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Posts posted by Jamacus

  1. Expected. And I'm glad to see ODNers hold the same opinion of Thom and Swampy as the wider CN community, though this seems contradictory to their orrple solidarity and professions of sadness for the 'death' of the Legion.

    Legion was an amazing alliance made up of amazing people. They trusted their alliance to Thom Solo and he betrayed their trust by trying to screw with Valhalla. The Legion as we know it is 'dead' and for that I am sad. Thom Solo is receiving his just rewards for leading his alliance to death and for that I am happy.

    I see no contradiction. Better luck next time.

  2. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    I see no particular reason why the Legion wouldn't wish to take up most if not all of its suspended treaties once the house is put back in order. It is impossible to fix problems when you're trying to cater to half a dozen other alliances. Doesn't mean you don't put stock in those commitments.

    Unless of course Z'ha decides the commitment is not in the best interest of the Legion.

    I'm sure many alliances will be open to new treaties when Legion is "fixed". However, I'm also sure that those alliances will wish to negotiate a new treaty seeing as Legion will be a new alliance.

  3. o/ Valhalla!

    Also loving the new avy Jamacus

    Thanks, I made it myself.

    Perhaps you should sell raffle tickets to the members of Legion so they may have a war slot or two so that they may thank Swampy and Thom for all the great things they have done for Legion.

    I would bid on a war slot.

  4. Strong words. Ill-informed words as well.

    IRON's already canceled their treaty with Legion and I'm sure ODN doesn't consider a treaty valid when Z'ha'dum "suspended" it with out giving us the required notice. What treaties are left to be considered valid if and when they are reactivated? A few PIATs?

    Perhaps you should notify people that they are going to be held responsible for treaties that Legion doesn't have to follow.

  5. What a difference a word can make.

    Please, that's as good as canceling them. You think alliances are going to be OK with another alliance just suspending then reactivating their treaties on a whim? I can just see the announcement.

    Legion has been attacked. By order of Z'Ha'Dum all of Legions old treaties have been reactivated. Sorry that we suspended them so we wouldn't have to come help you but now that we have reactivated them you guys have to come help us.

    ORPLE is dead and everyone knows it.

  6. Does the fact that Legion is now under NPO dominance mean Orrple is finished?? sorry if i missed this relevant info but its been a mad couple of days :wacko:

    Yes, one of the Viceroy's first acts was to cancel all treaties.

  7. Becuase with the way the Legion has acted over the past few months I simply don't believe they are responsible enough to sit on a colour without causing disruption and so would not wish that on any of the other teams. For the time being they will remain on grey under Zha'dum's instruction until such time as it is felt they are responsible enough to be allowed to return to a real colour.

    So you are saying he Z'ha'dum is irresponsible? Because he is the sole power in Legion now. I also fail to see how you can make them move to gray and totally screw up their economies and then claim that you are trying to build them back up.

  8. My questions now are...

    Is ORRPLE still in effect?

    Will ODN wait to see if a new Legion is reborn?

    Will ODN protect nations that continue to fly The Legion's AA?

    ODN is as caught off guard by this as everyone else so I can't comment on a lot of what you asked. However, I can say a few things with certainty. ORPLE as an MDP can not exist without Legion. However, ORPLE is much more then an MDP. It is a symbol the love shared between ODN and Legion and that can never be broken.

  9. Am I really the only one who was blind-sighted by this? This came out of no where....at least to me....

    anyway, good luck to those ex-Legion members who are trying to find a home. I sincerely hope that you don't get picked clean by raiders :)

    No, I'm in ODN and I didn't see this coming. I just posted 2 hours ago in the "ODN Raid on Legion" thread and now I'm sitting here with my head in my hands.

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