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Everything posted by OneBallMan

  1. Obviously Purge played no role in their own demise. ES never signed a treaty. Vox is responsible for all things that ail Planet Bob and Slayer's personal hygiene is beyond reproach.
  2. You disappoint me in picking my post to reference what you perceived as low-class comments, for I am not the one who made them. Past and present, I have always respected you ES, and I believe your return to relevance is great for the cyberverse. I also think you've behaved like an insensitive buffoon at times, which has played itself out retributively to the place you currently reside on Bob. But it doesn't diminsh my respect for what history shows you've accomplished. I do however take umbrage with you painting yourself with the self-serving brush of diplomatic minimilism. As with all things Sponge, your current proscribed world view seeks only to be forward looking and disruptive to the established hegemony. Yesterday, you held a different view, one that many of us call out, and the response from your minions is to scream "uh uh... no he didn't". It is sad and sucky.
  3. Starfox - my love for you is second only to my love for the OP, but that is revisionism at its finest.
  4. In all due respect to your belated and somewhat believable apology, please go away. All my love, OBM
  5. 3Z and Rab - You guys know where you stand w/ me, so I think it goes without saying that TOOL has grown in my estimation by your decision to seek out a fold-in. And TOOL needed no higher place in my estimation before that. I look forward to always standing with our strong brothers in TOOL.
  6. Admin, don't listen to these guys. So what if you made a change? They are pixels.
  7. TPF is now posting this kind of member recruitement on the OWF? Wow, things have really gone downhill since we sent Slayer on "vacation".
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