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Posts posted by Jamacus

  1. well i will certainly agree that Legion/ODN's decision to not enter GW2 was a crucial mistake in the long term, it certainly ensured that we (Orrple) were pretty much on our own in GW3 as GATO was not the power it had been prior to that conflict. Not sure whether i could agree that VL won the war for the initiative but i would say VL certainly helped.

    I still hold that it wasn't a mistake to not enter GWII, at least from a selfish ODN point of view. Legion wasn't in the war and we didn't really have a reason to join. The mistake was made later with GWIII. We knew GATO was going under. They were just too anti-NPO. Either Legion should have dropped the MDP with GATO or we should have dropped Legion. Of course, ODN loved Legion to much to ever cancel ORRPLE so we went into the slaughter that was GWIII.

  2. There was some hate from some members but our leaders at the time didn't seem to have a major beef with NPO. The fact that we didn't even vote to go to war backs this up. I can see what you mean by "teaching the League a lesson" but the lesson wasn't to respect us more. The general thought was that The League was the aggressors and they should clean up their own mess.

    The idea that we were trying to make an ORRPLE lead coalition is laughable. We had already dropped GATO and were pushing hard for Legion to cancel their MDP with GATO also. One only has to look at our actions between GWII and GWIII to see that we were not interested in being a rallying point for anti-Initiative alliances.

  3. I joined about a week after GWII so I missed the whole build up but I've gone back and gleaned through many an old post and I think it would have taken a miracle for ODN to join GWII. We just didn't hate NPO and the Initiative. ODN seemed to happy in semi-neutrality with Legion and to be honest I think we would have stayed there forever if we could have.

    I'm also pretty sure we would have stayed out of GWIII if Legion had not gone in. We had already canceled our MDP with GATO and we knew they were heading for trouble for a long time. Unfortunately, Legion would not cancel their MDP with GATO and ended up getting burned for it.

    When Legion joined GWIII at ODN we didn't think we had a choice but to join. We loved ORRPLE to much to let it die. I remember at the beginning of GWIII our Sec Gen (TheEric?) said something to the effect of "Well boys, if we join this war our backs are going to be against the wall. We don't have the advantage. However, we gave our word to defend Legion and we can't back out now."

  4. It was a good read but I think if you want people to take what you say as fact you should tone down some of the language to make it sound more professional. It seemed to me that you threw around words like spineless, bootlickers, and ignoramuses that were not needed and dampened the effect of the simple truths you were presenting.

  5. Please provide your honest opinion on the relative merits and effectiveness of the following past and present leaders:

    1) TrotskysRevenge

    2) Chris_Kaos

    3) Pingu

    4) Sister Midnight

    5) HolyOne

    6) noWedge

    I would like to second this question.

  6. I voted NAAC even though I don't really know much about them because they seem better then the other choices.

    I voted ES because he seems to play more than Dilber. Dilber is just a great guy that everyone likes. ES actually seems to connive and plot alliance's down fall and make strategic friends.

    I voted Gonzoczar because he had a sweet set up with GOONS and could have gone far but failed epically.

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