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Everything posted by HeinousOne

  1. I love that...you have no legal obligations to defend STA. That is what it comes down to despite all that talk about STA love. You just listed why you are not a good ally to STA anymore. You are tied in a lot of directions while STA is not. STA relies more on each individual signatory it has then you do. Thus why it, in my opinion, has to rethink and be more picky with them in the future. How many allies does FOK have left that can come to its aid and how many have come to its aid already? How many does Umbrella have left that are not relegated to the sidelines due to maneuvers based on treaties? We support our allies because they are vital to our defense....so we thought. That is why Polar was defended by us. It is how STA rolls. We did not take a moral stand on the issue. Their defense is vital to STA's defense. It is a shame you do not feel the same way about us as many of us Used to feel about you. Your actions have shown that we are not vital to your defense we are just a nice ally to have. So that being noted, it is obvious our alliances see our treaty in different lights.
  2. It really isn't my fault. He figured out the really tough riddle.
  3. Which of your friends and allies have been wronged? Wait a minute, scratch the friends part because we are your allies so which of your allies has been wronged? I love how you now equate STA with Polar as if I am talking about Polar at all. STA is now officially at war with Four alliances. You do understand that right?
  4. Perhaps I should just point to CSN. I really needn't say anymore. I will just point at them.
  5. The mannerisms of MK and Vanguard members in this thread quite frankly make me sick to my stomach. Someone please put some trash paper on the floor so that I do not puke on anything of value.
  6. Good lord, here you guys were so itching to get into the fight and help friends of yours that you had FARK declare so you could hop on board and in doing so you took the one ally out of the fight that we have left that would be willing to fight for us. Do pardon us for our vitriole, it is just that our allies decide to take advantage of the fact that their MD's with us are currently OD's and thus are going to leave us to get pummelled. So, very sorry for us attacking you for going to such lengths to get in the fight. In our situation it just seems otherworldly. You really aren't that sad, come on now. You guys were chosen for this and the manner in which you piggy backed FARK was done just so Silence wouldn't get involved. If you do not wish to upset them anymore perhaps you should atleast speak the truth. Oh here we have one of our wonderful allies wishing that we and those that attacked us have fun. What a wonderful ally. Yeah...really sucks...forces you guys to opt out of the optional defense clause you have with us currently huh? You really have no room to speak. You really should not be speaking at all about things being done that everyone knows has to be done. Once again, no worries. You guys made the extra effort to get in the fight and help friends. That is alot more then can be said about some other parties. Gee, thanks for standing up for us. I really appreciate the tough words.
  7. You may be surprised yet again in the near future, who knows?
  8. You would think so wouldn't you?
  9. Might want to watch those words, that is not exactly going to be something that is automatically done in this War.
  10. Thank you, just wanted some assurance that there are folks meeting in private to discuss how they are going to be jumping in on "that side" considering that we are now on "this side". Thank you.
  11. Vanguard is now closely allied to the Stickman as a whole. Your question is a bit dated sir.
  12. Primary Ethnic Group: [insert your nation's here] Racism is a viable aspect of this world if you want to be like that Syrik. Races exist in our nations so your little e-lawyering attempt fails pretty badly. Racist attacks upon a person that leads a nation in this game and in this case is the leader of an entire alliance then yes they are very much IC. Nice attempt to try and cover up the deplorable acts of those you are directly supporting in this war.
  13. You forgot skulls for the Skull Throne. Sacrilage!
  14. Your little attack would make sense except the whole judgement against Polar is that they are wrong for doing what they did, so how can someone judge Polar wrong for what they did and then go and do the same thing? Now yes GOD followed a treaty with its direct attack but what I was alluding to was a possible coalition behind doors that is aimed towards making sure this war lasts quite awhile so Polar takes as much damage as possible. You aren't though because your argument shows you really did fail to grasp what was being brought forward by me.
  15. Actually it does because PC decided to decide for everyone that \m/'s inflammatory personal attacks upon the leader of another alliance do not constitute an aggressive act in which an alliance has the right to defend their honor against in a manner of their own choosing. Now, there are insults that happen all the time and then there are the kind that require your leader to make an attempt to keep the expected reprisal attacks from coming by making a rather long public apology. That apology is actually an admission of guilt in this regard and the fact that it was so horribly unapologetic means it probably had the opposite effect as that which was desired. Now, had these horrible attacks been given the value they deserve then PC's attacks would be seen as aggressive as well and FOK wouldn't be in the war because as you say, they came in Defense of PC not in shared aggression, correct?
  16. Polar did nothing to Poison Clan. Poison Clan decided that \m/'s personal attacks upon the leader of the NpO do not constitute as attacks on an alliance thus decided on their own that they could jump in defensively for \m/ rather then aggressively in defense of \m/'s attacks on NpO. So yes, you are correct that everyone jumping in is indeed defending \m/'s aggressive actions. What he is saying is when Grub believes something to be true he is going to follow up on it. In this case that seems to be simply talking about it as he did with GOONS and tried to do with \m/. On one hand when the GOONS act responsibly and diplomatically we see no war happen, in fact their treaty was able to be salvaged and kept. Yet on the other hand we have a different example of how \m/ attacks the leader of NpO to such a degree that their own leader tries to make a public apology in an obvious attempt to keep an attack from happening. It is an obvious attempt because it is obvious he wasn't sincere so he had other reasons for making an apology other then actually being apologetic. All that it seems he expects others to adhere by is to be somewhat diplomatic when approached diplomatically. The fact that some regions of the world think that is a horrible thing and that Polar is horrible for putting forth such beliefs is a bit of a shock to me. Hence just one more reason why this is such an Awkward War.
  17. Are my questions not valid? What would I do in your situation? Well for one if I belonged to a bloc that took precedence over all other treaties I don't think I would sign any outside treaties with mandatory clauses in them. You do understand mandatory right? I am not telling you guys what to do, I believe in Sovereignty first and foremost. This Awkward War is pointing out major deficiencies in the way this world goes about its Treaty business. In answer to your question about STA I can only surmise as I am not leadership but my guess is we would follow our treaties and defend the first one that needs defense? Am I right Uhtred?
  18. Wow, wonderful, this will make all the MD's of CnG alliances that are not in CnG to feel all warm and cozy. So basically CnG nullifies any MD treaty that any CnG alliances signs with an alliance not of CnG? Why do you guys sign them then? You should have nothing but OD treaties with alliances outside of CnG.
  19. I love the fact that you are claiming GOD, Stickman and FOK are supporting you. Did you hear that guys? \m/ says you are supporting them, does that mean we get to say that as well for now on?
  20. With your help you will get to repeat that message again.
  21. Well now you don't quite look at the issue fully either. I don't think anyone thinks CnG is going to declare on STA or Polar but what happens if someone attacks in reprisal for our attacks on iFOK and FCO? What then? Do CnG alliances have to get approval from other CnG alliances before going to war?
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