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Posts posted by Mandrivia_2

  1. It is a simple milestone announcement, not a military analysis of any alliance.

    But at this point I give up at trying to expect people to approach this simple thread for what it is.

    You carry on now.

    So, to simplify what you just said, you're saying a mindless hailfest is better than intelligent debate. I don't see how this thread has really gotten off-topic, we are still debating tech here.

  2. I can't believe people are calling the Unjust war and war of the Coalition 'great' wars. I would've been willing to call the UJW a great war had the outcome continued to be uncertain for a few more days, but IMHO we have yet to see GWIV.

  3. While I don't doubt that he's skilled at it, I don't really see how NSO's growth so far proves anything about his alliance building skills. It certainly means he has a great reputation around here, but I think the test of skill will be shown in the months to come.

    Also, everyone's prediction of greatness from the NSO seem like a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. It seems to me that if the same kind of reaction were given to any new alliance with a competent government, we would see a similar burst of early growth.

    This is what I meant with my first comment. I'm not saying Ivan Moldavi doesn't have leadership skills, it's just that NSO's huge growth is directly, or even entirely attributable to his reputation around here. I'm not shocked, people want a slice of the pie, so naturally they'd jump at the chance.

  4. My theory is that Vox Populi, who has been trying to get the conflict started, is actually delaying it by acting as a black hole for the majority of hatred on these forums. They're not giving any other alliances a chance to escalate the tensions.

    Joking aside, this is probably true. They're just getting more and more repetitive and nosy, and in doing that they are making themselves a common enemy for other alliances.

  5. If I remember correctly, an alliance cannot force root admin on the forums of another alliance through in-game means.

    Also, I wouldn't worry about GATO. If they aren't released right away they can get rid of it themselves.

    These kinds of threads are counter-productive.

  6. I think I could makes a very good and concise rogue guide. Let me try right now:

    Step 1. Save lots and lots of money.

    Step 2. Get lots and lots of wonders.

    Step 3. Get a secret uranium trade if you don't have native uranium.

    Step 4. Sell off a bunch of infra so you can torture smaller nations.

    Step 5. Declare war and fire nukes.

    Step 6. Be slowly ground to ZI.

    Not bad, eh?

    This is quite similar to NPO's guide:

    1. Sign MDPs with 20 alliances

    2. target an alliance at least a third of your size or one that hasn't even fought a war yet

    3. Bully the target's allies

    4. Take down the alliance with at least 10 other allies

    5. Brag about your skills in combat on the forums.

    I'm not trying intentionally troll, I'm just pointing out that your post is quite ironic.

  7. we need a spark, and I dont see one coming quite just yet, I also predict we'll see a bit more political dancing, and a bloc or two more before the fireworks begin.

    This is what I'm guessing as well. Something is in the air though, and don't be too shocked if things happen all of a sudden, though it may be a while.

    All you need is an open mind when reading the OWF and AP.

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