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comrade nikonov

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Posts posted by comrade nikonov

  1. ***Classified to Valencia***

    150,000 men under the FUtSR banner as well as 200,000 men under the Kviyan Rus' have arrived in Valencia via rail. They represent the might of Slavic Europe. Please advise us on what to do with these forces as well as their supporting equipment.

    As for the FUtSR, the 16th and 17th Air Wings, totaling 36 squadrons of 16 aircraft each as well as 128 UCAVs for each air wing, have arrived as well. They are fully armed. Among them are 34 squadrons of MiG-1.44 Stealth fighters and 2 squadrons of PAK-DA stealth bombers.

    We cannot engage Italian forces as we are not at war with them, however, these forces are perfectly acceptable for attack on Louisiana. Intelligence data has been forwarded, and FOABs are being loaded into the PAK-DAs.

  2. //Classified

    The Academy of Aeronautic sciences has currently began a program to develop Over the Horizon, or OTH radar. These radar will provide comprehensive radar coverage for most of Europe, so the Slavic Union will always know whats going on. However, some technical trouble has been encountered, and assistance from our allies the GDR has been requested to sort out a few minor technical problems, such as scaling and the specific radar wavelengths that should be used.


    In other news, the Union Republic of Belarus has authorized a budget of 20 billion rubles for the import of Fusion reactors and technology from the German Democratic Republic. A total of 3 reactors, totaling 12.9 billion rubles, will be initially purchased, with the rest of the money dedicated to upkeep and technical support for a short term. The German Democratic Republic will receive wired payment once the contracts are finalized.

  3. The Presidium opened up the package at the Presidential Palaces last night.

    The President of the Union Republic of Moldova took the vodka home, drank one sip, and spit it out, saying it tasted like the lighter fluid he had to substitute for hard liquor during the hard Soviet days at the kolkholz.

    The President of the Union Republic of Belarus thought it was interesting to find such an interesting weapon, a Steyr AUG, in the package, and went to shoot radioactive boar in the Chernobyl boar over the weekend.

    The President of the Federal Union got the short end of the deal and took a stupid phone home. As he was tired of being constantly pestered he gave it to his young daughter to play with. When it rang, she pressed the green call key and said "This is Sarah! Whats up, girl?".

  4. Classified Level #145
    To: Government of Dranagg
    From: Federal Union of the Slavic Republics
    SUBJECT: Antarctica Government
    The people of Slavic Antarctica has made it clear that as Slavs, they belong and wish to return to Europe. As a result, we have no further use for the land in Antarctica except than as a occasional refueling station. Therefore, we offer for Dranagg to deploy soldiers into the area, to take over our defense responsibilities as we perform a full evacuation of the Antarctic territory. Estimated to take one year (OOC 3 months), the land in question will be transferred to Dranagg's sovereignty once completed.

  5. //Classified

    Slavic Union intelligence satellites, having been assigned geosynchronous orbits with special emphasis on the Iberian peninsula since the beginning of the Madrid crisis, has successfully completed mapping of the entire Louisiana base area to a high resolution, of 1.5 meters. While the higher resolution data of .5 meters is still being collected, current data and raw images have been forwarded to all MDoaP, MDP, and PEPTO members via the Intel Sharing clauses.

  6. OOC: There is no missile system that can evade a CIWS 100% especially a low maneuverable supersonic missile system. When you are doing a barrage fire like this, 50 missiles and such, the point defense may get over loaded and a few may pass through which would more than cripple the enemy navy. It is impossible for all 50 missiles to pass through just like it is impossible for all 50 missiles to be interdicted too.

    OOC: 1. I'm not saying all the Sizzlers got through. 2. It is supersonic until close range, when speed decreases and the missile begins erratic maneuvers.

    IC: The Slavic Union hopes the quarantine is respected, although currently we are only at war with the nations of Louisiana and Groenlandia.

  7. Following the attack by RSSN, the FUtSR carriers launched SKAT UCAVs, which used surveillance satellite data to locate and target the Louisiana fleet. After the targets had been locked, 50 SS-21-N Sizzler ASMs had been launched. These cruise-missile type ASMs, once locked on to a target, flies at hypersonic speeds towards the target until visual range is entered, after which the missile takes a purely random course decided by its onboard EMP shielded systems, fooling even the most responsive CIWS systems before 'sizzling' its way into the ships.

  8. Yeah. Thanks for calling me liars, Californian. Real mature.

    Anyways, the area ceded to Louisiana is called Cartagena, and in real life the population is 250,000 + metro area.

    Also, Zeke said that the area was a desolate landscape, while in real life it has the highest biodiversity of anywhere in the Iberian Peninsula. The area also has a history of being settled as well, since Roman times, which, I do believe is like before the separation of canon from real life.

  9. Federal Union of the Slavic Republics Announcement


    Honoring a MDoAP with the Royal Socialist Syndicate of the Netherlands,

    As well as defending our ODP allies Scotland and Valencia from the threat poised by Louisiana,

    The Federal Union of the Slavic Republics Recognizes a State of War with Louisiana.


    The three carriers supporting the Netherlands have begun launching operations against enemy forces. Sizzler anti-ship missiles, as well as land based Anti-Ship ICBMs based in Moldova, Belarus, and Antarctica are online.

    Defcon is one. Infantry and Armor on-route to Valencia through Deutschland and France.

    //Classified to Kyivan Rus'

    We have declared war. Let us join our hammers of Slavdom and crush the foreign invaders.

  10. ooc: I thought we only had an MDP?

    ic: If Scotland or the RSSN request it, Slavorussia’s Navy can easily be deployed to the Atlantic ocean to help slow down or stop the Louisianans from gaining access to Europe.

    OOC: oh right. nvm.

    IC: If the Slavorussian Empire decides to commit to the defense of our glorious continent we will fully support them.

  11. //Classified to: Slavorussian Empire, Kyivan Rus'


    The conflict in Europe is growing greater. Soon, we will be declaring war upon Louisiana for their infractions upon our great Europe. We request that a response be made for our activation of the oA portion of our MDoAP beforehand as to coordinate our movements.

  12. //Classified

    A total of 150,000 troops, from U.R. Belarus and U.R. Moldova, geared up, and along with their armor and attack helicopters, have started boarding trains that will traverse through Kyivan Rus' to Belarus, then through Deutschland where they will arrive in the Iberian Pact member state of France.

    //Classified to Iberian Pact

    Please allow our troops passage to the war zone. We wish to assist your cause. Also with us may be the Kyivan Rus'.

  13. We, the sovereign nations of the Federal Union of the Slavic Republics and Kyivan Rus', in order to form a stable organization, ensure peace and security, and extend a sphere of peace and prosperity among the nations of the Federal Union of the Slavic Republics and Kyivan Rus', do hereby establish this mutual treaty of military, economic and political cooperation.
    Article I: Sovereignty
    Each of the nations bearing a signature on this treaty hereby declares that they will uphold the values and honor of said signatories’ sovereignty. They agree not to invade, interfere in internal affairs, or oppress the other signatory that partakes in this treaty.
    Article II: Non-Aggression
    Neither nation shall engage in hostile acts against the other. Hostile acts are defined as actions which have the intention to harm the other nation. In the event such acts happen, the nation at fault is expected to pay equal reparations, if requested.
    Article III: Mutual Defense
    In the event either nation falls under attack, the other nation is required to come to its defense and declare war on the nation that attacked it. A war on one nation is effectively considered a war upon the other.
    ARTICLE IV: Optional Mutual Aggression
    Both nations may request the other to jointly enter a war with any third party or request funding for said war. Following the request is, however, purely optional.
    Article V: Economic Cooperation
    Both nations agree to economical cooperation with each other. This cooperation includes, but is not limited too, exchange of raw resources, investments in both nations, sharing of electrical structures and power nets, economic aid in times of need, removal of any limitations on trade and travel between both nations and allowing citizens of both countries to import and export freely between both countries.
    Article VI: Monetary Cooperation
    Both nations agree to monetary cooperation with each other. This cooperation includes, but is not limited too, linking of both nations currencies, the Belorussian Ruble and the Kyivan Hryvnia, removal of any limitations on economic cooperation between both nations and recognition of postal and other currencies between both nations.
    Article VII: Military Cooperation
    Both nations agree to military cooperation with each other. This cooperation includes, but is not limited too, exchange of knowledge on the different military terrains, the option of purchasing military equipment from both nations and assistance in training of soldiers and scientists.
    ARTICLE VIII - Intelligence
    Both nations agree to share any intelligence they have obtained and that could prove useful or vital to the other. Helping one another in counter-espionage is vital to ensure the safety of both nations, therefore  Federal Union of the Slavic Republics and Kyivan Rus' will do everything possible to protect their partner from espionage. If either nation collects intelligence regarding a security breach or a credible threat concerning the other nation, the acquiring nation will convey all pertinent information in their possession to the other nation.
    Article IX: Cancellation
    ARTICLE VI - Cancellation
    If a nation decides to cancel this agreement, they must give the other party 72 hours notice prior to the official cancellation. During the 72 hour time period, all clauses of this treaty continue in full effect.

    Signed for the FUtSR,

    Tanya Dziaheliva, Prime Minster,

    Erast Petrovich Fandorin, Detective|Foreign Minister,

    Yasha Yakovich Nikonov, Envoy to Kiev,

    The Presidium

  14. Federal Union of the Slavic Republics

    CNRP Nation: ^

    Factbook: Siggy click

    Side Supporting: Scotland | Military

    Other Notes: Current soldier counts are in Factbook. Currently, 311,000 soldiers active, 95,000 more ready soon, 250,000 are in Moldova, and the rest are in Belarus.

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