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Comrade Goby

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Everything posted by Comrade Goby

  1. The great Internet Superheros have definitely fallen down a peg on my class scale.
  2. Surely the great HUNS lead by the great MONGOL KHAN do not need such trifles.
  3. Absolutely bad show IS. I am ashamed that such debauchery is still expressed by alliances. What you should have done is spent 20 hours running the leader through a correspondents course in order for him to be properly educated, but IS being the bastion of classlessness did not precede down this route.
  4. My god... That flag.... Its image burns into my eyes and will haunt my dreams from now until eternity.
  5. You demand acceptance from lulz alliances, but don't accept them. How does that work?
  6. Obviously! They will eventually fall under the might of the huns. Just wait.
  7. My god! This is surely a tragedy. I hope you are able to cope well
  8. Look guize! The wittle !@#$%cat is angry. Seriously bro, what you even be doing?
  9. Be careful of that lulzy atmosphere! It can ruin your judgment.
  10. Not to mention we have most likely been in many wars.... 3 years + and still going >_<
  11. The saviors of Cybernations? That seems a bit much. Oh wait I forgot NSO is behind every innovation in Cybernations.
  12. Not all the time. Or are you saying that every single post made a government member of an alliance represents that alliance? If that was the case there would be many more problems.
  13. And even leaders can have their own opinions they just usually separate them from their alliances.
  14. Oh no! Nobody can have their own opinions! You must have the exact same opinions as the rest of your alliance or there will be anarchy!!!!!
  15. No they are evil Sith. Get it straight. Playground evil, but still this is all in good fun.
  16. I think someone already had a bout of idiocy....
  17. This is absolute garbage. Look at RAD, trying to be edgy and GOONS 2.0. This is not the CN I know and love.
  18. Really VE? Needed to be all dramatic and fancy for a war on this alliance?
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