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Posts posted by Vijaya

  1. In the brief five months since the Republic of Aquisgrana published our Declaration of Existence, we have again and again been overwhelmed by the generosity of spirit that others have shown to us. Excepting our former protector, Nueva Vida, none has excelled in this regard as has Nordreich, who have been our allies and friends since our beginning.

    Nordreich never ceases to be an inspiration to us in their unfailing decency and good sense and their adamant refusal to let the past stand in the way of a better future for all. Leading by their sterling example, Nordreich has taught us what it means to be true comrades through everything.

    With no further ado, it is my profound honor to announce to you the





    Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact between Nordreich and the Republic of Aquisgrana, entered into this 24th day of November 2009.

    By this treaty, signed in good faith, and based upon the noble ideals of camaraderie and cooperation common to both signatory alliances, Nordreich and the Republic of Aquisgrana affirm their ties in mutual cooperation and defense.



    In-game aggression between the members of the Republic of Aquisgrana and Nordreich is strictly forbidden. In-game aggression includes, but is not limited to: sanctions, war declarations, furnishing aid to nations or alliances at war with either signatory alliance, and any form of espionage, whether in-game or otherwise.



    Nordreich and the Republic of Aquisgrana recognize the strong bonds and mutual respect between their alliances, united by a spirit of amity, and recognize their duty to maintain and build on these relations. The signatories hereto further agree to refrain from any public criticism of the other signatory or members of the respective signatory alliances.

    Any violation of this Article II and the preceding Article I will be addressed in private channels in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.



    The Republic of Aquisgrana and Nordreich pledge to maintain open communications with each other.



    Nordreich and the Republic of Aquisgrana agree that, should either party through any means whatsoever come into possession of information concerning the safety or standing of the other they are bound to share it with the other party through private channels at the earliest possible opportunity.



    A. The Republic of Aquisgrana and Nordreich are bound together in times of war and peace. A direct attack upon one signatory of this treaty is hereby to be deemed a declaration of war on the other, and full military political and economic assistance shall be given in the common defense.

    B. The foregoing notwithstanding, attacks upon either signatory hereto resulting from defensive obligations shall not be construed as a “direct attack” under this clause, but shall be governed by Article VI, below.



    Neither alliance is obliged to partake in assistance in wars of aggression on the part of the other, either by providing aid or military assistance, yet are encouraged to provide support when needed. Additionally, the party engaging in an act of aggression may request that the other party remain out of any conflict as they see fit.



    A breach of any of the terms listed above is grounds for this treaty’s termination, but is not required. Either party may choose to terminate this treaty for any reason at their sole discretion with seventy-two (72) hours’ notice. All terms set forth herein will continue in full force until the expiration of this notice period.


    This treaty is incorporated into the law of the signatory alliances.

    Signed for Nordreich:

    Nemhauser, His Infernal Majesty, Reichskaiser von Nordreich

    His Imperial Excellency Vinzent von Zeppelin, Kronprinz des Reiches

    pd73bassman, Minister of Recruitment and Admissions

    Isolde, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    PuliSher, Reichsbanker

    Gottrich Northeim, Minister of the Interior

    S.F. Austin, Reichsgeneral

    Sigurð Odinnson, Minister of Culture and Propaganda

    Alvis, Althing

    King Tower, Althing

    Rebane, Althing

    Sigrun, Althing

    UnLimited, Althing

    The Great Darren, Althing

    XRCatD, Althing

    Kaiser Martens, Viceroy of Norway and Member of the Althing

    Signed for the Republic of Aquisgrana:

    Valdemar, Magistratus

    Elfriede Riotte, Minister Legati

    Smylie, Minister Domesticus

    Shermanaslovakia, Minister Frugalitas

    Kurt von Equord, Minister Defensionis

    Kaiser Milch, Minister Immigrationis

  2. Considering the treaty web, and the fact that big wars with big names will inevitably draw in alliances who have no business being there, I'm fairly confident in saying this thing would have been global.

    You may be right, but on the other hand, don't people say that every time?

    The issue between STA and Kronos was pretty boring in my opinion. A war would be nice sooner or later, but personally I'd much rather it stem from something that is interesting.

    Hear, hear! Jack Diorno took the words out of my mouth.

  3. :D

    On behalf of the Republic of Aquisgrana, I thank everyone who has worked so hard to make this happen, especially our friends in Nueva Vida, 1 Touch Football, and the Grand Lodge of Freemasons.

    In addition, there is one person without whom none of this would have happened, our beautiful and charming Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elfriede Riotte (alias "nosoup4u"). She has my eternal gratitude for her infinite patience and absolutely unfailing skill at Foreign Affairs.

    We are grateful to Hizzy and Nelchael and all our friends in Nueva Vida (like karthking) for everything they have done for us, but above all, for their unflagging friendship and indispensable support for us from before we even existed.

    Thank you everyone. We are honored to be among such fine people.

  4. I am (for once), without words. This is a very sad day, indeed. :(

    I owe you a lot, and will always be grateful to you. You never failed to inspire TGE and, incidentally, make a heck of a great OWF post.

    As for RL, I have occasion to mention again one of my favorite quotes (not from the Maharishi, but close): "In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself."

    Best of luck to you in all things, and of course, you always know where to find me, my friend.

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