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White Chocolate

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Posts posted by White Chocolate

  1. On 8/31/2017 at 1:02 PM, Immortan Junka said:


    Most of these points are taken out of context.


    1. I said DK disbanded to avoid fighting NG.




    On 8/31/2017 at 9:09 PM, Devialance said:

    1) did we really?, think about it silly little boy



    DK and NG were allies up until the day DK disbanded.  Why would we disband out of concern about fighting someone who is an ally?  Next time you want to discredit Doom Kingdom at least say DK disbanded to avoid fighting some alliance DK didn't have a treaty with at the time.  I suggest Polar.  Vote Grub!


    4 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    We treated you and every other ex-member much more nicely than Borman is being treated for surrendering from SLAP today. A single round of wars with the goal of reunification, not extermination, I think is quite benign in today's day and age.

    SLAP kicked Bormann out and THEN Bormann surrendered to SNX.  Not the other way around.  Even Bormann confirms that.


    4 hours ago, Emperor Martin Bormann said:



    How do you feel about me now BANNED? I guess I am still a poor player in your eyes, only a Girl. I know I am only a spoilt little drama queen. OH well….la dee da.



    I can't speak for Banned, and I do not consider myself any kind of special when it comes to war beyond anyone else who has been around for as long as I have, so I trust the Blood God's opinion as far as you were concerned there.  I also had no opinion about your posting skills.  That has changed.


    3 hours ago, Emperor Martin Bormann said:


    But you know, I am a  kind and forgiving EMPEROR/EMPRESS. If BANNED and EVILJak reformed and announced to Planet BOB that they are fair human beings and stopped this war of extermination against PAX Constantinople, I would gladly leave in peace. Never to be heard on the forums again. But unfortunately the world is thus.....

    Because crying on the forums about how unfairly you've been treated (especially as a single nation) has always been the smart way to gain peace from the alliance which has an issue with you.  Please!

  2. 12 hours ago, Emperor Martin Bormann said:


    Why thank you Hun,


    Well I just might start my own thread, but I want to hear from you the reader. Do you want this Girl Emperor to start her own thread????

    From one woman to another, please do.  The SLAP boys are getting tired of laughing at Junka only and could use another form of entertainment.   Much appreciated.

  3. 7 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    Let us be realistic about this war: We just got done fighting AM, and Banned knows we are in rebuild mode. The objective is to bill-lock as many people as possible and force our members to quit this world. It is the very definition of a war of extermination.


    It's unfortunate, but given the circumstances the only vengeance we can have is to cripple their own new nations, bannedcare tech slaves (in SLAP... not GATO Kiloist :rolleyes: ) and tech bomb mid-tier nations.


    If you had managed not to annoy your previous allies to the point of them deciding to drop you, then Banned would of had to be satisfied with the war via AM and you would not be in this one. 

  4. 19 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    If Galerion orders me to stop posting, I will do so. I suspect he hasn't because the barbarian rabble before us is immoral, unworthy of respect and not all that intimidating.

    I suspect he has not beuse he knows you can not stop posting and he does not want you to make promises to him you clearly can not keep.  Wise man.


    The best I have seen from you when you are truly motivated is maybe five days.

  5. 40 minutes ago, AtlasXero said:


     Only the attackers can control what they do and whether or not they feel low enough to attack for simple words on a screen. If you're upset by someone who stepped down delivering an ultimatum then I honestly feel bad for you man.

    Just to make it clear for anyone who doesn't know, (I could not tell from your post if you do or not)  the stepping down took place after the war started.  You are correct in that Galerion is working on the peace end.


    In general,  it's nice to see newer people posting on the OWF.  It can be a rough place.  Don't let it get to you.


    Also what a government person says in public can be a reason for war.  Note I did not say it is a good reason or a bad reason.  I am not making a value judgment (in this public conversation) on that issue in this particular instance.  It is just how Planet Bob is.  There is No freedom of speech (especially in public).  Might makes right, like it or not.


  6. 16 hours ago, Fox Fire said:

    I mean who the actual $%&@ even invited you to the big kids table to start with? I've personally been told that this will will not stop until he leaves Bob. You suck at this.



    If you are talking about Junka (and not something else entirely that I'm missing) I just wanted to clarify that it is NOT SLAP's (or our allies at Last Call) intention to get Junka to leave Planet Bob.  I even double checked this with banned to make sure I didn't miss some memo somewhere. 


    I get rumors abound in these types of situations.  I often don't care, but in this particular case I do and so I'm taking the time to clarify in public as SLAP's MoFA. 

  7. On 8/23/2017 at 4:16 AM, Immortan Junka said:


    SLAP, on the other hand, composed of DK members who

    SLAP predates DK.  The alliance was allied to ODN (I think as a protectorate) for a long time.  Banned was an ODN member before I met him. 


    Junka, when an alliance disbands the members need to go somewhere.  Keep that in mind if SNX is seriously considering disbanding as an option.   How would you like it if you do and someone else kept bringing up your old alliance and acting like it is the same as your new one? 


    Yeah, I get that you're mad that SLAP attacked SNX.  I do not have a problem with any person who is mad about his or her alliance being attacked.  It is the usual response.  However know that it is SLAP - with SLAP's own history.  If you for some reason really do not get (as opposed to you are simply spinning this that way because you think someone actually cares)  that, well now you know. 


    Congrats on the treaty.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    The unity and strength of our Imperium, despite the hostile global population, is my proudest achievement, but with this achievement has also come an understanding of failure.


    I am forced to the conclusion that something is wrong either with the lesson or the teacher. 


    It is my duty to step down as Emperor, having failed to prevent the latest surge of barbarian attacks. Galerion will be a good leader, and has the right mindest for governance.


    You've shown leadership here by placing the needs of your alliance over your own.  Good.

  9. 13 hours ago, Cenk Uygur said:



    Every single point you've made about Oculus and "the game" I have seen made since coming to this world in 2008.  It wasn't said about Oculus, of course, but about whichever other bloc of nations happened to be the strongest.  Yet the world is still here, alliances rise and fall, treaties are made and cancelled, etc. 


    If you must use the old (OOC argument)  "X group is ruining 'the game'" in order to motivate NADC's members to fight, do it on your own forum.  I still say it is incorrect, but it's your forum.  If you chose to here, at least make the effort to do it in a way that is IC and not OCC.   


    Look at it this way,  you're arguing that the CB is not good enough.  That's fine, CB's are an IC issue.  You then talk about wanting to go back to a time where alliances at least make an attempt to use them.  Fair enough.  Polar appears to be doing that, however a discussion on whether or not it is a valid CB is fine.  Then in your final argument you bring up "the game" in a fashion that is clearly OOC.  Practice what you preach. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Subtleknifewielder said:

    Not it doesn't, not really. Honestly I would be bored to be part of curbstomps all the time

    So you think Cnek is perfectly right to claim some type of special knowledge beyond anyone else to decide what is and is not in the best interest of the planet?


    I am not arguing boredom.  I think you've missed my point.


    (OOC:  I am trying to keep this from getting too far OOC.  I get boredom is an issue but clearly Oculus has no issue with it so if they want to play as the do, so be it.)

  11. 1 hour ago, Subtleknifewielder said:

    So in other words submit? That would be boring :P

    Then fight.  I am not judging NADC for doing what it thinks is in it's interests.  


    Just do not pretend that it is somehow for the greater health and welfare of Planet Bob.  Not NADC's to decide nor snyone eles.  Leave to Admin that which belongs to Admin.  

  12. 32 minutes ago, Cenk Uygur said:


    In a very real sense, Oculus represents the death of this game. Their stranglehold and hegemony over Planet Bob means opposition is stamped out at even the merest sigh of a perceived threat. This leads to people giving up, for they view the dominance of Oculus as inevitable.
    The NADC I lead will answer this attack and resist Oculus by all means available to us, not just for ourselves but to provide an example to others that Oculus must be resisted for the good of Planet Bob. We will suffer heavy losses. We will probably lose. We may even dissolve our alliance. But I am sure that others, who share our values and care about the future of Planet Bob, will on the struggle against the brutish domination that Oculus represents.


    Well written up until you started talking the above nonsense.


    Planet Bob has been through so many wars, and plenty of other people have argued throughout the years that their side is the right side for the good of the Planet.  Regardless of who has made that claim (and whether or not I was on their side at the time) I have always found that claiming to represent the ethically superior "side" of a conflict for "the good of the planet"  highly egocentric to say the least.  


    Having been around since 2008 I have seen the power of various alliances and blocs rise and fall and rise again.  There have been some changes on how whatever hegemony exists decides to rule this planet, but overall there is only so much variation exactly because those in power understandably want to remain in that position.  To expect them to act against what they perceive as their interests never works, and for good reason.  


    Presuming that Oculus has this planet within it's control and no group of nations could "do anything about it" then perhaps it is time for alliances to stop playing their game of domination and just accept things as they are.  

  13. On 7/29/2017 at 6:29 PM, Auctor said:

    I have no wish to belabor the topic as I consider this having been necessary to be quite silly in the first place, but there's no need for conspiracy theories. I am as good as my word.

    People love their conspiraccy theories.  

  14. 58 minutes ago, Lucius Optimus said:

    Banned is trolling, so is Craptown. Let's not blow things out of proportion. I highly doubt anything will come of this new Doom Squad anymore than Banneds SNX will amount to more than a Pineapple poke. 

    The AA Doom Squad was gone, but I think dead is up for debate. Most anyone that was in or affiliated with DS or DK are still allied to each other and on pink. The spirit of DS is there.



    I agree with your first  point above.  I do not with the second.  It is dead.  If we were going to rebrand, we would of done it different.


    Planet Bob is 10+ years old.  Anyone who has been here for over 3 was at one time or another allied based on the treaty web being what it is.  Add the  "Friends > infra" ethical approach that people have ( i am not being critical of it, just pointing out that it is here) and yeah, people who were at one time allied are allied now.  So what?  


    In a round about way this is actualky a compliment.  It surprises me that people still care enough about the doom brand to feel the need to use it.

  15. 2 hours ago, Lucius Optimus said:

    Someone should explain the situation to Banned. 


    Or does it not count in that case because SNX was never respected? 

    No.  Banned, by taking a name similar to SNX, is trolling an alliance that is alive and well and involved in a war with AM which was his AA.  Doom Squad is long dead.  This is the trolling equal of pissing on someones grave.  

    2 hours ago, Captain Enema said:



    See above.

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