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Posts posted by Trinite

  1. In most cases on the raiding side, their ally was not declared on at all, so it really doesn't. There is no mandatory war in most cases. People are just choosing to go to war with their allies – not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but it is a matter of choice not obligation for almost everyone.

    PC was obliged to enter. I wonder why NpO decided to hit \m/ instead of PC anyway. :v:

    One of the beautiful things about optional clauses (and in my opinion their greatest asset) is they disallow treaty web manipulation.

  2. A Treatise on Treatises

    The question I continue to ask myself is, why do we write treatises? Years of historical evidence has proven to us that treatises mean nothing. Planet Bob has drifted into a state of disorder. It used to be the courtesy of a poster to put these all into one thread, now treatises are churned out as though they are trash. Are treatises spam? Will Planet Bob drift into anarchy? Original opinions and the value of a good discussion are the only things keeping Bob from turning into a nuclear wasteland of incoherence and it seems as though many have forgotten of this. If you write a treatise, what are you writing? Something original and thoughtful or you saying, "Listen to me, I can state the obvious." A typical treatise is "Treaties are bad and I don't like them." There is no, "Well if we don’t like it, what can we do about it" sections. A treatise is usually a piece of trash and why have you, the good people of the Cyberverse forgot this?

    Treatises are now something that few people truly respect, they are not to be written left and right just because you had a good conversation with someone. A treatise says many things, and what you say doesn't really matter. If a treatise does not say anything significant, rid yourself of it.

    So what defines a treatise? A bunch of people ready to go post threads saying they have an opinion; just a piece of paper that is there when convenient? In my terms, a treatise is hardly necessary and shall never be called upon. I leave you with this Planet Bob, so that you may take it to heart, and change this world.

    Thank You,

    Epik High

    A Hypocrite of Some kind.


    I've missed you.

  3. Mostly Harmless Alliance: Gargleblaster

    The Order of the Paradox: SPEED

    New Polar Order: Verbose

    Independent Republic of Orange Nations: Disappointing

    Sparta: Love

    Orange Defense Network: Improv(ed)(ing)

    Fark: Awesome

    Green Protection Agency: RELEVANT

    New Pacific Order: Waiting

    Viridian Entente: Reborn

    FOK: Netherlandian

    The Order of Light: loyal

  4. Imagine if you were in a position of possible eternal war...you'd do the same damn thing. So get over it. Your very declarations prove the opposing point.

    Eternal war? Hell, I'll do it every war because clearly so long as I can get peace before my plot is discovered, I am completely absolved for the act, right? Actions have consequences. Even in wartime, somethings shouldn't be done, and they should be deterred.

  5. It's like TPF put ZH into a trojan horse. Then they moved the horse behind the walls, but the war ended and the horse was still there, but the guys in the horse never really liked Agememnon. Though they might have been dating. So after the peace the trojan's made friends with the guys in the horse and the horse guys told them about what the greeks had planned. So the trojans attacked them. Then the greeks said, "but we had peace", and the the trojans were like, "but we didn't know you had planned this dastardly plot behind our walls. Also you were technically fighting the... uh Macedonian Kings. And we didn't have any idea we should have been involved in those talks because we didn't know about this horse." So then the greeks allies were like, "that's totally not a valid reason," and then the trojan's allies were like "we disagree," and then the greek's allies didn't really do anything, but it's totally just like that. Analagies are so fun.

  6. Do I feel as though this is justified? Not particularly. To me it's a wartime offense that was cleared. Do I understand why Athens and everyone else is pissed? Yes. Spying is a crappy thing to do. Do I think TPF deserves to pay the price twice? No. I'd like to see Athens/RoK/Sparta/\m/ walk away the bigger people and just say, "well what you did was lame, it was done during war time, we're not you, we're not what you stood for for so long, we're the bigger people then you are and we're just going to leave it at that. Next time we may not be so nice."

    That's just my views and thoughts on this whole thing. At the end of the day what I say matters little, but I do hope that at the very least, this isn't a trend. What if NPO comes back up and big and bad again and says, "Well LM, you made war on us, you ordered all sorts of destruction and mayhem and coordinated half of CN against us, we're going to roll you" Now that'd be fun for me but I wouldn't agree with the reasoning behind it. Roll me for a mistake that I make. Roll me because I go rogue on an entire alliance when I hit 32350 tech. But not for that.

    I'd agree with you if those negotiating peace knew about this at the time. This is hardly the run of the mill war time strategy. Something like this isn't like nukes, in-game spying, or even sanctioning. There was no way for those negotiating peace to know about this and probably more importantly, Athens wasn't even in the room. It be more like NPO coming back to power and finding out that you had tried to infiltrate their alliance during the karma war in order to destroy them from the inside. TPF had a lot of people going to bat for them to get them terms that they wouldn't have had if this had been known. They don't get away with it just because nobody knew about it until now or because it failed. This wasn't what they got peace for.

  7. We're currently sitting at 205 real members if my math is right. I kind of hope we go under 200 members on our AA, so we can be the largest alliance, and still not be sanctioned. That would be pretty cool.

    Maybe it would force Admin, blessed be his name, to reconsider a certain arbitrary hurdle to sanction :ph34r:

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