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President Orff

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Everything posted by President Orff

  1. [center][img]http://tgecn.com/images/official/officialannouncement.png[/img][/center] Greetings Gustavo, I know you are probably being flooded with offers from various alliances over Planet Bob, but I thought I would let you know about The German Empire. TGE is a historic-themed black team alliance which recreates the greatness of the nations and empires of old Europe, founded on the principles of friendship, unity, blood and iron. In addition to protection from raiders and attacks by rogue nations, we provide our members with everything the countless generic alliances offer, including assistance in setting up your nation, finding trades and arranging lucrative tech deals to quickly grow your nation into an economic and military powerhouse. We are currently running a "Emperor's Boost Program which will get you up to 3,999.99 Infrastructure by the time your finished. Its proven very successful among our membership, and will help build up your nation substantially. Our members are both new and veteran CN players who are always ready to assist you. So if you have a strong sense of individualism and enjoy history, but above all, enjoy a good German beer, then visit our forums at www.tgecn.com Prost, President Orff Chancellor
  2. [color="#FF0000"][size="4"][i][b]Job Notice: The German Empire is currently looking for two highly skilled individuals to serve as Ministers in the Imperial Government. Emperor Anson will pay the individuals in tech each month, if they do a quality job. Interested ? PM me here in the forums with your resume ! Note: By taking up a Minister post, you will be asked to join The German Empire ! Regards, President Orff Chancellor [/b][/i][/size][/color]
  3. After more then two months since our existence, we are STILL HERE ! Looking for some new faces in the Empire ! Apply today @ www.thegermanempire.eu
  4. [img]http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/6996/tgepropaganda1.png[/img]
  5. I can offer Wine and Iron, http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=446170
  6. Looking for a home ? A place where you can get involved and feel you can be apart of ? The German Empire is that place, we have over 31 Nations, and just reached the 500K NS Mark today. We are a fast, growing and developing alliance, filled with a wonderful community of members ! Come post an application today, at http://thegermanempire.eu/ and become apart of something great ! Gott Mit Uns !
  7. The German Empire is now 27 nations and growing, come and join us today ! Gott Mit Uns !
  8. [color="#2E8B57"]Today, The German Empire has reached the 20 Nation mark and almost 400K NS in just under two weeks since posting our DoE ! Come join the Empire today ! [/color]
  9. The German Empire, is growing each and every day, and like many others before you with the desire to see their homeland reestablished, Will YOU TOO ANSWER THE FATHERLAND'S CALL ? http://thegermanempire.eu/
  10. TGE is a historical German themed alliance based on the RL German Empire of 1871-1918 Come be apart of something great again http://thegermanempire.eu/ ! Gott Mit Uns !
  11. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/6/67/Tgeflag2_m.png[/img] [size="4"][font="Impact"][b]The German Empire 2007-2011 [/b][/font][/size][/center] [i][b]L[/b]ike every thing in life, everything has a beginning and an end, whether we like or not, in reality its plain true. The German Empire, originally founded by Kaiser Frederick II in 2007 has been through a grand journey of history, seen its self flourish, aswell as struggle in both the good times and the bad. Durring the last couple of months, the German Empire has unfortunately gone through a serious of unfortuante, and saddening events, with long time Citizens leaving, membership inactivity, the removal of Kaiser Franz Joseph I from the throne, aswell as this great war we entered. A few days ago, a decision was made by the Imperial Government on the ultimate future of TGE. Although it has been a good run over the last four wonderful year of its existence, we regret to inform you all that today February 14th, 2011, The German Empire hereby disbands as a alliance on Planet Bob. We thought that in light of recent events, it would be best to disband and allow our remaining membership to seek other opportunity's and start fresh , and find new homes, in which they may pursue happiness and the hope of a better future. [b]I[/b] would like to thank everyone who has contributed to TGE both now and in the past, and for being involved in its existence. I also would like to thank FOK, INT, our allies who has always stood beside us, in both the good times and the bad, as well as all of our treaty holders both past and present. It is sad to see a great alliance like The German Empire, once was, to close its doors. Believe me when I say, it was toughest decision for me to make, as I cared a lot about TGE since joining as a Citizen in 2008. We are now left with the thoughts and memories that we shared within this grand empire, that many of us once called home. TGE you will always have a special place inside my heart, you were the first alliance I joined upon starting in CN, and the only place I could really truly call home. [b]U[/b]pon disbandment, its has been agreed jointly by the leadership of FOK, and the INT to protect nations under The German Empire AA, for a period of 3 weeks, WAPA as also offered us protection aswell. Obitionaries and reflections may be posted respectfully below. Goodbye TGE, may you Rest in Peace ! Gott Mit Uns,[/i] Prince Albert Former Kaiser of the German Empire
  12. [center][img]http://thegermanempire.net/uploads/Tgeflag2_m.png[/img] [img]http://thegermanempire.net/public/style_extra/ministeries/declaration_of_war.png[/img] [/center] [i][b]O[/b]ver the last few weeks, myself, my Imperial Palace and all of the Germany, have been kept greatly informed about the happenings of another Great War that has fallen upon us. We have witnessed all of Planet Bob fight it out over the battlefield, in the air, and at sea. Over the last few days we have received several telegrams from various foreign dignitaries, allies, and long time friends of the empire, urging the Imperial German Government to provide aid and support in this war. [b]T[/b]he German Empire is well known for their loyalty among their allies, and after much consideration and consultation with my Ministers, and Imperial Cabinet members, the decision has been made to aid our comrades at The International on the Eastern Front. This afternoon, the Imperial German Army has began to mobilize, soldiers from all over Germany have come to answer the call, for God, the Kaiser, and the Fatherland.[/i] [i][b]T[/b]oday, February 5th, 2011, The German Empire herby declares a State of War with Union of Integrated National Entities ![/i] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHEck4GxHdI (Live footage of the Imperial German Armed Forces deploying to the Battle Field) Gott Mit Uns ! Regards, Prince Albert HM Der Kaiser
  13. Join the German Empire today ! We are always looking for new Citizens ! Visit us at www.thegermanempire.net and appply !
  14. Their are plenty of opportunity's available to you TODAY inside the German Empire, you can participate in tech deals organized by our Industrialists, you can become a politician like myself and run for The Reichstag, or you could join the Military and work your way through the ranks defending and guarding our beloved fatherland, you can even be involved in our Government Ministry's, the opportunity are endless. The German Empire has been around for quite awhile, we have just under 90 members, and take great pride in the historical living culture of our alliance. Although we are a themed alliance, your not required to have a German nation, our borders are open to just about anyone looking for a home, or a new start. So what are you waiting for ? Join the German Empire Today ! To Apply, simply follow these four easy steps [list] [*]Register in our forums at www.thegermanempire.net [*]Post an application using the template provided [*]Change your AA when instructed to do so [*]Successfully complete the Imperial Entrance Exam [/list]
  15. The German Empire relives the Imperial Monarchy of Germany and is one of the best alliances I have ever been in. I think its the best Historical Alliance in CN, and has a great community of members. Join today and become apart of this growing Empire. I am Prince Albert, Vizekanzler of The German Empire and I approve this message !
  16. [img]http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/3650/wesupportfinal.png[/img] Bump for our Friends in TGE !
  17. [img]http://i14.servimg.com/u/f14/11/84/39/74/2wrm2y11.png[/img] Join us today at [url="www.cn-russianempire.com"]www.cn-russianempire.com[/url]
  18. [center][img]http://i14.servimg.com/u/f14/11/84/39/74/i75q9410.png[/img][/center] [i]His Majesty's Imperial Government would like to officially invite any ruler looking for a new start or a new home to apply to become a Imperial Citizen of The Russian Empire. TRE is a newly re-formed and reestablished alliance that is based on the former Russian Empire of 1721-1917 under a constitutional monarchy. We seek to promote national growth, inter-alliance friendship and the security and protection of the Russian peoples. [/i] [size="5"]Benefits of joining The Russian Empire:[/size] [b]Protection:[/b] As an Imperial Citizen you will have protection from any and all unprovoked aggression from Rogue nations. We are protected as an alliance by The Hansetic League having signed a formal protectorate agreement, with this security our members can build up their nations without the worry of being attacked by other nations. [b]Aid:[/b] As a new member upon successful acceptance into our borders, you are eligible for a guaranteed $3,000,000 in start-up aid. Members who contribute to the alliance can request to receive development aid to help build up their nations. If your nation falls under enemy attack you shall receive war aid to help you get back on your feet. [b]Tech Deals:[/b] We encourage members to partake in tech deals to build up their nations aswell as grow The Russian Empire as a whole. Tech deals/circles shall be available to any nation wishing to participate in one and are organized on a regular basis. [b]Government Opportunity's:[/b] As a newly started alliance, for members wishing to contribute to helping develop the Russian State and its Ministry's, their are several Minister position's available that need to be filled. *Minister of Defense *Minister of Foreign Affairs *Minister of Finance [b]Community:[/b] Become apart of a growing and diverse community of friendly individuals of non-russian and russian nations alike, all coming together for the enjoyment of CN and reliving the Imperial Monarchy of The Russian Empire. Still Interested and want to learn more about how you too can become an Imperial Citizen ? Visit our official alliance forums at http://www.cn-russianempire.com and register and post you application today in our Immigration Office. Any questions feel free to contact me at anytime here on the forums/ingame at my nation of Peterhof or in our alliance IRC Channal at #TRE Long live The Russian Empire ! HM Emperor Alexei Romanov
  19. I am very pleased to sign this agreement with THL and grateful that they accepted it, they are wonderful friends and I am looking forward to seeing both of our alliances prosper both now and throughout the future ! O/THL ! O/TRE ! HM Emperor Alexei Romanov
  20. I appreciate all your feedback, suggestions and advice, and I do take these in whole-heartedly, yes I am new to starting an alliance, I have been in TGE, TRE, TAHE, and CCC, having served in many positions in Government and Military and I am now on my 2nd nation. My Best Regards, HM Emperor Alexei Romanov
  21. At the moment TRE dosent have any formal protectorate with anyone, we have temporary protection from our good friends at Shinra, I will out looking for a protectorate soon, I hope to gain a few members before then to have a better chance of getting one, I will be honest to say right now I am starting this alliance on my own from the ground up, over the last few days I have been actively recruiting and I hope to spark some interest in TRE. My Best Regards, Alexei Romanov
  22. [center][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100913201333/cybernations/images/c/cf/Treflag.png[/img][/center] [left]Today, September 24th, 2010, I have the honor and privilege to announce the declaration of existence and re-establishment of The Russian Empire after its original disbandment 8 months ago. It is time today that we look forward and not backwards, and see that The Russian Empire returns to its former glory and place here in the world of CN. Our constitution can be found below, please come by our forums at http://www.cn-russianempire.com/ or our Public IRC Channal #TRE. I look forward to leading The Russian Empire to a new era of success and greatness. I will be making another announcement hopefully in the coming weeks, in regards to the appointing of a Prime Minister and Cabinet of Ministers. Best Regards, HRM Emperor Alexei Romanov [quote][b]Constitution of The Russian Empire[/b] [b]Proclamation:[/b] [i]The Russian Empire shall as one be a united and sovereign state, governed by the Emperor of All The Russia's and by His Majesty's Imperial Government. The Russian State shall promote national growth, inter-alliance friendship and the security and protection of the Russian peoples. This document is to be abided by with the up most importance for in it holds the fundamental laws which ensure the bright future and security of The Russian Empire. [/i] [b]Article 1: Imperial Citizenship:[/b] [i]Any foreign ruler who wishes to may apply for Imperial Citizenship with in The Russian Empire. Upon a successful completion of an application, admittance into the Empire is given by the Minister of State, The Prime Minister or The Emperor. They retain full authority to accept or deny Imperial Citizenship applications and its at their own discretion as to when a applicant is admitted.[/i] [b]Article 2: His Majesty's Imperial Government:[/b] [i]The Imperial Government shall consist of The Emperor as Head of State, along with the Prime Minister as Head of Government and four Ministers whom His Majesty appoints. The people shall be represented by the members of Duma directly elected by the Russian people, who serve as their voice in state legislation.[/i] [b] Section 1: The Emperor[/b] [i]The Emperor is the Head of State of The Russian Empire, he is responsible for Governing the Russian State and maintaining a stable and functioning Government. He may appoint Ministers at his discretion to head the Imperial Ministry's and a Prime Minister to assist him in overseeing everyday affairs. He is given the power to sign and enact, legislative bills passed by the Duma, but may also veto any and all legislation, that can overturned with a 65% majority of the Duma. In all matters regarding The Russian State and its people, the Emperor holds the final authority. [/i] [b]Section 2: Abdication[/b] [i]The Emperor may not be removed, unless he voluntarily abdicates the throne, in which case he would be succeeded by a member of The Royal Family. [/i] [i]Section 3: Royal Family[/i] [i]The Family of the Emperor is to be respected and greeted accordingly to Title bestowed upon them from Birth right, or granted by the Emperor. The Crown Prince of the Empire can rule in the Emperor's Absence but cannot amend the constitution nor abolish the monarchy, he must work with the Prime Minster and the Emperors Advisors to ensure smooth running of the Empire. The Empress of the Empire has little public duty but if she chooses so she may take an active role in the Duma or the Council of the Empire as a member there, with approval by the Emperor.[/i] [b]Section 4: Prime Minister[/b] [i]The Prime Minister is in charge of overseeing the everyday affairs of the Empire. He is responsible for heading His Majesty's Government, overseeing its Ministry’s and its everyday internal affairs. He also represents the The Russian Empire in foreign affairs aswell as oversees the State Duma. He may at his discretion with consent of The Emperor appoint Ministers to serve in The Imperial Government. The Prime Minister can at any time be removed by the Emperor or by a majority vote by the Council of the Empire if they find him not to be acting in the interest of the Empire.[/i] [b] Article 3: The Imperial Cabinet[/b] [i]The Russian State cabinet who are appointed jointly the Emperor and the Prime Minister shall lead the development and daily functions of each of their respective Ministry's. The members of the cabinet will consist of the following:[/i] [b]-The Minister of Internal Affairs:[/b] [i]responsible for all recruiting and immigration into the Russian Empire, manages all Duma elections, and in-charge of maintaining the internal security of The Russian State.[/i] [b]-The Minister of Defense:[/b] [i]responsible for organizing and developing The Russian Imperial Military, may appoint Military officials to lead the Imperial Army's. In-charge of the defense of The Russian State and its people.[/i] [b]-The Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] [i]responsible for improving The Russian Empire's foreign relations with other alliances, proposing and creating treaty's and informing CN of any major media announcement regarding The Russian State.[/i] [b]-The Minister of Finance: [/b][i]responsible for the finances of The Russian Empire, distributing and filling Citizen requests for aid, organizing tech deals, and setting up trade circles. [/i] [b]Article 4: The State Duma[/b] [i]The Duma is made up of six senators elected directly every three months by the Russian people in a state-wide election. The Prime Minister, appointed by the Emperor out of the elected Duma Senators shall lead and oversee the Duma in its official sessions. He may propose and veto any legislation but may only vote on legislation if their is a need to break a tie vote. If a Duma official resigns their post then the Prime Minister will call for a special election within 48 hours to fill the empty seat. If the Emperor feels the need to he may dissolve The Duma and call for new elections at his discretion. Once a bill is proposed it will discussed and then voted on by the Duma members, if it passes with more Yes votes then No, then the Prime Minister must approve it and forward it to the Emperor for his approval aswell. If the bill is approved then it is immediately enacted as an official decree of The Russian State, if not it is sent back to the Duma who can either overturn the Emperor's veto with a 65% majority vote or make the necessary edits to the bill for re-approval. [/i] [b]Article 5: The State Council[/b] [i]The State Council is composed of The Emperor, The Prime Minister, the Ministers and Royal Family members who meet to discuss issues regarding the The Russian State aswell as reporting in from their various sectors and collaborating new ideas the can further improve The Russian Empire as a whole.[/i] [b]Article 6: The Imperial Armed Forces[/b] [i]The Russian Armed Forces shall consist of three Army's based on Imperial Citizen's NS, each led by a Lieutenant-General appointed by the Minister of Defense. During active combat operations, the Emperor will serve as commander in chief of The Armed Forces, and The Prime Minister as Field Marshall. All Imperial Citizens are expected to serve in The Imperial Armed Forces unless special circumstances issued by the Emperor call for them to exempt from service. [/i] [b]Article 7: Declaration of War[/b] [i]All individual wars involving Imperial Citizens of The Russian State must be approved by The Minister of Defense. In the case of any alliance war, The Emperor, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense must request the Duma for a declaration of war, they must have a detailed evidence and concerns of a foreign threat or request of military aid for the declaration to be approved. If the Declaration is approved and passed by The Duma with a majority the Emperor or Prime Minister must publicly make an announcement of it to both the Russian people and to the rest of the CN world.[/i] [b]Article 8: Tech Raiding[/b] [i] The Russian Empire re-announces and prohibits the right for Imperial Citizens to tech raid as we believe it to be an act of piracy and do not condone nor support it.[/i] [b] Article 9: Amendments to the Constitution[/b] [i]The constitution can be changed only by a two thirds majority from the Duma and the approval of The Emperor.[/i] Signed this day the 24th of September 2010, [b][i] [img]http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54488/300/8670BCFA511CBE2C86BE7E0DC3EF98E2.png[/img][/i][/b] Emperor of The Russian Empire _________________ [/quote][/left]
  23. This is fantastic, thanks for putting this Together !
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