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Everything posted by jackyseto123

  1. I have tooken 1 Pixel Member of the Legion Embassy at TPF hostage. LOWER THE DROP LINE OR SHE DAIS.
  2. :angry: TPF :angry: If we drop out of this race because of you, I'll destroy our embassy via pixel explosives. :jihad: :jihad: :jihad:
  3. You are thus now TPF which means I will huggle secki butt raep you
  4. o/ Us Barely getting ahead of add line Stupid TPF and their gains... /me grumbles
  5. :angry: Midas :angry: Getting us in trouble... /me grumbles
  6. Oh lawdy... We better get on running.
  7. Ehh...at least what's done is finally done. Case crosed.
  8. Yeah I know, but I thought it was instant
  9. Yeah, so me and my buddies are attacking tiznoast and we've managed to wipe out all of his men and tanks and when we refreshed the page, he still wasn't in Anarchy. One of our alliance member thought it could have been his troop EFF that mattered and it would require 20% of supporters to match the troop EFF, but even if using troop EFF to calculate, it still wouldn't add up because it would be 1,200 eff minimum. *I didn't mean all troops, most Screenies: As you can see, his real troop number is less then 5% of his total supporters. Yet no anarchy. Is this a bug?
  10. I would say no, the more population = more Improvements and more tax payers. So even if your initial people are making less money, the massive population overwhelmingly negates that.
  11. Well, I was scanning through some old war/aid lists today, and found a guy named,"Jofna" who was in PAIN, in which we were at war with. And I've noticed that he has about 9,700 Soldiers, but his total supporters were 9,400. When I looked at the charts, it said he had -350 Working Citizens. And I was wondering 2 things. 1. How is this possible?(my guess was lost of Infrastructure, he does have 25) 2. What happens?(with negative working citizens) Screeny:
  12. Well Senators are supposed to be the voice of the people, that's correct, but if they can't play the game right and defend themselves then they shouldn't even be playing.
  13. Erm, can't you guys just have a line up of possible team senators and they will rotate out of peace mode to be a candidate so you guys can always have somebody in the senate position but not in peace mode?
  14. Hrm. I know being elected as a Team Senator is already a feat enough, but I wouldn't want a person that's a hippy to lead, although being elected as a Team Senator clearly states that the people would want a hippy to lead so it's a really conflicting idea. I would suggest you just get out of Peace Mode, I mean if you're really Friends > Infra then you wouldn't mind losing a few Infrastructure or Tech for the better being of your friends right?
  15. It depends if you're happy? Err but just get some good trades, don't create too much troops, choose good events, etc and you'll find happiness.
  16. Erm, probably from Lead's environment decrease, probably not tho =/
  17. Well it is possible that the GRL is simply to strong and working against you. I have Coal and Water and an +Environment event but my Environment is still at 1.5 =/
  18. Erm, Anarchy isn't a choice. Well, if you deploy too much troops...but still.
  19. I was talking about the Legion but okay! I also am suffering from nuclear winter, 2000 people went poof just like that o_o
  20. *facepalm* No more lulz for you admin.
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