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Posts posted by Jamacus

  1. Team Based Radiation would actially do a lot for making nuclear weapons have more real life like political implications. Say back during GWIII I'd imagine that ODN and TOP would have lobbied their respective sides heavily to make sure the nuclear weapons don't fall sincewe both love orange. This could also lead to interesting treaties, I could see the Orange Unity Treaty being amended to include a clause like 'If you start raising Orange's radiation level all of OUT is going to DoW your sorry rear end.' We'd likely see the same kind of policies from BLEU and and the NPO.

    A real interesting political scenario would be something like 'NPO vs ODN.' I'd imagine both IRON and TOP would lobby heavily to keep the NPO from nuking orange, whereas ODN has no reason not to nuke red, so the political intrigues of nukes would be very interesting. Odds are of TOP and IRON putting pressure on ODN not to fire the nuclear weapons or else we'd toss them out of OUT whereas we'd also use our MDPs with the NPO to ask them not to trash our team. ODN could counter with 'Use your ties with the NPO to get us nice terms or the nuclear safety comes off and we'll gop out with a bang.' I'm not saying such would happen or will happen, but it is an interesting concept to ponder.

    That would be fun if wars were run like that. They would need to up the negatives to something a little harsher then just a few happiness, though to actually make people angry about nuking though.

  2. I was operating on the assumption that one side was aided with the exact amount that the original side was aided with. Be it 3 mill and 50 tech, or just 3 mill, I thought both sides recieved the same amount.

    If I'm wrong, than I retract my argument.

    While 3 million and 50 tech is worth more to GOONS than it is to Polaris, IRON, and whoever else is fighting GOONS at the moment, the fact remains that you can only buy so much with the 3 million. The 50 tech should be divided up between the nations at war with the GOONS nation, and so should the 3 mill. The GOONS nation could possibly buy more infra with 3 mill than the nations at war with them, and that could delay his trip to ZI, or it could mean that the nations can't ZI him before their wars expire, leaving him some time to get to peacemode, so I guess I can see your point here.

    I do disagree that the GPA should aid every alliance at war with GOONS. I think that aiding the nations at war with the GOONS nation the same amount (3 mill or 3 mill and 50 tech) would be a sufficient way of handling the situation. That way the nations directly affected by the aid can get aid to compensate.

    Or, three million could pull a nuclear capable nation out of bill lock allowing them to launch many more nukes and deal tens of million dollars worth of damage to our top nations. To be honest, it's more of the spirit of the agreement. Trust is something that has to be built up and we feel GPA has violated our trust. I am sure that in the future we will sign a new GPA Declaration of Neutrality if we feel they are once again worthy of our trust.

  3. There is no Admin. All we see here is some cosmic chance. When you think about it with millions of websites the odds are that at least one would support life. It probably all started out as a bunch of random 1's and 0's. Eventually they arranged themselves into what's called "Code". After decades and decades the code eventually adapted through natural selection until it resembled what we have today.

  4. Controlling the red team and its senate seats does insure stability and peace for NPO, even though there are many who believe that the team should be open for some "free markets FTW" reason. Looking at purple, for example, it appears to me that the major cause of friction between the Legion and Valhalla has been over those senate seats, and many people have heard of the Maroon War by now, which was also related to the senate.

    On the other hand, look at Orange. Our openness has brought a lot of power to our sphere and made a lot of friends. I think all the friends ODN has made in orange far outweighs the gain of two senate seats.

  5. never say foon very bad...

    and it looks like WC caught some break here he didnt lose any infa during this war ..

    i have never seen a leader of an alliance not take a single blow in a war were there fellow alliance members were being completely destroyed..

    NPO you are to respected to shelter WC ..you should let him get what is coming to him...

    It should also be noted that Warrior Concept declared war on a ODN senator and preemptively nuclear striked him even though ODN did not declare on \m/. Warrior Concept is wanted by a lot of people and just disbanding his alliance doesn't give him a get out of jail free card.

    edited for less flame bait.

  6. If by "confusing", you mean "absolutely hilarious", then yes.

    By confusing I mean that dozens of people have been waiting for Warrior Concept to pop his head out of peace mode long enough to actually take some damage in the war he lead his alliance into. I am sure there will be declarations when he comes out of peace mode just because a lot of people don't check this forum. I think NPO will have a hard time sorting through all this.

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