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Posts posted by RobertFitzy

  1. I think I was legion for 2 days or so but I war happened as I was stilll getting setttled in and decided to leave isntead of getting invloved something I had no idea what was happeniing. I think I remember rebel virgin bieng around during that time. I kinda enjoyed it their but deicded to leave since I was noob and still cared about pixles and all that stuff of defending the great legion against the valhallas who are an alright goup themselves.

  2. Its OOC but we still talk like we are IC

    Politic is a machine people think they have control over. Most will turn on friends subconsciously using metal gymnastics that makes them think THEY are the ones being betrayed or have better morals before (if ever) they realized their mind is playing tricks on them. Human beings have a drive to conquer their environment no matter who is in the way, or that powers peaceful/aggressiveness.

    Most are waiting for the NPO to be out of the way, not because its "evil", they are waiting for it to be out of the way so they can start working against the next alliance in the hierarchy, unless they are that allaince, and you know what changes then, NOTHING they become same damn thing with another name.

  3. How could you possibly reach the conclusion that they are attacking GGA from the op?

    I don't think I have ever facepalmed so hard.

    Its now beginning, people are getting so messed up in the head by this longevity of peace they are starting to hallucinate and see general announcements as DOWs.


    Will be interesting to see how many take it up, Maybe smaller allaince perhaps but most have protectors and love having little wars to fight themselves with nations.

  4. humans have a gang mentality, we usually pick groups based on one or two things and accept and adopt the rest of their believes/philosophy/behavior, mentally dropping our own (or our past acquired mindsets) in the the mental waste basket.

    GOONs: Controlling and brutal

  5. and how do you plan on doing this stuff when you have advertised this service, you can't register to an allaince, you will need to show them your nation to do that and they will know its you because of this. Nobody blurts out secreats to even close friends playing so you can't trick people. Your also obviously doing this just to get credit and fame which means you are probably the hundreds of people (yep its not original) who blurts "I'm a spy hahaha and I got some unless info that I just showed everyone" every week in alliances across the game.

  6. Screens are also important, though at this point its just a lesson of how important it is to know who you are rolling with. Some alliances have different cultures and policy especially the more disconnected they are from the rest the players in CN, some are nice and let you get away with almost everything, other alliances with very crazy leaders can be so strict and totalitarian most things can land you on not just their ZI list, not just their EZI list [OOC] but actually make them go after you in other games. [/OOC]

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