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Posts posted by Parandiac

  1. Confining ourselves to our treaties????

    LOL... I don't think any Alliance on the Equilibrium side is thinking "Gosh... we have to fight due to our treaties... Booo, damn treaties!".


    As for the "lot of targets"...errr... WHERE ARE THOSE TARGETS? (Other than in peace mode, of course).

    LOL... If I wanted to fight more wars, the only chances I have right now would be to start attacking my own Alliance (oh, well... it's not that we haven't gone "bipolar" in the past... but it's not the best possible strategy, LOL).


    if your side had declared against MK, you might have some more targets. but this all seems so like the Hegemony to plow through people and save their asses by pixel hugging. 22 against 2? grow a sack, put your balls in it, and drag NG into all this. or not. hug your pixels and claim superiority. you still look silly doing it.

  2. i beseech you to stay, chax. at least stay minimally active and do the least required. i'll call you with reminders, if need be.

    [quote name='Alexander The Second' timestamp='1358301041' post='3077290']
    When Chax got booted I didn't see an entire branch of the alliance stand up for him, and damn near bring the alliance to civil war.

    Anyway point is if he was really such a great alliance mate, how come no one put there name down to defend him even when logs were brought? Make some fake logs of me betraying the UPN and try to get my alliance to kick me out... I'd bet every last pixel they laugh and tell you to shove it.
    i was fighting tooth and nail to get his trial put on hold and get the constitution amended because Lord Boris informed BFF that chax was removed from power pending an investigation, that the evidence was confirmed by an ally, and that if found guilty he would be kicked from the alliance. so the framework was already in place and there was no attempt at impartiality.

    then Boris went out with his lady friend and was incommunicado for twelve hours. the entirety of our triumvirate was nowhere to be found up until the split off and reformation of FEAR.

    so i charged boris with conduct unbecoming, requested a state of emergency be declared (which was granted by our Ombudsman, MOSW), and then pleaded with the elders in BFF to assist me in rewriting a portion of our charter in order to introduce alternative punishments instead of the only one that was listed: exile. i received input from three elders, one of whom left with the initial FEAR contingent and his only comment was griping. not one elder or government official that left to form FEAR lifted a finger to salvage anything.

    Turetel was planning on leaving to reform FEAR last friday and held off after speaking with The Don, who kept it under his hat until speaking with me about it yesterday. probably should have played that a little closer to your chest, don. because i won't ever trust you or the FEAR reformation.

    there was nothing to really defend when the people holding the trial sequester chax and then leave for the day. only to return, go with Plan B and leave the alliance. a member of FEAR owns the BFF forum and was asked repeatedly by The Don to bring the forum back up so that people could collect their wits and move to either The International, FEAR, Wolfpack, stay on BFF but move forums, or move elsewhere. Boris is going to bring the forum down on all their heads without giving them all the decency to migrate after his abortion of a coup failed.

    it's unfortunate that people who knew chax for much longer than i had known him decided to offer him up as a martyr and then abandon ship. i don't blame chax. with friends like boris and turetel, who needs enemies?

  3. [quote name='rabonnobar' timestamp='1358271085' post='3076985']

    Three, actually.

    you mean...

    a lot of members had the possible war dumped in their lap and went on standby and were waiting orders. many kept off the forum because there were orders going out that changed several times a day. most were probably jaded about things changing with the wind and a lot simply were fed up.

  4. [quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1358257210' post='3076888']
    BFF disbanded, mission complete Chax, you may return to the DuckNest.


    [quote name='Turin' timestamp='1358263725' post='3076938']

    Go home BFF, you're drunk. :P

    Sad to see any alliance go.

    it felt like that for a lot of what happened yesterday.

    [quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1358265000' post='3076944']
    This is comedic gold, at minimum. Let's solve a merger problem with a merger!

    the problem wasn't really that BFF merged, since that happened last august. a general malaise was taken on by many people who either left or went inactive. these were people that were "elders" in the community and were more or less sitting in the back seat being taken for a ride because they had been in government before and didn't want that responsibility or they just simply didn't want to step up. i was a bit of both, but have had some issues going on in my life that were eating the monster share of my time and not allowing me to help out more.

    the problem is that activity was championed and ministers made promises but nothing happened. and then when everything hit the fan with "chaxgate", the accusers all abdicated and started up an old alliance, while some pinned the blame on me while i was trying to rewrite a very stupid portion of our charter.

    in the end, after half of the government left with a sizable chunk of the active elder members, the remaining government decided that the ship was doomed and abandoned it. i don't blame them for their actions. with people in the alliance actively working to undermine our leadership, it was apparent that the level of effort was not appreciated and hope was abandoned.

    [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1358266815' post='3076950']
    Without any input on this actual move, I have to ask, why do we protect AA's that have people just hanging on them for no reason other than we want to "protect" an idea that doesn't exist.

    When an AA is done, let it die. Let it be raided, let the chapter close, let it do whatever. At every step we find reasons to allow people to not be active and participate and then we wonder why.

    because the merger was announced around 3am Eastern time. although raids would provide the proper impetus for people to actually clear out and move on. i personally don't have a problem with it.

  5. [quote name='Land of True Israel' timestamp='1358201134' post='3076359']
    Might as well pin it all on a single member to escape collective responsibility for betraying a good ally. Classy move.

    NEW sent a bunch of aid to an alliance that was already at war, an alliance that they had no ties to. doing this without notifying BFF caused the nullification of the treaty. there is no debate on that. the debate is whether the logs were doctored in order to show that BFF was going to proactively join in war or not.

    so feel free to take your all too simple understanding of the situation elsewhere.

  6. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1358194430' post='3076263']NEW would Burn down to the ground for you, they obviously wouldn't have that kind of friendship returned.
    from a lot that i've gotten out of it, NEW was planning on quitting CN over this, hence them not requesting that BFF join in the war, if one came to fruition.

  7. [quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1328893184' post='2917882']
    And prior to that we got curbstomped by GOD/CMEA/iFOK/R&R and a couple of smaller skirmishes with FOK -- for around 2months. Excuse Dexo for not being clear.

    But seriously, why the vast concern regarding us from you guys? You should really learn to move on.

    a year ago. eleven months. that's the war cycle, unless you didn't get the memo. stunning victory, gentlemen! UPN in continuous war for a year, separated by a span of nearly a year. i grovel at the feet of artful dodgers.

  8. [quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1328851328' post='2917697']
    We were in this for four months.

    no you weren't. stop saying that.

    TORN hit you on november 30
    white peace on february 8

    that's two months and 8 days.

    prior to that, you were at war for all of four days in september/october because one of your ministers doesn't know how to tech raid.

  9. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1328777412' post='2917217']
    An alliance has every right to do whatever it wishes with its member nations. The disgrace is the notion that an outnumbered coalition should meekly surrender their nations for destruction as per the oppositions wishes.

    You want to hit them, man up and attack them before they are in peace mode. Your piss poor OPSEC aside, you don't ever get to dictate to anyone how they will do anything unless you seize control. Too many bystander alliances wanting a chop at someone wait patiently for someone else to do something before sneaking around the back for a cheap shot seem to complain when they dont get their measure of blood, having done nothing whatsoever to be entitled to said blood.

    Stick it where the sun don't shine bucko.
    [/quote]as stated, OPSEC had nothing to do with this, so bringing it up in this fashion is straw man i wouldn't have expected from you. being the king of cheap shots, maybe i should have though.

    we didn't sneak up on anyone. UPN attacked us and when we countered, many of their nations were already at peace. some of the staggers got messed up, and that's life. we sought blood for a damned good reason and were largely denied that.

    [quote name='Altheus' timestamp='1328780151' post='2917228']
    I remember you, you're the whiny little brat who cried when I nuked you up the ass and you know what? It was a pleasure, it felt good to burst your bubble of self-delusion. I didn't buy my infra back up to avoid nations of an equal tech size, I did it to hit people like you. The weakest target and, given your needy attitude, the most likely to break. Because that's what you in war. As much as possible you pick when, where and how you fight. You take every advantage you can get.I'm never going to apologise for that, it would amount to apologising for not lying on your back and taking it like a !@#$%*.
    Besides it's a load of bull. 99% peace mode? Get off. We weren't in peace mode anymore than anyone else on our side, but even if we had we owe you nothing anyway.

    So screw you.
    [/quote]i wasn't crying when you nuked me. i thought it was pretty hilarious. i understand the tactic and did it to rodrod. i was challenging you to do something you obviously were not up to doing, like attacking nations larger than yourself. i purchased infra and tech in order to hit you alongside chax. i'm ok with this. i only regret that you didn't slum it out with me to bring me all the way to ZI, but i guess half-assing something is the best i'm going to get from you.

    [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1328798006' post='2917273']
    Complaints about peace mode? Cry me a river, next time learn how to stagger and how to have an OPSEC.


    obviously not a golfer.

  10. [quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1328768571' post='2917187']
    I admire UPN for sticking it out this long, honestly I figured you'd bail much earlier. It's a shame you had to burn for so long when so many NpO nations were and still are hiding in peace mode. You are good allies no doubt, but do you truly think they would do the same for you?

    Good show by UPN, now to finish off the remnants of Polar. :awesome:
    99% of an alliance being in peacemode gets respect from you? seriously? their eight nations at war stuck it out? they all bailed much earlier. Alt was the only person i could fight and he was scared to pick up his nuked infra and fight anyone at his level. seriously, a disgrace. everyone praising UPN for their effort needs their head examined. they fought longer than other alliances only by virtue of the fact that they were late getting on the peace train and sent their nations into peace. this wasn't honourable or noble. it was a disgrace

  11. mostly not. typically, the people posting here have a shred of culpability because of their time both leading a nation or an alliance- regardless if the alliance is built upon a foundation of fail that is 80 members deep.

    as well, the rest of the people here can pretty much figure out what people offering their opinions are completely full of it. i was called out five?- six?- years ago because my leadership was made to look like idiots. i came here and was made to look like an idiot as well because i was regurgitating their opinion. i typically don't come here to read up on the political machinations of planet bob. i have far more going on in my 3999infra (now 1700infra) nation to be bothered with checking in here for the latest and greatest from the next contestant on Cybernations Failclub.

    legitimately, the future ex-wife of parandiac and her gaggle of psychopathic friends occupy too much of my brain for my own comfort. to come here and read multiple pages of made up legalese based on personal opinion (though some people tried to proffer actual snippets from ragnarok's charter) mean that the goings on of an alliance that is imploding are the biggest things in some people's lives.

    i respect the trolls. they have a place in society. i'm a member of Europa, are you kidding me? we troll ourselves instead of others. that's the beauty of Europa and i found my way here by the blind luck of Chax's genius recruiting. if i wasn't here, i'd be a troll. it's all too easy and the payout is the magnificent butthurt of a subset of people that take themselves all too seriously.

  12. having skipped the last pair of pages of spergcastrophy...
    [quote name='Guzalot' timestamp='1328066677' post='2912127']
    As far as I can tell, MK had been given the go-ahead to hit Kait by the (then) legitimate ruler of Ragnarok.

    Given more information, that doesn't make it right. So...

    does MK have a sense of RL decency for a person in RL crisis? We shall see.
    [/quote]RL holds no sway here. they were given authority to ghostbust. the recipient of said ghostbusting could have met with the government of their choice in order to seek relief from said punishment and did not. they instead sought to nuke the people hitting their nation. another nation came into the fight to ensure a solid war was kept going. this is standard war practice in CN. the exemplary butthurt from a select posse choosing to disregard the legitimate government at the time means nothing. the person being raked over the ghostbusting coals knows better, and their inability to speak with their government or check in here speaks volumes. RL troubles or no, the fact is they chose to seek war instead of laying things to rest. Ragnarok chose to accept this nation back into the fold while they were at war and then they attacked MK. it doesn't matter if it was nukes or CMs. they chose to proffer war to MK. MK, from reading here, is more than willing to accept this state of war and reach out to Ragnarok in an attempt to deliver a lesson in being reasonable.

    [quote name='Guzalot' timestamp='1328068640' post='2912173']
    MK: We hit mothers in crisis. Fear us!
    [/quote]OOC attack. calm your !@#$. the RL proclivities of nation rulers hold no sway here.

    [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1328070446' post='2912215']
    Can we stop acting like KaitlinK is some kind of !@#$@#$ goddess?
    [/quote]thank you. facts point to the opposite, regardless of what failtrain others want to get aboard.

    [quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1328071311' post='2912236']
    NPL is the gift that keeps on giving.
    they gave me millions before begging off for peace. intrawar aid is the one gift i'll take and not complain about.

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