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Posts posted by Vijaya

  1. flag-2.png

    BE IT KNOWN that the REPUBLIC OF AQUISGRANA has this day passed the milestone of 500,000 Nation Strength.


    IN OUR JOY, it would be remiss not to express gratitude to those whose unfailing kindness and invaluable assistance have enabled us to reach this Milestone:

    Emperor NELCHAEL


    Lord of Brotherhood HIZZY

    and all members of our gracious Protector, NUEVA VIDA

    our dear Friends and Allies in NORDREICH,


    our Partners in BLUNITY.

    OUR GRATITUDE also is extended to FRANZ FERDINAND, late of Monolith, whose merger with the REPUBLIC OF AQUISGRANA brought us this day much sooner than would have otherwise been possible,

    our Minster of Finance SHERMANASLOVAKIA, whose financial acumen and tireless work has helped all of our nations to grow at rapid pace,




    WE INVITE you to visit us in #roa as we celebrate not only this Milestone but also the ONE HUNDREDTH day since our Founding.

    There will be JOUSTING


    A copious FEAST




    Valdemar, Magistratus

    on behalf of:

    Elfriede Riotte, Minister Legati

    Shermanaslovakia, Minister Frugalitas

    Emperor Tiberius, Minister Defensionis

    Kaiser Milch, Minister Immigrationis

    Franz Ferdinand, Minister Domesticus

    Concilium Civitatis


    Alfred Krupp

  2. Thank you, Emperor Frederick: apology accepted.

    On behalf of RoA, I would also like to thank everyone who has patiently helped us through this difficult situation, particularly Hizzy and Nelchael of Nueva Vida, Nemhauser and Zeppelin of Nordreich, as well as our beautiful and talented MoFA, Elfriede Riotte.

    Let us hope that with this represents a new page for everyone's history.

  3. flagfinished-2-1.jpg

    The Republic of Aquisgrana

    "A Medieval alliance that doesn't take "Med" or "ieval" very seriously"


    Long ago Aquisgrana knights chose to bring guns to a knife fight


    When that wasn't enough the knights upgraded their horses to tanks


    Finally, genetically engineered Knight Kong was released upon New York in 1933


    Our military is strong, but our pimp hand is stronger. RoA: You just found the holy grail

    Mission Statement:

    The Republic of Aquisgrana (RoA) is a growing blue team alliance that offers exciting opportunities and a dynamic environment. Here you'll find a supportive atmosphere to help you grow your nation and excel both economically and militarily. RoA is working to become a premier alliance that is recognized globally for it's strong democratic base and progressive foreign affairs stances. We are striving to be at the forefront of world-altering events as they happen. So joining us isn't just about being a member, it's about being a part of a kick $@! team.

    Current Openings:

    Conclavis Populi (House of the People)- The house of the people is an elected council that assists in governing RoA. This position is elected from popular vote once every three months. As this position has just been established, we are looking for qualified individuals who have experience running alliances. Additional foreign affairs experience is a plus.

    Propaganda Department - Do you have artistic talents or experience with photoshop? RoA is always looking for people who enjoy creating amusing images, flags, or signatures for our members.

    Economics Ministry - We are currently in need of deputies in our financial department. A basic understanding of economics including tech deals, trades, and sledding are necessary. Other than that, no major experience is required.

    Foreign Affairs Ministry - Foreign affairs is always an important part of any alliance base. We are looking for ambassadors and anyone interested in global politics. No experience required.


    To start the application process you should visit our forums at www.cn-roa.com. Visit our immigration control section and fill out a Citizens' Application forum. We are looking for both inexperienced and veteran players, so both are encouraged to apply.

    New Players:

    RoA offers 6 million dollars in starter aid plus tech dealing services. Our aid development project can advance active alliance members near 5000 infrastructure within 2-3 months of joining. We also offer several excellent guides and veteran experience so you can learn how to play cybernations at an elite level.

    Veteran Players:

    Looking for that extra little bump to your military or your economy? RoA offers aid to develop nuclear weapons and strategic defense initiatives. We also find tech deals for larger nations and have several small nations to constantly supply tech. We are a part of the economic bloc Blunity that generates new trade circles every week and is still the best way to find trades on blue.

    Additional Information:

    Want to learn more? Check out our cybernations wiki page found here, or stop by our IRC channel #RoA on the coldfront server.

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