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Psychotic Dictator

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Status Updates posted by Psychotic Dictator

  1. I'm broke and living on the street? You must have mistaken me for someone else. In the day, I bake muffins. At night, I head a nation of prostitutes and sleeps in the warm bed of my fiance's.

  2. Pssshhh! Dude, the stuff you vomited weren't even muffins. And don't quit my day job? What if I bake muffins for a living?

  3. I'm messing with "The Mod" and he seems pissed. :D

  4. Says the person who ate *all* of it.

  5. I see you stealing my muffins.

  6. Gah. The comment got cut off...


    Also, the tuition issue is dealt with now, for the most part. I'm changing my major to Psychology. How are you?

  7. Are you implying that I'm lesbian? LOL! XD Anyways, his player account on CN is Azural. You *should* know who he is. He was the one who told me that you got promoted at work - if you ever read that PM I sent you. When the wedding is planned out, of course, you're invited... if you think I deserve having Hezzie's presence. :P Also, the tuition issue is dealt with now, for the m

  8. My spam beats your spam.

  9. I'm mad at you because I never realized you were Zikawe.

  10. I've been working... that's all, really. lol And trying to get back into college... well, I'm not exactly dropping out yet, but tuition issues that I need to deal with before the new semester starts otherwise I won't be attending the new semester. lol Oh yeah, if I haven't told you yet... I'm engaged... and you know who he is. ;)

    How are you?

  11. "Cupcaked one, I do believe this deserves mentioning...I've been cheating on you with the Muffin lady." :o There's no such thing as the Muffin lady! I can confirm this because I am the Muffin Man. Also, I just wanna say keep up the good work. Soon enough, we will find someone willing to... do stuff... with you.

  12. XD I was looking at his and yours. Damn it. lol Hey. :P

  13. LOL, I love the admin sig. XD

  14. We need to catch up. lol The last time I really talked to you was back when you were still really active in ODN. :P

  15. I'll always be your strawberry muffin. ;)

  16. Hey, loser. I love you!

  17. There's no top. It does it by random.

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