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Posts posted by gfloyd2002

  1. I don't think any of us are here on a crusade for what's morally right or ethical, as morals and ethics departed this arena long ago, if they could even be said to exist back then. We are here because we were declared on in activation of a treaty of yours, when we had not made any offensive maneuvers. That makes it a pre-emptive strike on a potential threat, and not necessarily the activation of a treaty, which is of course, but semantics.

    I was once a diplomat to MHA, and enjoyed your company back in the day. Looks like we are to enjoy your company more up close and personal, assuming you sent some talkative folks with whom we may b.s. to entertain ourselves throughout this war/curbstomp/gangbang.

    I think the point we were collectively making is that there is no true CB/justification for this from our end. You may of course interpret the chain of events differently.

    An honorable adversary. Its nice to hear an honest response under these circumstances. The MHA shares no ill-will or particular hatred towards Genesis, and desire a civil and respectful war. We wish you the best of luck and a good fight.

  2. Thanks to all who have dropped by our little shindig so far. But we've got plenty of aquahol to go around, and we look forward to more visitors!

    In the short time since the party started, we've already had 5000 posts. Mushroom Kingdom showed up in force and has taken the early lead in the alliance spam battle. Other categories remain wide open, however, and we'd love to have you stop by.

    If you have an embassy in MHA, come on over and say hello in your embassy on the way to the party! MHA Forums

  3. Will the aquahol be flowing?

    Oh, heck to the yes. Here is a description of the pan-galactic gargle blaster, the aquahol of choice for our party, as contained in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

    The best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster; it says that the drink's effect is similar to having one's brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick. The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster has also been described in the novel as the alcoholic equivalent to a mugging: expensive and bad for the head.

  4. thumb_pangalacticgargleblaster.jpg

    The Mostly Harmless alliance would like to express its appreciation to the many foreign diplomats who have so diligently stopped into the Mostly Harmless Forums over the years, posting alliance news, leadership changes, working on diplomatic issues, or just chatting.

    In appreciation for their efforts and friendship, the Mostly Harmless Alliance is pleased to invite those foreign diplomats to a party in their honor. All foreign diplomats to MHA are invited to visit to their embassies in the Mostly Harmless Forums, post a quick update for for your alliance, and to venture into our "Somebody Else's Problem" forum to join your party. Prizes await!

    Special thanks, and a special invitation, go to our friends in ACV, who so recently invited us to their place for a bash. We only hope ours is 1/2 as good.

  5. o/ Pete

    o/ DP

    o/ Vinny especially

    Another fantastic, entertaining, and funny read from the hoopy froods in Don't Panic. Keep up the great work folks :wub:

    Also, I want my half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich back.

    Sure, no one wants to claim the panties.

  6. NPO need not fight this war alone. If admin takes action against an NPO nation, tC will rally behind its brethren in NPO. MHA does not forget its origins in NPO and will face even admin and certain death to defend the great Mobius Accords! To arms! :jihad:

  7. Look, I'm not saying dpops is a media whore celebutant like Lindsay, Paris, etc., but is it a coincidence he's always around when the reporters are doing a story? And where is the paparazzi upskirt shot of dpops?

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