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Posts posted by potato

  1. Big Woody, what's his story again? I know i've seen him on here alot.........

    Under IRON, TORN shall tear it up!

    You could PM him to know but ex-ODN, ex-GOON, ex-NoV now TORN. Cool guy despite his fascination for the Dodge Stratus.

    Back to the topic ... Well done, boys and gals.

  2. Frankly, terms like that combined with GGA's recent actions (don't get me wrong, that's worse than ODN's for sure) do far more to chase people out of the game than GOONS or \m/ ever did. I suppose that's the point, really, it's all about chasing out the 'wrong kind of people' from the game. Btw, as am example, I have a 10k nation after losing 12k in this war and that would take me around a month to pay, assuming I wasn't paying bills or building my nation at all. Utterly inane terms.

    Assuming anyone still in GOONS beyond that date somehow approves of... whatever it is ODN disapproves of and wants revenge for... is a bit of a leap - not every member of an alliance reads this board, some probably don't even know how to go about surrendering.

    I remember when \m/ gave WAPA excellent terms after GW3. If only some other alliances would realise how much better that kind of thing is :( .

    You know, I've PMed most of my opponents, offering them terms. The original terms we used. They all refused although being anarchied and close to ZI. Their 'excuse'? 'I'm sticking with my pals'. They then turned down the second batch of terms (those in the OP) for the same reason. They may not agree with what their gov' did but they still want to back them up. As honorable as it is, I'm not going to let them go because they're nice, have a nice ass or whatever reason you can think of ...

    And this happened to almost every single ODN member fighting. Most of the GOONS know the rules of this game.

  3. War ravaged, haahahaha

    You entered the war late and exited early, in typical ODN style

    650mil is cake for a 4mil alliance, srsly. It's more of a strain on your aid slots than it is the nation's economies anyway.

    You don't agree to the terms. We get it. You don't think the war is just. We get it. You don't like us. We get it.

    Can you please switch to something new*?

    * by new, I mean a topic that hasn't been brought up by UjP and friends in the past month.

  4. That was one of the less comprehensible Declarations of War it's been my misfortune to read. If it weren't for the tl;dr summary I wouldn't have known what was going on in that tumble of words. Enjoy your war.

    Don't believe the lies of the small yet dirty tl;dr <_<

  5. I think he is in one of those alliances that respect their members, and who, although small, have some integrity. Enjoy ZI Gonzo.. Bye OFS. Those cool guys who are still there: good luck. The rest: good riddance!

    Also, when did we surrender?

    You won't a whole list of this?

    Sorry, couldn't resist it, Brown friends ;) It's nice to see the 'information channels' transformed a two-sided ceasefire into a surrendering.

  6. He wanted to give you another opportunity to troll OFS of course!! Don't you know that's our goal in life, to provide you with such opportunities? Bottling it up isn't healty.

    That's nice of you. But, personnally, I have never trolled any of you. But I assure you it is muchly appreciated.

    On a side note, 7 minutes for this? You could have taken 10 and made it way better, my dear.

  7. Yes, there we can flame and troll based on breaking treaties :>.

    But you can't seriously try and take a thread where we do nothing wrong and try and pull trolls/flames out of your @#$.

    If you're going to do it, do it for our first strike nukes, or our change of AAs or make some claims about winning the war.

    To be honest, your side has been guilty of flaming/trolling for no apparent reason like that too. And way before we did.

    But this is not a case of 'u, no u' ... It's about your side constantly lying, mocking ... us. And now you want us to believe you? You, surely, can understand why some are doubtful of your sincerity.

    PS: Don't get me wrong, I'm advocating for accepting/respecting the ceasefire in my alliance.

  8. I think people should also be aware of how many bank nations and other nations of \m/ are hiding out under pseudo alliances and so forth.

    Their overall strength has not dropped because of the war, its dropped because they have been moving nations around, and once they get this surrender in place they will put everyone back under the \m/ flag once again, like this alliance for example /m\ its there, and how many of them are hiding out under the alliance banner of NONE.

    Our people have done some serious work into this, and as a member of Planet Bob, I feel that all alliances should be aware of this information.

    Don't believe me... check into it.


    This is going off topic but don't worry, we know about members of the triumvirate going to 1123 and others to such 'themed' alliances as well as where Crohl and lamuella from GOONS, among others, hid for a bit ;)

  9. For the survival of \m/ as an alliance in the long run, it is a good move.

    If accepted or respected by the other side. Something's fishy there ... <_<

    I wish all parties would act like adults and get rid of the scum so we can go back to the war and its outcome. Whatever it is.

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