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Posts posted by Trinite

  1. [quote name='Duncan King' date='28 February 2010 - 12:23 AM' timestamp='1267334796' post='2207651']
    First, it's nice to see another ally out of this war. Looking at these terms, it appears that although they mistakenly think that they are funny, RIA, LOSS, and LOUD, are actually stand up guys. Sparta, MA, and Nemesis, on the other hand, appear to be requiring reparations from TOOL even though they piled on an already heavily engaged alliance.

    Oh well.
    We really need to stop attacking TOOL when they are already engaged with... wait a sec. o_O

  2. No idea what ten pages said, but yay epoace. fighting tOOl is fun. wheeee.

    [quote]Sushi is truly a disgusting food. Not only is the main ingredient uncooked flesh. It's the uncooked flesh of a slimy sea dwelling creature. Wrapping it in a bland sticky carbohydrate and a leaf of the sea equivalent to tumbleweed improves nothing. Sushi is perhaps the least appetizing food ever to be conceived.

    It is important to understand the history of this so called food if we wish to understand how such an atrocity became worldwide cuisine. It was created in a Japanese fishing village long ago when they had run out of wood and they were stuck with that days catch and no way to cook it so they tried to disguise the appalling texture and taste with what ever they had handy. This being a poor fishing village they had to choose between seaweed and rice or dirt and grass. A dialogue was recorded from the time:

    Fisherman one: But seaweed is disgusting and rice barely covers the
    Fisherman two: Well it's better than the taste of it raw.
    Fisherman one: We won't have to worry about this as soon as we get some more wood
    Fisherman two: Thank god. I would hate to be remembered for creating this abomination.
    Fisherman one: Maybe we should try dirt and rice?
    Fisherman two: How I long for a cheeseburger

    Sadly, this culinary travesty did not die out with the next wood shipment. A couple of visitors from Edo saw the locals eating it and thought it would make them look more authentic if they partook. They brought the idea back with them raving about the "interesting texture" and the "unique flavor." Not wanting to miss the next big thing, the local elites took up the regrettable concoction. None were willing to be the first to denounce such a rare and authentic food. And so it spread like an ill smelling plague throughout Japan and then the world. And so it continues. The sad need of a poor fishing village has turned into a worldwide gastronomical tragedy.[/quote]

  3. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='24 February 2010 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1267052659' post='2202141']
    I am just that crazy I guess.

    Regardless, continuing to discuss it will not change the situation. Fark has stated that it has no plans to offer what we seek and we have stated that we will not accept what they have offered. End of story unless one side changes their mind. For me, that is impossible. Not because I emphatically disagree with the terms or because I am just being a prick, which I am, but because I have given my word that it will not be so to my members. Nothing will change that so far as I am concerned. Not pissed off Polars, not unhappy Farkers, nothing. It is a matter of resolve and yes, personal pride, in regards to honoring my word to my membership.

    If my alliance decides that they wish to change their opinion on the issue then that is up to them.
    I was actually referring to your kind of white peace. You still might be crazy, but not that crazy.

  4. [quote name='Kryievla' date='24 February 2010 - 05:13 PM' timestamp='1267049847' post='2202091']
    Oh wow, I was thinking that same thing. I don't even see why it's a necessary stipulation if you've beaten someone so badly that they have to surrender (in NSO's case, accept white peace) in the first place. They would be of limited effectiveness on return, as well as face a redeclaration and harsh terms if they did jump back in after being granted such leniency.
    Well they could get out of anarchy and collect, get everyone they need to in peace mode and then be able to attack down on targets when they re-enter. That's off the top of my head. If you're losing and someone offers the kind of white peace being discussed here, you would be crazy not to take it, especially if your foe is engaged elsewhere.

  5. [quote name='Poyplemonkeys' date='22 February 2010 - 01:32 PM' timestamp='1266863530' post='2197558']
    So are you telling me what happened here is a few Legion members insulted a Sparta member's mother, so Sparta decided to punish them with reps? Stupid 12 year old jokes and punishing OOC offences with IC measures. Guess this issue does nothing but highlight how pathetic both of these alliances really are.
    Nope, that's not what we're telling you at all. The reasons for reps are many.


  6. [quote name='Coursca' date='22 February 2010 - 12:17 AM' timestamp='1266815866' post='2196361']
    Of course it doesn't make it alright, but again crossing the border one way does not, in my mind, justify crossing it back in the other direction. Being the bigger man has its intrinsic benefits. As we're seeing here, taking a swing at someone over a childish comment, while the anger is understandable entirely, doesn't always end well for the one doing the swinging, in my experience.
    I agree, and while I'm sure pissing off our gov didn't help the negotiations, they were not the justification. They were indicative of the general asshattery we encountered at just about every turn in this war, and that trend certainly did have an effect on our decision to give reps. I'm not sure everyone involved had the same reason for demanding reps. I know for me it was their conduct during the previous peace talks where we were sitting in a peace talk channel with them when we put up the terms and heard nothing from them until after they had posted a new topic blaming the entire thing on Sparta. That's classless, and for me the way way an alliance conducts itself in war matters. I know others felt coming in defense of an obvious aggressor was not a defensive war. Still others felt that by offering a completely defeated foe that snubbed us at every turn off scotch free, we would set a bad precedent. Some combination of that and probably a bunch more I'm forgetting. Whatever we thought, we all agreed that Legion deserved to pay reps. Probably more than we made them pay, but hey we're not MK (you're welcome neneko)

  7. [quote name='Voidbringer' date='22 February 2010 - 12:11 AM' timestamp='1266815476' post='2196341']
    At the maximum, these reps are 120 billion.
    At the minimum, these reps are around 32 billion, assuming they use weak nations to buy blocks of 50 tech for around 800k.

    oh my
    Can you show your work on that one?

  8. Be more classy next time Legion. It'll work out better for you. Can't say it was a pleasure fighting you, and this is really the first time I've ever felt that way about an opponent.

    I generally despise reps, but when you're a complete dick to an entire alliance for an entire war, and blame a misunderstanding that was primarily your fault and partially a third parties fault entirely on us alone, I have no sympathy for your slap on the wrist reps.

    PS - These reps < my warchest before the war.


  9. [quote name='SiCkO' date='15 February 2010 - 01:24 AM' timestamp='1266215057' post='2182462']
    so umbrella would prefer not to try to help out an ally?
    As Umbrella's ally, I can attest that they help their allies in ways that would make a sailor blush. His point was that everyone who has even heard of this war knows that IRON wasn't going to get peace from anyone out of those discussions.

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