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Posts posted by Trinite

  1. Both of my opponents (I know, it's sad I only have two) have been very skilled, very civil, and quite unlucky. I appreciate the former the most. I'd like to give shout outs to both salajol and General Witz. Both from TOP. o7

  2. [quote name='PhysicsJunky' date='05 February 2010 - 01:52 PM' timestamp='1265395952' post='2161818']

    I'm probably lean toward Sparta's side of that particular front but in the spirit of neutrality this popped into my head and I thought I'd share.
    Where'd you get that picture of Tulak?

  3. [quote name='Adrian LaCroix' date='02 February 2010 - 03:48 PM' timestamp='1265143692' post='2153794']
    This war has been utterly ridiculous in almost every way.
    This. I don't even know why the war is being fought outside of the fact that a war had to come around at some point. Trying to get the most fun out of it as possible though.

  4. [quote name='ROMMELHSQ' date='01 February 2010 - 01:35 AM' timestamp='1265006130' post='2150001']
    Lets hope all your top tier fight this time and doesn't refuse to fight :smug:

    Joking aside, welcome to the battlefield, may the will of Johan blind you and his sword crush you.
    You won't be making jokes when all your CMs are gone now will you!!!!! :P

  5. [center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d83/dizzy_devil_rulz/Spartan_Propaganda/spartawarflag.jpg[/img]
    [b][size=4]Declaration of Spartay[/size][/center][/b]

    Hello Planet Bob.

    Sparta is going to war with TOP. They declared on our allies in FoB and Athens. Our allies have asked for help, and we're giving it.


    [font="Palatino Linotype"][b][i]Tulak Hord[/i][/b], King of Sparta
    [b][i]Wilhlem the Demented[/i][/b], King of Sparta
    [b][i]Trinite[/i][/b], Archephor of Sparta
    [b][i]Hyperion[/i][/b], Ephor of Lykoi
    [b][i]Olaf Styke[/i][/b], Ephor of Philoxenia
    [b][i]Darklink[/i][/b], Ephor of Mastropeia
    [b][i]El Coggins[/i][/b], Ephor of Mesoa[/font]

  6. Dear Sparta,

    In my 3+ years of playing CN I have rarely faced such fierce and well coordinated teams of warriors as the ones attacking me now. When these wars expires could you please send 3 more just like them so the fun may continue.

    P.S. sorry for making them glow, but it is war time and nothing says love like a big freakin glow stick!

    We'll keep you busy :).

    As the Lover of Sparta I can inform you that we embrace your nukes with open arms.


  7. How is it that as the "offended party" I don't feel anything wrong with what happened but everyone else does?

    I don't think you are the offended party, and I think that those saying STA betrayed their allies are wrong. In those logs STA does however cheer an attack on an alliance that wasn't engaged in the war. Saying you should protect your ally's allies verges on the absurd with the treaty web how it is, but that still doesn't account for the fact that STA approved of the tactic of attacking an alliance uninvolved in the war because you didn't like them and assumed they would come in on the other side.

    Just to reiterate, those saying STA are bad allies are fools. I've never seen anything to suggest that about STA, but it's still disappointing to see them cheering a CB-less attack.

  8. Well you did approve on an unprovoked attack on an alliance not involved the war. Approving an unprovoked attack on an ally IS certainly worse than an unprovoked attack in the general sense, but cheering for unprovoked attacks is still :(( in my book. Kudos on full disclosure though.

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