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Posts posted by Trinite

  1. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1296071250' post='2603097']
    Umm.. unless there is something I have forgotten, they are the same thing.
    I remember having a long long debate a long long time ago about the difference between the two of these. It was a really silly debate, and I'm not sure remember what the hell the difference is now, but I do remember EZI is totally WAY worse.

    FakeEdit: I think PZI means you can keep attacking after they hit ZI, but you're going to let them go eventually and EZI means you'll never stop attacking them.

    RealEdit: Azaghul two posts below me is right. I told you I didn't remember :P.

  2. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295983171' post='2600656']
    [color="#0000FF"]Personally I find this war to be the most fun I've had since noCB. I am not sure there should be no terms, but honestly, the defeated alliances, whoever loses (still is in the air, could go either way depending on certain factors at this point), should not be crippled. Harsh terms for the core alliances, I suppose is the norm, but not to the point where the are immobilized and sidelined for a year, as has been the case so far since Karma. Major alliances should be able to get back into play relatively quickly. A month or two of reps is more than enough to seed enough resentment for there to be motivation for revenge. Keeping someone down for a year or more just gives people motivation to not do anything out of fear of that being them. That is something most of you have yet to figure out for some reason I do not know.[/color]
    I... agree... completely. I need a shower.

  3. Defense departments love this war. FA departments do not. I will admit it is epic... but then again so was Gilgamesh, and that was really boring get through and ended in tragedy if I remember correctly. For now, yes this is quite fun, and I am thoroughly enjoying it, but for the future... we shall see.

  4. [quote name='Redneck' timestamp='1295898669' post='2596958']
    So what your saying is that if NoR and DT declare against you or YOUR allies, then thats not a violation of NOIR? Because thats not what NOIR was created for right? Good to know!
    Well against us no. That would be a violation of a completely different section of the Treaty. As for our allies, yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Glad I could help :).

  5. [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1295868400' post='2596406']
    Quite a few alliances backed out last minute I take it?

    Pick one line and run with it, this is a coalition war so you disregarded treaties and just up and attacked NV to prevent NoR & DT backing them or there were more alliances who were meant to be declaring to give you a route in and none of them showed up.
    Well we decided to hit NV when there was a treaty chain available. Then the treaty chain fell apart at the last minute, and we decided to go through with it anyway. Personally, after wF's treaty partner decided they wouldn't even ghost DoW for their ally, I would have said lo siento, but hey blood for the blood gods. I'm over it. We went where we were needed most.

    On another note, we didn't break NOIR. We do not now, nor have we ever, learned of any threats to NoR or DT's security. NOIR was never meant to obligate one black alliance to break op sec to discuss another members ally's situation. That's a complete misreading of the intelligence section. It was discussed extensively when NOIR was created that members of NOIR would likely end up on opposite sides of a global war. NOIR gives no protection to the allies of NOIR members. Trying to create any team unity is absurdly difficult, and we tried very hard in creating NOIR to make it workable in the long run. What you're trying to suggest would make NOIR impossible. You're trying to abuse NOIR to score political points.

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