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Posts posted by Jamacus

  1. People will do what they want to do no matter what piece of papers they have signed. Case in point ODN loves Legion more than any other alliance in the cyberverse and Legion loves us back. Yet all we have is an MDP with them. On the other hand, GOONS had an amazing amount of MADPs severed in this alliance,

    Most people assume MADP>MDP.

    However, in the current war Legion ended up declaring war with us and NPO ended up severing it's ties with GOONS. So this leads me to ask what would you rather have? A friend that would go to hell and back for you even if they didn't have to? Or an alliance that really doesn't care for you but is tied to you through a piece of paper?

    I think GOONS found out the hard way which is better.

  2. This thread is worthless. It reminds me of that joke, "Two Penguins jump into the water and one turns to the other and says, 'Pass the salt' " If people would just forget about this out of character attack that everyone pretends to know about then we could all move on with our lives. Instead, everyone has to keep deploring it every 12 hours and more people feel the need to learn the truth about this mysterious Mr. XXXXXX and more people keep pretending to know secret stuff they really don't.

  3. This is a really interesting point we were talking about in ODN. What do we want for Cybernations? It appears that GOONS' attitude is "it's just a OOC joke in a stupid internet game," don't worry. It looks to me that ~ attitude is "Internets, Serious Business". I'm not going to comment on what side I want but it appears Slayer99 has voted on what side he wants.

  4. For UJP side I'd say GOONS. They haven't been forced to start ghosting members to avoid their losses and they fight well. They are also fighting as dirty as they come. They totally take "all is fair in love and war" to the next level. Honestly, crap I wouldn't even dream of pulling they have tried. Nations surrendering and then switching to peace mode to buy nukes, they've done. Sending out fake messages to confuse our forces, they have done. Making a thread trying to get Legion to abandon us, they've done. Heck, they staged a fake coup just so they could buy 4 hours less of attacks while we made sure that they were indeed lying. I honestly have to respect their "win at any cost no matter what morals we squash" attitude even though that is what got them into this.

  5. Cowardice? We're being total bad asses. This is like something you see in the movies.

    Let the boy die like a man

    Staring down the bullet

    Let me make my final stand

    Shot down in a blaze of glory

    Take me now but know the truth

    Im going out in a blaze of glory

    What you see in the movies isn't real. It takes far more bravery to carry on when the going gets tough than to merely quit and avoid the mess you got yourself into.

  6. But we're only in it for the lulz and to be notable

    That's my point. You don't have the will power or drive to survive this war. Instead you will merely commit the "honorable" action of throwing away all the work you have put into your alliance just so you don't have to face the consequences of your actions.

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