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Everything posted by Believland

  1. Are you even in this war? and I don't care what my NS is, I havn't had a computer to get on to. But, it's still with gonna be fun round blowing you all to bits BTW the person from CE: Do you want me to edit it and say something bad about CE? And to El: NEVER!! THE WHOLE IS TOO SMALL!!!
  2. And of course this gem, basically stating that yellow sphere is now someone's personal property, and that if you don't listen to Murder Inc, you'll be "dealt with" which we all know what that means: Awhhh You saw my Doctrine? I'm so sorry we were kind to you and didn't raid you guys. Now lets see how many DoWs you guys have
  3. lol I am only little because, I have been gone for the past like 5 days from Sunday and in three wars. And I'll be gone for another 3 days at 6 PM. And my knickers will never be in a twist
  4. ZOMG I confused my self. I meant to say it paid off for Warlordz and NCAA. I think they'll be the strongest alliance after this war
  5. Thank you my good sir. I'll try not to get my knickers in a bunch after I get anarchied
  6. Why would their ears fall off? From reading what you say? uhhhh that doesn't make sense. lol Bama we all know your a double agent
  7. So when are you going to stop posting? Eh I'll post something more also looks like the merge paid off that's for Warlordz. Good job everyone
  8. Oh Murder Inc is still number one? Uhhhhh Good Job Judgement?
  9. Hello all I'm the new founder of the alliance Defendant . We are here to pretty much get rid of Judgement. We are asking any nations, whether they be tech raiders, people getting attacked, People that don't like judgement and everything. Targets: United White(Some lame people on white team) GDA(They get boring after awhile) Crimson Empire(Would include Roman but, they are no threat) Mostly Harmful alliance(The name is pretty much an oxy-moron, since they are harmless) Can't think of any more Tl;DR The Defendant came forth and our about to destroy Judgement More stuff coming later
  10. Dude knowing Hormones he probably self anarchieed. Really no big deal.
  11. Will this also be open to Sanctioned TE alliances?
  12. Following this trend of new treaty questions: So will MHA get into the war?
  13. So do I expect you guys to come into this war?
  14. How about little to no treaties? I think about 3 allies should do it
  15. No don't talk to admin. He left Murder Inc. He's a traitor MI attack him!!
  16. What if your nation gets deleted? would that be like re rolling?
  17. You know at first it was a joke right? Or did that fly over your head?
  18. Well I was gonna post something smart. But, I'm too lazy to think it though. So anyway /me wishes that Machiabelly has a good night sleep /me attacks Machiabelly and sends him into anarchy
  19. But, you can't judge that much off of the prosecuters anarchy. If anything I would have to look at Roman Empire and the other alliances that took first the first blow or try to deliver the first blow. Like Roman Empire and What not. That's just how I see it
  20. Would it suprise you guys if I was a spy? Check my nation bio that's been there since round 3 has started
  21. Are you saying that I don't have any friends? Cuz your wrong! And to the closet line: I just meant hiding behind something and waiting
  22. Eh I still like to aim at less treaties Josh.
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