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Stonewall Jaxon

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Everything posted by Stonewall Jaxon

  1. Obviously the past year. If we were awarding this based on the existence of CN, MK shouldn't have been nominated. Still, you believe MK excelled all of its peers in aid distribution? I've only been around a short time, but didn't NSO reach 4 million ns faster than any alliance prior to our existence? Also, if you're shooting for "best growth after noCB," I kindly direct you to the alliance with the 3rd largest score. If that scared any alliance out there, they don't deserve to be an alliance.
  2. Didn't they invent the whole "trade swapping" technique this year? Plus, if you're going to base "best economic" by the arrangement of aid programs, I can think of at least one alliance that pushed out more wide-scale aid than MK hands down. Would you care to remind me what MK has done that's so impressive? MK has been building their pretty pixels for a while; NSO didn't exist until this year Of course, how could I forget, Mr. "Don't. $%&@. with. us."
  3. Yes, MK, you're better economically than OBR, militarily than FAN, you grew better than NSO, and Archon just tops every leader in CN. It seems all you really won is "Best Spammers" and "Most Likely to Screw Up CN Awards."
  4. Voted Colbert. I agree with the OP for the most part, though he expressed his opinion unpleasantly.
  5. The 180 (degree) War Karma's A !@#$%* VieTPF Historical Repitition War
  6. I believe NPO Athens and Co. attacked FAN TPF not because of terms but out of fear of them being allowed to rebuild and gain the potential to exact revenge.
  7. The irony of a \m/ member calling another man a relic is nothing short of overwhelming.
  8. From a negotiating/IR standpoint, Moldavi looks like A-Rod playing in the little leagues when talking to Fark. Randomly, if you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
  9. Really, Kevin, I make light remarks regarding your ally choice, and you attempt to assassinate my character in a series of ad hominems, not to mention ban me from IRC channels out of pure spite? I need not say it, and I probably should not, but I think your post demonstrates just how classless you really are. I have grown to expect at least a slight degree of maturity from you, Kevin, and you strongly disappoint me. As to the nature of your attacks, I see you're really scrounging for material. In ACV, I was being used for my hard work as you reapt the rewards, and eventually I, like countless honorable citizens of Planet Bob, left to rally to the Vox cause. Though you try to portray me as a coward, you neglected to mention that I fled a failing alliance to desert to the losing side of a global war. As for the second time, you know as well as I that I was asked to leave Corp after months of service (more than iClean himself had put in). Neither time could you have justifiably ZI'd me, and quite frankly I'd like to see you try. As powerful as you fancy yourself to be, if you can convince any alliance to surrender an active member because you want to ZI him as a result of a petty argument, you can be my guest. I'll set you up an appointment with my Emperor, if you truly lust for my blood. However, be aware that I could damage you all the way down to ZI, and when you would strike me down, I could do much damage from the grave. Strike me down, and you will see the true extent of my abilities.
  10. They are greatly comparable, yes. Also, would anyone care to help name this line of thought?
  11. Well then, I approve of revenge and dislike; they are fundamental parts of any logical mindset.
  12. I do not worry about Bel Air; they wave their arms around and cry out for attention, and I know many who have given them that attention. I, however, try not to give them the satisfaction. Also, I made a list of Corp's allies (hopefully all of them) and made some generalizations; those general patterns do not necessarily apply to all alliances listed. Refresh my memory, though, wasn't Xiph one of those posters pre-Karma constantly yapping about how NPO had to fall because of their past transgressions against all of PB?
  13. I am not self-righteous, only free of the illusions that are presented to a Bob citizen from the day he is born. If you turn your low-beams on, you can see through the fog of conventional foolery. So, was I wrong to call you an ally of the Corporation? Please forgive me, I though ODPs meant something, even to attention harlots like those in "\m/." EDIT: No man is free of ignorance
  14. Piqued* CSN, RoK, Bel Air, GOD, RIA, Athens. You seem dedicated to people who spend their lives up their own @#$% in self-righteousness. If you truly recognize the fundamental and Obvious truths, you'd know that the amount of moral showboating your allies perform is no more than a waste of resources and an excellent way to become disillusioned.
  15. Indeed, they seem to pride themselves on an amoral ideology, which is baffling considering their choice of allies.
  16. You displease us; you pay the price. I'm not seeing any logical fallacy here.
  17. To be honest, i didn't even notice until I followed your nation link. Fade into obscurity; nobody cares
  18. Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  19. Come, boy, see for yourself. From here, you will witness the final destruction of the Alliance and the end of your insignificant rebellion.
  20. You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.
  21. Hey, now there's a thought! I'm glad to see sensibility in Planet Bob, for the first time in ages. Hail the Sith Order!
  22. Attention over-emotive citizens of Bob: NSO is not coming for you tonight. You can come off your piss-soaked hind legs and sleep.
  23. Vox launched a year-long massive Moralist campaign to turn the masses against its Pacifican overlords that is undeniable, whether you believe in "Moralism" or not. Officially, I regard moralism as self-sabotage to foolishly allow your opponents in this world to take advantage of you as they struggle for success. *Sigh* The completely inactive members are not players in the greater sense of the world. They are collectible numbers that are but mere reflections of the abilities of an alliance to accumulate them. They are not competitors, and the rules of competitors do not apply to them. I mentioned this glancingly in my disquisition, but I really didn't delve into the matter, so I understand your confusion. But you're right, "meatshields" are actually special cases, as they are something other than competitors, though they are still citizens. As long as you're a competitor, you're not irrelevant.
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