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comrade nikonov

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Posts posted by comrade nikonov

  1. [b]Official Federal Union of the Slavic Republics Announcement[/b]
    We are willing to revoke that agreement completely, if Caucasia if so wishes. If that happens, we will return Moldova to Caucasia while our protection over the peoples of Kviyan Rus' can be preserved. At this moment, the Federal Union of the Slavic Republics is operating for the sole interests of the Ukrainian and Slav peoples.

  2. OOC: I simply agreed to recognize the Crimean-Caucasian act.
    IC: We once again request the Caucasian forces to remove themselves from the Kyivan' Rus. Not only does the FUtSR have rights to the region, the nation of Kyivan' Rus also recognized the PEPTO protectorate clause, which makes the former nation a protectorate of both PEPTO and the FUtSR. Let us not squander over the obvious.

  3. "Although we recognize Caucasia's right to protect both Belarus and Ukraine, since the FUtSR has had a long history of ties with the Kyivan Rus' as well as currently stationed peacekeepers in the nation, we ask Caucasia to exercise prudence and patience."

    OOC: Basically, the agreement meant that if I leave, you can have my land. Or if sitethief leaves after I left, you can have his land, but if I'm still around, you're not getting it.

  4. [b]Federal Union of the Slavic Republics Announcement[/b]
    Due to the extremely close ties between the Kyivan' Rus and the FUtSR, solidified and proven by test of blood in the War of Anti-colonization in Spain, it is the duty of the FUtSR, not Caucasia, to care for the peoples of the fallen Kyivan' Rus. Although we recognize that both the Kyivan Rus' and the FUtSR fall under your protectorate act, there is simply a greater alternative for the Kyivan' Rus at this time.
    Please remove your forces as FUtSR peacekeepers, stationed in Kiev and major cities already, will be stepping in to restore order.

  5. OOC: to my knowledge, Schnider is inactive due to the fact that he can only go on CNRP forums at school, and since it is finals week, I believe you should give him the benefit of the doubt. Consider my above post active when you make a military action large enough to be noticed by 1,500 FUtSR soldiers in the country and the two squadrons I'm operating inside Kriegland.

  6. OOC: It doesn't say classified anywhere, so...
    [right][b]Federal Union of Slavic Republics Announcement[/b][/right]
    The FUtSR has been working in conjunction with Krieglandian forces in protecting the Russian ethnic minority from a rebel terrorist group that was attempting to conduct ethnic cleansing of Slavic minorities. As a result, a full battalion of FUtSR soldiers have been in the sparsely populated western regions of Kriegland since December 2009. We hope that the New South Wales will respect our presence in Kriegland.

  7. The Federal Union of Slavic Republics congratulates its allies on a successful campaign. Furthermore, flags will be flown at half-mast to honor the 24 airmen who gave their lives for their nation, as well as those servicemen from all countries that paid the ultimate price.

    Tanya Dziaheliva, Prime Minister of the Federal Union, will attend proceedings in Edinburgh, although she believes that there should be a discussion on how to avoid such a war in the future, by preventing foreign influence in Europe in the first place.

  8. Federal Union of Slavic Republics Announcement


    The Federal Union of Slavic Republics strongly condemns the actions of the Sarnungian Republic. They have violated the sovereignty of Tangier-Ceuta, a territory of the Norwegian nation. We hope that a peaceful resolution will be found immediately, or retaliation by Norway's allies may soon follow.

  9. Acting in accord with the Revolutionary Socialist Syndicate of the Netherlands, we will observe a white peace with Louisiana when Scotland, the original declarer of war, does so. However, the Federal Union of the Slavic Republics strongly hopes that peace can once again return to Europe.

  10. OOC: 1st Day: Out of 50, 10 to each

    2nd Day: Out of 44, 10 to each Athena, Jennings, Rosegate, Polk, 4 to Tullos

    3rd Day: Out of 46, 10 to Athena, 12 to Jennings, 12 to Rosegate, 12 to Tullos (Polk has left the area of combat operations)

  11. OOC: I was firing at the Polk. Assume that over these few days, I've been focusing ASM fire on those 5 ships. Each ship that leaves the battle for some reason or another, including Sarnungian protection, should not be under attack once it leaves the area of combat operations.

  12. OOC: Chose what ships you're targeting, I'm not going to accept just the Louisianan Fleet since I've already RP'd ships moving away from the fleet.

    OOC: For this lets say I'm aiming at 3 destroyers and 2 cruisers. Next time I'll type it out IC.

  13. OOC: Way too much OOC. Theres a thread for that.

    IC: On the next day, planes were reloaded and another 45 Sizzler ASMs were prepped and launched at the Louisianan Fleet.

    In other news, an ICBM was launched from Belarus. Carrying 5 bunker-buster conventional-munition warheads, they were aimed at piercing Louisianan armored positions in Spain.

  14. OOC: I have given my allies high resolution images of your territory, Yawoo, so for any further movements you will need to release that information. Also, the 44 sizzlers fired below will be totaling 94 ASMs fired at you from me.

    IC: The carriers, which were holding steady in Dutch formation, managed to refuel and rearm the aircraft and UCAVs for another strike. However, 3 aircraft and 3 UCAVs were destroyed during the combat, and only 44 Anti-Ship Missiles could be fired. In the Valencian theater, a strike group of 3 PAK-DAs, carrying 2 FOAB weapons each, launched their munitions against the Louisianian base. Each FOAB, with a 300m blast radius, is bound to do heavy damage.

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