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Posts posted by Mandrivia_2

  1. Of all the dead alliances, only one in my opinion has a right to come back, LUE. If old players like duffman, and some of the more players were to come back to it, I would welcome it to CN with open arms. IMHO, they were the best influence on CN. Although NPO had more influence, it w as only an evil one which stagnated the game and stifled creativity.

    Other alliances, which have already come back, CIS and IAA I don't think really needed to come back. Although I was part of both, and I know they had great communities, but they were too generic, and just didn't have the same kind influence on the game LUE did, and they didn't need a comeback.

    Nordreich, I'm not so sure about since I was never a member, but I do remember them being real troublemakers back in the day, using NPO's shadow as a shield so Kaiser Martens could pursue his fanatical goal of chasing down RP-socialist alliances.

    It's just that there are already so many other similarly-themed alliances already in the game, that constantly creating or re-creating old alliances is pointless.

  2. It was more a snipe at your war track record as opposed to being anything about your character. I've seen nothing that suggests GATO are bad people as a whole.

    Technical quibble aside, point taken.


    PMS post? Heh.

    Well, I just don't see how debate should have to lead to immature "character snipes". That's all I'm saying.

  3. Indeed, I suppose GATO actually winning a war for once would be unacceptable.

    Kevlar is only expressing his opinion. I'll admit Kevlar's attitude to NPO seems to be that of a wife to her husband that regularly beats her, yet his post is still a valid argument. There's no need for PMS posts like yours.

  4. Archon, all BnT wants is attention. Best not to give it to him. He's pissed he's lost the war, his words mean nothing.

    $1.5 billion in reps and thousands of tech seems fair considering they have supported all of NPO's atrocities since allying them.

  5. Seeing NPO's toughness until now evaporate into pages of nothing but peace mode nations is truely laughable. NPO's hypocracy arrogance has truly backfired. We are seeing the demise of the worst alliance Bob has ever seen.

    Although I am a bystander, I would love to see their nations forced out of peace mode as a prerequisite to peace. As to this thread, I believe it quite necessary to call attention to NPO's constant double-standards.

  6. Even if you're considering this IAA new, =LOST= was here before you.

    I have to agree with Chey. Why does it SEEM like you're trying to start a fight? If you can't take even the lightest of critisisms, then back away from these boards, cause they aint for the soft of heart.

    And since I know many of you will jump on this post as well, I will say "congratz IAA'.

    There. Now you are all happy again.

  7. Uhh... What? That's bull and you know it. You were among the few members who wished to do that, and you were the loudest of them all.

    Nope, that was me.

    Now, I'll be quite honest, I was Emperor of IAA for two years, and I don't recall a single significant push to launch a pre-emptive war against any alliance, ever, except for the minor war where we crushed a micro alliance that was trying to spy on us. That desire for preemption was an accusation made against us by NPO at the time of the 1V War, which is where you may be getting that, but that simply wasn't and isn't true. They did want to defend our alliance and our rights rather than just pay up, that's 100% accurate, but if I had made the call to go to war, I would have brought down 3 other very close allies of ours at the same time, and when faced with extortion or death (because let's face it, death is what they actually wanted), extortion's the better choice.

    I also think Alekhine is severely underestimating our fighting capabilities. We proved we could fight during the UJW (which is what Valhalla really wanted revenge for, though they'd never admit it), it's just during the 1V War we had already decided to disband so nobody gave a damn what we did with our nations.

    First part is true. I don't how good of an idea it was to not just go to war, since at least 3/4 of ferocitas was already on the Continuum's hitlist and we all would have eventually been rolled at one point or another.

    As for our fighting abilities... I believe Alekhine was more accurate. In the Unjust War, we had Legion as well as several other alliances covering our backs, but any experiance IAA gained in GW3, the UjW, or any other war we fought in seemed to make no difference, as we only pulled about ~15 war declarations on NPO before update and around 7 before getting hit by the other barnacles on NPO's boat (see: TORN, failhalla), despite declaring an hour before update. And if I remember correctly, we only decided to disband after NPO inisted on us booting Junkalunka. We were not hopeful, but we were at least hoping we could get out of the war alive.

    This war in particular is what makes me so very glad NPO is getting its just punishment. I hope they never ever recover any of the power or prestige they once had, as they all deserve to be wiped off the face of planet bob, simply disapear like wedgie did.

  8. Seriously. It's a rebirth thread, and an ex-IAA government member and an ex-IAA protectorate are the only ones complaining? Sorry we derailed your plans, guys, but if you have a problem with me or us, query me instead of whining and moaning on the OWF.

    No one is whining and moaning. In fact, everybody in this thread except for Mathias has been quite cordial. And I am in fact in favor of bringing drama into the world stage rather than the constant backroom discussions during the hegemony era.

  9. I have long been a proponent of that theory.

    However, when one actively recruits a large number of members from a specific alliance, it becomes a different matter altogether. I certainly don't intend to start a war over something as petty as members leaving, but let's call a spade a spade.

    This is true. Chimaera basically used TGR as a base until he started IAA again. I guess it's not so much of a loss for us if those former TGR IAA'ers left us, as it is obvious now that they were not loyal to us and left at the thought of IAA reforming.

    Nevertheless, maybe you guys will do well, if you aren't as politically unstable as the first IAA.

  10. I have no problem with him surrenduring. If everyone hates him for deserting his alliance for war, then why are individual surrender terms available. I know as well that NPO leadership could not give a flying turd over their regular members and his decision was reasonable, seeing how he feels.

  11. It depends on if those new alliances are going to use former member's alliance to recruit, in which case it is not OK. I also believe IAA might be coming back.

    Also, it would be insanely egotistical and pointless if you or NpO were to keep NAAC from reforming over events that happened over 2 years ago.

  12. This peace mode taunting is really ridiculous. The guys in there, the ones with half a brain, understand some nations stay in peace mode to recover, some to bring aid later, some to bring recovery aid after war and others to come as a second wave.

    While I can see this as a tactic to get them to come out, I hope none of you believe what you are saying.

    That would be fine, except for the fact that NPO FORCED nations on the opposing side to leave peace mode during past wars. Either live up to your own standards, or go ahead and make an imperial decree stating that the NPO is an alliance of cowards.

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