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Posts posted by gfloyd2002

  1. This really set a smile on my face. Made my heart feel a tad bit warm too. Read the PM, and take note that I'm dropping reps for me to 3 mil. ^_^

    See, we don't bite when people are nice. I'm sending peace as well, and calling off this guy from attacking you. ;)

    o/ GDI

    o/ MHA and PC for great diplomacy in tight situations

    and yeah, o/ Lefty for a good stand none the less. :rolleyes:

    We really appreciate the kind response to our former, and now likely future, member. A nice gesture to lower the reps and accept the apology. Thanks, GDI. :D

  2. From the Mostly United Accords, emphasis added:

    II. UA shall be provided with two advisors from the MHA to guide in the creation of this new alliance.

    a ) Said advisors hold full viewing rights of UA forums and an opinion on all UA decisions.

    b ) All Advisors must be approved by the President of UA.

    II. The MHA must approve any treaties between UA and a non-signatory alliance.

    III. UA agrees to maintain at least 70% membership on the Aqua sphere.

    IV. In the event of a forced or voluntary disbandment, MHA reserves the right to assimilate UA into her membership.

    Tuorps' announcement without talking to MHA first, then the merger offer to AB without consulting MHA first, the coup attempt and general bungling have put UA in a pretty precarious position with their MHA protectorate. At best, these actions are in direct conflict with UA's obligations under its agreement. At worst, well they are really not good for UA.

    AB was smart to steer clear of this, and I suspect other alliances will steer clear of UA after this debacle as well. I can see the tech raiding alliances lining up licking their chops already.

  3. I don't want to sound like troll but don't the NPO-MHA treaty and Q also have clauses that say they supercede any other treaty? In which case, should a situation arise between, say, NPO and Grämlins, and should said situation bring war, what would MHA do?

    Congrats again though.

    Respectfully asked, so not trolling at all. :). The NPO-MHA treaty also has clauses prohibiting aggression against the other's treaty partners. Also, NPO and GRE are treatied by tC and individually, so no worries on that account as well. The hypothetical conflict you describe would require: 1) the breakup of tC; 2) the breaking of the individual treaties behind tC, and; 3) the breaking of either the NPO-MHA or the NPO-GRE treaty by MHA's treaty partner. If all those go away, its hard to imagine MHA still having any conflicting treaty obligations remaining. More importantly, given the depth of the relationships involved, this simply isn't a very realistic scenario.

  4. I'm honored to be bonded to the Grämlins and to call myself a Härmlin. There is nothing that could come between our two alliances. Has anyone noticed the 'dual membership in the other alliance' clause yet? The shared private IRC room? Epic.

    p.s. Lord Gobb's sig made me lol.

  5. For those of you just joining the thread a tl;dr:

    * Cool treaty. NPO and MHA love each other. 1 year cancellation clause and other fancy bells and whistles.

    * Debate over whether OoO breakup is relevant to long cancellation clause. Unless MHA or NPO leadership resort to OOC attacks and support for coup attempts against the other, not so much.

    *Halflinger winning the battle for best posts.

    *Treaty so cool, some of CN's best trolls working to shut down the thread. Yay!

    Discussion may now resume. :D

  6. I'm proud to be MHA right now. Proud to have a strong friendship with an honorable ally in NPO, a friendship with a long history and a longer future. Proud to have been involved in drafting our fun new MDoAP, making a statement about this friendship to eliminate all doubts. MHA is sick of hearing about NPO's alleged shortcomings, and we are happy to stand with NPO and show CN what we each think about loyalty.

    And, though I hate to admit it, I'm proud we have attracted some of CN's finest trolls by making this treaty. You can tell we did something right by the nature of the opposition.

    And just wait for Nov. 5, when MHA has more surprises for CN coming with another ground-breaking announcment . . . :popcorn:

    MHAil NPO!

    MHAil MHA!

  7. Couldn't be happier to be close to such a great group. Every FOKker I've ever spoken to has been tremendous, and they've already proven to be great friends to MHA.

    Well done Myth and Avenger in spearheading this treaty.

    MHAil FOK!

    MHAil us!

    Also, who is this Kowalski guy. ;)

  8. Here is a more modern version for us. :D

    The Mostly Harmless Alliance is looking for active nations of all shapes and sizes. We offer everything a nation looking for a new home could hope for. Join MHA and enjoy:

    Unmatched Financial Aid and Nation Building Help

    - A tech selling system. Sellers make $1.2 million profit per transaction, and buyers can easily find deals.

    - Once you sell tech, you are given from $9-18 million per month in aid. This makes your tech deal worth a minimum of 10 million!

    - Banker push programs offering promising young nations $30 million and up to increase your infrastructure and nation strength.

    - An internal wiki that contains some of the best in-game Cybernations guides around.

    - Free audits of your nation by experienced nation builders, ensuring optimal growth.

    - A trade center with over 600 trading members, and strong Aqua relations giving you access to thousands more.

    - A donation center to match donation buyers and sellers of all sizes.

    Stable, Strong Foreign Relations

    - MHA enjoys one of Bob's strongest reputations for foreign policy, and offers a stable environment where you can build your nation in safety.

    - A sanctioned alliance with continued growth in upper tier of all on Bob.

    - Membership in The Continuum, the strongest bloc in CN.

    - A leader of Aqua Unity, as the strongest alliance in a stable color sphere filled with love.

    - Over 600 members to help protect you from attack and help you in war.

    - We don't tech raid. We don't stir up trouble. But we are loyal allies, we honor our treaties, and we are respectful in battle. Oh, and we are undefeated.

    Opportunity for Advancement

    - MHA is looking for active nations to get involved, and that means we make room for people who want to chip in and contribute.

    - We offer chances for new nations to contribute as Secretaries in our various ministries, whether serving as diplomats, helping arrange our tech deals, contributing to our newsletter or any number of other activities.

    - We reward our active nations with chances to advance even further in the management of a sanctioned alliance, and we recognize the experience of those who come to us later in their CN lives.

    A Bunch of Hoopy Froods

    - CN is a game after all, and MHA was founded on the good humor and hoopy vibe of the great people in MHA.

    - Our theme, based on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, lends itself to having a good time.

    - Our forums are among the best in the game. Lots of chillax mixed in with the great guides and the financial focus.

    - Our forum smilies are THE best in the game.

    - We can SPAM. Mind you not like Mushroom Kingdom can (props to our Aqua brothers!), but we still rock.

    If you have questions, please feel free to PM any of the hoopy froods who post in this thread for MHA.

    Join here: www.mostlyharmlessalliance.org

    Visit us here on Coldfront: #MHA


    You know, call me a ridiculous optimist, but this one idiot compared to the 10 pages of awesome people who have posted in MHA's support thread makes me pretty encouraged about the state of CN and the good people we've got here.

    Keep up the good work, everyone. Impala's brother posted in our MHA forum today and said:

    WOW i now know why she feels the way she feels abut you guys ant MHA ,i'm lost for words so are my parents this is so nice of you all to say every thing that you all have said .Thank you to every one who put time and love into this ,... She will have her laptop on the 3rd and she will be home before the date they gave us still im in wow and just wow thanks guys ,you have given alot more then what you guys think .CHAD

    So, she's coming home early, and will be able to use the laptop by tomorrow. Life is good!

  10. I am having trouble connecting to your forums atm but I will be sure to stop by and give my well wishes. I will also be sure to give a moment of silence on my next show in honor of her fight.

    Thank you all for the support. The forum has now been open to non-members to allow posting there. Apologies for the backwards order of posting first, opening forum second. You guys are fast!

  11. As many of you know, one of MHA's youngest members, Impala of iputaspellonyou, is currently undergoing chemotherapy. She's been a great inspiration to us in how she self-funded a back collection for a class project, generally managed the heck out of her nation, and how positive she's been despite health issues.

    Currently, she's not able to log on as much as she'd like, but in a recent message to MHA she said that her doctor told her parents how much Cybernations is helping to keep her positive. And her brother has recently gone out of his way to contact MHA to let us know how much her family has appreciated what Cybernations has done for her. So much so that a laptop and wireless card are on the way to her hospital room as soon as she is able.

    With the encouragement of her family and doctor, I've risked this OOC post with a call to the CN community. We have started a get well/encouragement thread in the MHA forums and we'd like to knock her socks off with an overwhelming response. We ask the CN community as a whole help us put together the biggest, most amazing get well/encouragement thread that CN has ever seen, and ask for you to post here to help us out:

    Impala Love and Support Thread

    Impala doesn't check OWF, so we need to ask your indulgence in getting an MHA forum account if you don't have one. The forum front page, with clear instructions for registration, can be found here: http://mostlyharmlessalliance.org. In honor of Impala, we have opened up the MHA General Discussion thread to non-members.

    Thanks to all in advance for talking the time to step away from the game for a moment to encourage a girl having a rough go of it, post some funny stories, tell jokes (PG only - she's young), and otherwise cheer her up.

  12. To quote the Great Fergie:

    Whatcha gonna do with all that junk

    All that junk inside your trunk?

    I'ma get get get get you drunk

    Get you love drunk off my bump

    My bump my bump my bump my bump my bump

    My lovely little lumps

    I drive these brothers crazy

    I do it on the daily

    They treat me really nicely

    They buy me all these ices

    Dolce and Gabbana

    Fendi and the Donna

    Karan they be sharin'

    All their money got me wearing fly

    Whether I ain't askin

    They say they love mah $@! in

    Seven Jeans

    True religion

    I say no

    But they keep givin

    So I keep on takin

    And no I aint taken

    We can keep on datin',

    Now keep on demonstratin'

    My love my love my love my love

    You love my lady lumps

    My bump my bump my bump

    My bumps they got you..

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