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Posts posted by Trinite

  1. Well I was in LUE in the old days and when MK came back I thought it would have more of that free LUE style...

    Now I know obviously MK didn't want to be LUE 2.0 and went in a different direction and that's fine, but it was to me disappointing to see that they turned into a "srs bzns" alliance.

    You must only be interacting with them on these forums. Outside of the OWF they are more... free.

  2. Most disappointing alliance: Sparta. This is not meant in a mean-spirited way but rather that I had such high hopes for them. I was a Spartan for over a year and the constitutional reforms of GtG promised to bring Sparta into a new golden age. Unfortunately, I feel like Sparta under-whelmed in the Karma war and then people grabbed ahold of that and ran with it. As a reaction, I feel that Sparta got defensive and somewhat paranoid (to be fair many alliances were like this following the conclusion of the Karma war). I eventually left mostly out of friendship for Heracles and Ender (which is funny because they are now gone) but also because I realized that many of my criticisms against those boxed-in fools in Pacifica who knew nothing outside of their own forums could be levelled against many Spartans as well. I still find Sparta very isolated in the sense that they only show up en masse to beat threads to death and you rarely see individuals actively contributing to political discussions outside of the party line. That's a shame. I always got along with Sethly though I get the impression that many I left back in Sparta are mistrustful of me and I can understand that. At the end of the day the purges of Sparta I thought would renew its membership levels and eliminate the plague of inactivity (which I myself suffered by times). I dreamed of an alliance of a few hundred rather than twice that, but after the purges we still seemed as huge and directionless as before and I longed for a more personal touch.

    I am glad to see Lyc and Pearl back at it, and it seems that you've had some new recruits over the past while that show great promise. I also can sense from the change in many members' attitudes towards Sparta in recent threads that your private FA attempts are being successful. I still have hope that Sparta will come into its own with its new constitution and that may already be happening but it's simply too early to tell from the outside. Even as I was on my way out I was confident that Sparta's military prowess was greatly under-estimated and I am sure with Lyc back and Hyp in charge that Sparta will surprise people whenever their next conflict rolls around. People need to understand that there is a continuum between Hope and Disappointment, and so to say that you have been disappointed is a complicated compliment in many ways at least in this case.

    tl;dr :wub:

    Alliance: TOP - I really liked them for my entire CN career until the run up to Karma. I still like them, but they disappointed the hell out of me.

    Person: Shinpah - He never joined Sparta )):

  3. Heh...point well made. ;)

    Even alyster admitted he messed up. /thread

    The statement: "Everyone on the AA Sparta is open to attack by Sparta. It's our AA." while true, it still strikes me as a bit odd or at least poorly worded. I also think most people get giving someone who's acted inappropriately a hard shove out the door. You don't need to call them a 'ghost' while doing so.

    A debate for another time perhaps....

    I'll try to put the truth more delicately next time :P.

    We didn't want someone who was being a !@#$% on our AA. We helped him on his way. I don't think calling him a ghost tongue in cheek really matters. The debate of whether he was technically a ghost is probably always irrelevant, but certainly not relevant in this situation.

    @ Louisa: That's his moral outrage meter. You can't go around half way outraged over things. There are plenty of people on these boards that do that already.

  4. Mine. Not necessarily Sparta's.

    1. Offensive Nuclear Policy? Don't go to war if you don't want to get hurt.

    2. Defensive Nuclear Policy? Nukes should only be used offensively :v:

    3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding? Nope

    4. (Answer to #3) Why? )): Bullies )):

    5. Why did your alliance choose your color? There were trades and freedom

    6. Are NAPs useless? As an end point? Yes. As a stepping stone? No

    7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause) Nope.

    8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war? Yes. It's war.

    9. Can you provide me a link to your flag? Custom43.png

    11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run? No idea

    12. Do you consider TDO neutral? I don't think about them enough to know.

    14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?) Open door. New players have to start somewhere.

    15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes? No

    16. Current view concerning NPO? Some of their members seem to have learned very little.

    17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with? Hmmmm. Maybe VE?

    18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine? Is that really still in effect? strange

    19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.3.6, 4, 4, 5, 5

    21. What are your alliance's strengths? We have people who know what they are doing at all levels and they have fun doing it.

    22. What are your alliance's weaknesses? Inactivity or under-activity, but this is becoming less of a problem as we purge them.

    23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from? Hmm. OIN originally, but we have a grab bag. A large proportion are Spartans for life (myself included).

    25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation? Impossible. We'd likely try to bring the conflict to a quick close. It completely depends on the circumstances outside of that.

    26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI? Nope

    27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP? Depends on the circumstances. This is why MADPs are silly. If an ally is attacked, then you have to defend until the treaty expires then try for peace.

    30. Thoughts concerning...

    30.1 ...Citadel? Umbrella is awesome. I have no problems with any of the others. TOP can come off as arrogant, but they don't actually do anything I don't like.

    30.2 ...Frostbite? I like a lot of people in FB, and I really dislike a bunch in their as well. Conveniently almost all of the ones I don't like got together under the same AA.

    30.3 ...Superfriends? They really are super friends

    30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? They're fun.

    30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? Pretty neutral on them.

    33. Do you ever censor your members? On our forums? no On the OWF? yes

    34. Are coups ever justifiable? Yes

    36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be? Depends if you did it in public or in private. In public I would respectfully disagree. If it was in private and I cared what you thought I would ask you why you felt that way.

    38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

    Darkfall: We... didn't lose

    UJP: Victory for justice

    War on Nazis: FCO were actually really cool. We won

    Big Biz: They quit

    Karma: Win again

    44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

    Point out the advantages of our government. If our members ever agreed on anything I would probably die of shock.

    45. What traits make a good alliance?
    Activity, fun people, smart leadership

    46. Current Government type? democratic timocratic dyarchical federal oligarchy

    47. What are your alliance's ideals? Sacrifice and unity.

    48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked. I did. I very much enjoyed being forced off of green for absolutely no reason when we were first forming. It was fantastic. )):

    49. Do you believe in moral police?They are a myth! They can be fun, but they are generally more self righteous than righteous.

    50. What treaties do you have?

    The Brigade-Sparta MDoAP

    Alpha Omega-Sparta MDoAP

    Umbrella-Sparta MDoAP

    Random Insanity Alliance-Sparta MDoAP

    Mostly Harmless Alliance-Sparta MDoAP

    Global Order of Darkness-Sparta MDoAP

    Athens-Sparta MDoAP

    Federation of Buccaneers-Sparta MDoAP

    The Templar Knights-Sparta PIAT w/ ODP

    Asgaard-Sparta PIAT w/ ODP

    Fark-Sparta PIAT w/ ODP

    Sparta Protects TAHE

    Sparta Protects TCI

    Sparta Protects FoA

    NOIR: Black Unity & Economic ODP

    55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned? Maybe

    56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?2

    60. Age range most of your members are? It's all over the place most I'd say are between 18 and 26

    61. Where do most of your members live? All over. Probably a majority USA though.

    62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome? Getting kicked off green.

    63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them? Stronger. Brought some unity and got rid of some chaff. We owned pink for a while there.c

    64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history? Our color moves, our new constitution, and joining ~

    66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future? Binge and purge

    67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

    68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept? I giggle.

    69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do? MADPs... Don't sign them.

    70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion? It's like porn. I know it when I see it.

    71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong? Both

    73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience? Both?

    75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice? See question 50

    76. What makes a effective fighting alliance? Activity. The mechanics aren't that complex. So long as people are active, it doesn't take much to teach them how to be ready or how to fight.

    77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance? I'm assuming diplomacy is off the table for this hypo. Nukes. No question, but I'd let people who weren't down leave no questions asked.

    78. Might makes right. True or false? False, but that doesn't mean there will be justice. Might makes what's going to be accepted.

    79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result? I think ~ was right. The question was who did you want to rule CN. I'm not entirely sure how UJP would have done it, but much of UJP were bullies and thugs when they had power, so I assume it would have been worse. Lulz in power can be an ugly thing. Maybe not though. Who knows. UJP were total dicks to Sparta though, so it wasn't a hard choice at the time.

    80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?I do see some similarities, but the fact that in the end it doesn't actually matter makes any actual parallels hard to make.

    81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price? They do. 3mil/100

    82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price? Not a majority, but they get sold. REally really expensive these days.

    83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation) Power struggle between UJP and not UJP. Who would rule Bob.

    84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be? Something moral and probably silly. It should be fun though. Now that disbanding alliances similar tactics are anathema, i think wars will be far more enjoyable.

    85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances? Ghosts. They are bad.

    90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying) Nope. WAY more trouble than it's worth.

    91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do? We get it MADPs make for annoying hypos. We don't sign them anymore. Again it depends on circumstances

    93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more? Depends what it was for, but we have rules in place for repayment and how much and when they don't have to anymore. I think the still pay back after 2 weeks, but I'm not 100%

    94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums? No. There isn't. It's free or it isn't. Ours isn't.

    95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government) No. that's a rogue.

    96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government) See above

    97. Quality or Quantity? Quality

    98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

    IF I'm reading the hypo right, then yes. We'd help if the friendship remained and they needed our help against a non-ally.

    99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists? They will not.

    100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?We back up our member.

  5. Two questions.

    1. Was the offender warned about this ahead of time and advised to alter behavior?

    2. Does Sparta officially take the stance that someone on the AA for a total of two minutes post-resignation is ghosting and therefore open to attack?

    1) Nope.

    2) Everyone on the AA Sparta is open to attack by Sparta. It's our AA. He's off of it now, and he'll probably get peace.

  6. There nothing unorthodox at all about reps that were destined for Athens from NPO instead going to KoN. The problem at last check is that there wasn't anything flowing from NPO either.

    People (not just me, trust me) are getting *really* tired of you showing up in threads, taking up a position, and then constantly questioning people ability to read, comprehend, and their over all intelligence simply because they hold a position opposite yours.

    Don't you have another state of the alliance thread to create or something?

    Anyone reading the last two pages could tell you that unorthodox has to do with donations and tech, and nothing about NPO. The only mention of NPO paying was Bilrow's baseless accusation. The only thing NPO has in this affair at all is Bilrow's nose. I think even he's realized there's nothing here. The fact you don't says a lot more about you than Tyga.


  7. Therefore this constitutes an overt act of aggression not in keeping with the original attacks, but is in fact a separate Casus Belli, facilitating our action through Casus Foederis.

    So going nuclear is a CB? Having a bigger counter blitz than the attacking alliance is a new CB.

    This gos far and beyond any concept of reasonable defense, and was done without any attempt at diplomacy or mediation. Therefore this constitutes an overt act of aggression not in keeping with the original attacks, but is in fact a separate Casus Belli, facilitating our action through Casus Foederis.

    If any alliance okays an attack against another alliance, that's a war. There is one CB for a every war. The CB for this war was "RLMMO has tech and they are smaller than us. "Their response is not a CB. It may be an over reaction, and you may not like it, but it's not a CB. The B had already started. You can activate your oA if you want to, but don't act like you had to do this. Not only is it factually incorrect, it sets an absolutely terrible precedent that a tech raid is somehow not a war.

    As you said the concept has now become so completely distorted as to act as excuse and validation for basically attacking anyone anywhere so long as you think you can get away with it. So in that I do agree with you.

    You're only helping to distort it more.

  8. I still fail to see what Bilrow's reasons for calling you out actually have to do with the subject at hand. How would it be any different if it was me or Jonathan Brookbank calling you out, or any other poster from this topic?

    I was unaware Bilrow was calling out Mathew Conrad... Mathew, did you tech raid an alliance? )):

    If Jonathan Brookbank would have made this topic, I assume (giving JB a lot of credit here) it would have gone like this this

    JB: Athens, wtf? No reps yet and I hear NPO is paying them

    Athens: We're paying them. We're just waiting on their gov to agree on a number.

    JB: Oh. Ok.

    Instead we get this ridiculous farce. And when I see a farce, I will call it such. When confronted with contradictory facts Bilrow has responded with bile and BS slandering our ally. You want us to just smile and take it? Too bad.

    I don't like what Athens did with Ni. They know that, but this thread has absolutely nothing to do with that, and everybody knows it.

    Edit: Clearly, I didn't give JB enough credit in his spelling. :v:

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