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Posts posted by Vijaya

  1. Valdemar, in response to you saying that you were working on the problem, I was merely saying that I did not really notice any real overt attempts at any change. That was even when I was elected Senator. It would have possibly been a good idea to attempt to rally more public support for your cause. Also, why would it matter if you would be fired from your position as Chancellor? That would be the perfect excuse to inspire public support from the Citizenship. There were more possibilities out there.

    Hopelessly naïve much? As much as I would like to address every point you've raised above, I will not do so in a public setting, except to say that I'm not really sure what the heck you mean by saying that my having been fired would be an "excuse to inspire public support." During my time in TGE, the word for rallying public support against the express wishes of the Emperor was "coup." Perhaps you're suggesting that my happy band ought to have couped the Emperor rather than leaving? Surely not...

  2. Your ideas of change had apparently threatened The German Empire. I’ve openly posted changes I’ve personally wanted to occur in The German Empire in both the public and private forums, and even directly to the Emperor. All in which were either accepted or denied. And no, he now has less power. I was merely stating that he has always been subject to the people’s wishes if their voice was loud enough.

    Such neutrality is something I wish I could say you were upholding with us, but your actions betray your words that you now speak. Now, although I’m glad to hear you hold some feelings of acceptance with members of The German Empire, a full blown siege of this public post really throws your stance of neutrality into turmoil. Now, I was unaware of this situation in your channel, and if I had known of it earlier I assure you, I would’ve done my personal best to clear the situation, but your now escalating the situation to an unneeded - and mostly unwanted status.

    Check your PM's, I'm taking this to private channels.

  3. One person that is ultimately, a slave of the People if the Imperial Citizenry properly manage their efforts. Always has this been a case, but now its formally organized in our Constitution in which I myself proudly added. The German Empire isn’t perfect, nor any alliance in Cybernations is, but we can say we are improving. Always. Now, such relations will be improved.. Over an acceptable amount of time. Short terms things will probably be hell, but in the long term we can improve our relations to at least a neutral status with enough efforts on either side. A nice start to this would be you disarming your actions in our acts of peace, if you may.

    You're losing me with that first bit. What I meant was that in gratitude for my trying to change things for the better, the Emperor threatened to fire me. Is that clear enough? Now are you saying that he is given even more absolute power in the latest charter?

    We have a stance of strict neutrality toward TGE, and most of the people in TGE, including your current Chancellor, are people I am proud to have been associated with, and whom I still consider friends. Neutrality, however, is a two-way street, and when one of TGE's ministers feels free to talk smack to one of RoA's in a public channel, it would seem to me that the problem is TGE's, not RoA's, and TGE will never resolve any problems without first admitting that they exist.

  4. .

    Ah you can trust me; I pay ample attention to such attacks on the German Empire name.

    There's a lot more in the world than that, is all I can say.

    Your grudges are aimed at our Government, while yes they have additional granted powers, do ultimately fall to time. Members of the Government have all been replaced, aside from the Emperor himself. Such replacements of this high authority means a change of attitudes and thoughts. So, what I’m attempting to get at here that your frustrations were dumped on a select amount of German Empires, but the rest of the population remained innocent. While I understand you’d hold grudges against some of our members, I ask of you not to bash all of our membership. I’ve long lusted a peace within this German Empire, one that I aim to achieve through cooperation. Such cooperation would require your hand of aid.

    Who do you think was going to fire the chancellor? Who has that power? Only one person, eh?

    Of course, I have nothing but the warmest feelings toward most people in TGE, as you should know by now. Co-operation, however, is another question, and really up to TGE, not us.

  5. I must say, I’m dumbfounded by the offensive actions Nordreich and the of Aquisgrana have taken against our newly improved and announced Constitution. Not only does this show their immaturity, but also their desperate need to lock swords with The German Empire. We have made no efforts to lay waste to either alliance, nor bash their public image as they do to us now. We have done our best to improve ourselves back at the home front and found it worthy to announce this grand action. I’m disappointed, like I’ve noted on, by such acts of aggression, but I’m honored to see some support of this peaceful act.

    You need to start paying closer attention.

    I didn't see the government members who left us to make RoA do anything to change what they were against. =\

    Alfred, you are begging the question. You joined TGE at the end of March 2009 and are only recently in Gov. As such, there is much you have not seen. This is not, however, proof that nothing was done simply because you are not aware of it.

    Fairly recently, several members of Gov who left TGE (myself included) did, in fact, try to set straight some major problems. In my case, I was told that if I did not shut my yap, I would be removed from my position as chancellor, with similar repercussions to follow for my VC, as well. It defies credulity that you do not know about this, but then again, one never knows. However, never let it be said of me or of any of those who left at the same time as I (note, I do not say "with me," for each individual involved reached his or her own decision for his or her own reasons), that we at any point failed in our love for TGE. The fact is, rather, and in this I feel that I can speak for all involved, that our leaving came after we had reached the conclusion that there was NOTHING we could do to change things. I most fervently hope that we were wrong and that you, the current Gov will prove me wrong. Check back with me around Christmas, what say? I'll even roast the turkey.

    Before that war, The German Empire and Nodreich were nearly always at each others throats. It was an action bound to happen. And now, this is history - Something that we need to drop and return to some idea of peace, however strained.

    EDIT: Shermanaslovakia - Understandable, and alas times have changed for the best. Although history is difficult to get over, it's a must to ever progress.

    As was earlier mentioned, just prior to their recent re-formation, NoR approached TGE Gov in good faith in an attempt to put paid to a less than happy past. This attempt, unfortunately, did not meet with the reception it deserved, and it is my conclusion, having seen the issue from inside and outside at this point, that this is not on NoR's heads, but TGE's.

    As for RoA, we have been branded "traitors" to TGE. Members of RoA's Gov have endured expressions of hostility on the part of a member of TGE gov in the public IRC channel of a third alliance, and we have all heard yet darker rumblings from TGE's quarter. I like you, Augie, but if you're auditioning for the rôle of innocent victim, don't call us, we'll call you.

  6. Above all else, on behalf of RoA, I wish the German Empire all good fortune going forward.

    That being said, however, I am appalled to see people who know better cynically feigning ignorance on certain points and on others failing to grasp the distinction between IC and OOC, and how that matters to everyone who plays CN.

    And here we have Marx:

    I'm glad they don't want bigots in their alliance. TGE has always been that way, so to say they're "turning the clock back" is pretty ignorant.

    How do you define bigotry? We are all surely aware of expressions of bigotry being made by many people in playing this game. Racist, sexist, or homophobic statements, not to mention out and out sexual harassment, are par for the course. When something of this nature arises, it must be dealt with at once in order to maintain a civilized environment where nobody feels belittled or singled out for who or what they are by accident of birth.

    The issue at hand, however, is not in-game behavior, but the perception that aspects of this constitution speak not to IC, but OOC behavior.

    I heard about this and the former high-ranking official you speak of brought it to my attention. I have always regarded that official as a friend. It's regrettable but I only heard it from said official so its not something that I've seen paraded around. If you forward some screenshots of a TGE member making that accusation (to my private mail) then it would be appreciated. There are any God's amount of rumors and nonsense floating around this place and I never have paid much heed to any of it - you will agree it's a waste of time and such things gain currency only by exposure.

    Lord have mercy, Scheer. You know perfectly well what he is talking about. This regrettable and utterly baseless speculation was so wide-spread that players in alliances other than TGE came to know of it. Perhaps rather than asking for third-hand information, you would be better served by speaking to those individuals who would for a second even consider this a possibility and ask them where they got their information. Better yet, ask yourself what environment would allow such notions to be entertained in the first place.

    Nah, you're acting as if this is the first time TGE has instated such a policy so it does make it look like you're ignorant in regards to TGE's history. As far as I can remember, which is as far back as October of 2007, TGE has always made it abundantly clear that bigotry will not be tolerated in their Alliance, and they have every right to do so. It's also not hard to enforce - Someone says something that's bigoted, they get removed/punished/both. If someone were to enroll themselves in a known bigoted off-site organization and attempt to recruit TGE members to whatever cause and get caught/turned in, they can be removed/punished/both.

    It's always been that way. A great example of that would be King Tower, Warlord Of Germania and Killer Tomato.

    You know that enforcement of this policy involves investigation into OOC activities of members or potential members rather than simple consideration of their IC behavior.

    As for the so-called King Tower incident, anyone who has been around as long as you have should know better than to bring it up in a serious discussion. Professor Valdemar assigns all a 20-page paper on George Orwell's Animal Farm, with specific focus on the significance of the roles played by Snowball and Squealer, to be on my desk by Monday at 9:00 a.m.

    Which is not to say I disagree that certain members ought to be punished if they try to use their alliance or Cyber Nations in general as a platform for real-world agendas; I think we can agree that such individuals harm the alliance community's cohesion and image.

    Thank you for saying something sensible.

    I rarely find myself agreeing with Bama and even less with TGE, but he has a solid point here. Folks' RL ideas are not mentioned anywhere in the announcement, it's just stated that TGE doesn't want people who exercise IC white supremacy among their ranks. That's not even in the same ball park with actually "making someone's OOC life the business of an alliance".

    (Though I'm not saying they don't actually care about folks' RL ideas, but at least that's not a public policy like zog seems to assume.)

    With all respect, Lord Moldov, the entire point of this policy is "making someone's OOC life the business of an alliance." This policy, of course, includes IC white supremacist behavior, as well it should, but in the end, has resulted in expulsions based on speculation and invasive and inappropriate investigation into OOC behavior.

    Anyone associated with TGE is keenly aware of the association some people make between Germany and some of the less than savory aspects of its history and TGE. TGE wishes to avoid the slightest appearance of tolerating such viewpoints as flourished in Germany in a dark period of its long and (otherwise) largely proud history. What breaks my heart, however, is that in attempting to distance themselves from these negative associations, TGE continues to enshrine the concept of thoughtcrime in their charter.

  7. This is amazing, really spectacular. It's good to see new friend (NoR) and old friends (TSI) come together. This promise of change, of building bridges without regard to old grudges, of simply doing what is right is heartwarming.

    Nordreich, you guys are pure class. I feel fortunate to call you my friends and allies.

    TSI - you know I love you.

    TPF - good on you.

    Three cheers for all of you!

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