 10to the power of how ever many noughts you can think of, but I enjoyed my feuds with Lord Swampy and Pezstar (Queen of the White Flag :P) Plus the inhouse feud between the Anglo German Club (also known as the AntiCabinestas) and the Pre-Fall Legion government was the most fun I ever had in the game.

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