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Posts posted by RobertFitzy

  1. Why believe the rumors, anyone who knows anything in this game never blabs about it, I meant every war in this game is so difficult to have predicted.

    A year before both the GPA war and the Polar vs Continuum war I predicted that those scenarios where going to play out but everyone though I was just crazy.

  2. The NPO was successful in its diplomacy, and its willingness to step outside the box with new ideas and systems. Most of the way some alliances run themselves are somewhat based on how the NPO originally did that which has become the standard way. Its not about ruling with an iron fist or freedom that holds people back or pushes them foreword, its about willing to change things around and try things really out side of what is normal to get the edge in this world and having the power and resources to succeed with the new idea. Trying new things are risky though and most don't want to do that and that is what most of the time ironically kills them.

  3. Its impossible for a game to really be ruined by an empire because they are not permanent, every group becomes de facto evil in the eyes of people once they are big and inevitably destroyed no matter their personality by external people (sometimes their own allies) and/or internal people that themselves subconsciously want to see it destroyed even if they feel compassing and patriotism for their empire.

    This internal destruction usually happens not because they hate there own empire, its when not enough changes in the environment of that society to satisfy the human desire and NEED to seek out new, its when instinct kicks in (flight or fight) and people escape/leave to satisfy it, resulting in diminishing numbers of the empire, or in the back of their minds plot its demise in hopes of a rebirth of the environment while not even realizing they are doing it. If a group has enough fresh change in a reasonable amount of time they are usually safe from that, but if the ways stay the same, even ways that have worked out for years, there biggest enemy becomes them selves.

  4. looks like something to take advantage of, I do expect to see a youtube allaince sometime in the future, like Goons and Fark, all it would take is one user with a good rep to make a really good video and get it featured on the front page, and with the amount of people that use youtube they would have probably get 1k to 2k members pretty fast.

  5. PZIs are hard to keep track of and some alliances even have people still on their list that are now full members of their alliances again. PZIs are also changed a lot too and would be hard for one person to manage in one place, I was on SOULs PZI list for 3mintues once for example.

  6. I like the idea as long as senators can then kick people (as many as they could sanction not entire droves of people) from colors and send them to gray for a certain amount of time, they could move to other colors but not that color for certain day's, nor trade with anyone on it. So at least a trouble maker could be punished by a team if they really want to. The only changing color have X number of day's would be a must too its better then never being able to change.

  7. I agree with the OP. Efficiency and Convenience, unless you're trying to make it hard for people to reach you or something.

    or act the complete opposite of how you act in regular CN. People don't like the idea of grudges going cross both but we are human and some probably do want to experiment with activity that gets the ZIed and cause havoc with out that spilling over to regular CN.

    Its a good way to let off steam, I mean really haven't people noticed the lack of people going nuke rouge in the standard lately?

  8. Asevor Daily News

    Scientist scattered around a site today believed to be where a portal to hell opened today, The site was located near the small town of Beralis in Asevors southern region. The nature of the event is still a mystery but locals have described the carnage with great detail. Around 3am Monday morning people in the small region felt what they believed to be an earthquake, things soon got much worse as red orbs started to appear in the sky around the entire village. Around 3:30 the ground started cracking near a point out side the town and what people could only describe as a horrific looking monster lurked out of the ground. according to locals apparently after this creature emerged it started to rampage through a local farm, destroying an entire barn in an explosion of fire, after that the creature apparently then proceeded to throw a tractor over 500 feet into a wooded area. At around 4am the creature ended its rampage that also included the destruction of several trees and a church steeple and burst into what was described as purplish green sparks, after the monster was gone the sky returned back to its normal state.

    Scientist are baffled by this by this but their search for this monster or evidence of was called off after Asevor officials proclaimed the incident was caused by a metallic weather balloon.


    Could a weather balloon possibly do all that?

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